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Posts posted by Sco

  1. Re: System to win even if you lose lol:rollin I have to even laugh at myself.:eek Although to be fair i am a first time better since joining this forum and had not come across it. Anyway though despite how stupid this may sound im sure there is still money to be gained with it, and after thinking about it, i think even more so by betting on draws, now blackburn have drawn 6 out of the last 10. Now by sticking to draw specialists i should make a tidy profit, particularly if its in the second or 3rd round. Gonna try it anyway despite the :loon and the:rollin 's! lol Sco

  2. Re: System to win even if you lose Now just to put this into perspective. If it was based on a simpe tossing of a coin and there were no odds, there is a 1/64 chance that you would not win. Now the if you can figure out bets with good value, who you think have a 50/50 chance of winning then this is essentially what you are doing. Except i feel that with knowledge on players and statistics this can be overcome. Sco

  3. Now iv been thinking of this for a while. Now I dont expect this to be an original idea, but it may just work. The system I am thinking of is based around if you lose a bet, doubling your bet so that you cover your losses for the last one lost, and so on and so on. Now i can hear people worriying that it can all get out of hand very fast, which it can, which is why you need to play sensibly. Now for this to work best you need to eliminate the draw element in a match, so you could choose tennis or a sport that you cant draw in. First of all get a starting stake of say 10 pts. Now choose your maximum stake say 100pts. Now my idea is to bet on favorites, who have odds as near to 2 as possible, so that you roughly double your money. eg below 1.83 k beck v i andreev 1.83 Now statistically you have a 50/50 chance of winning this bet. So we will put a 2pt bet on say beck (just an example i havent checked any stats for this game) Now if we win we would return with 3.26pts. Now if this is the case, bank the profit...1.26pts and find another selection similar to above and play with 2 pts again. Now comes the losing part. If we lost our bet we would be 2pts down. So now we need to find a bet again roughly 1.9ish so we can win back the money. Bear in mind that as we are not gaining exactly 2 it may be less, in which case your stake may have to be higher. ie in the case of another 1.83 i would place a 5pts bet, which will bring you 9.15 pts in return. Now if this comes in we will have made a 2pts (approx) profit (including your first 2pt stake). Now keep doing this method until you win, at which point you stop, and add the profit to the bank. You then start again with your next 2pts. Now basically the way I see it, as long as you are willing to have continue until you win, thus why start small, then eventually you are bound to get it right, and win the money. Now if you view your own stats, and you get 1 right in every 3 on odds similar to these, then you may play with 4pts, expecting to never having to go much over 50 (this would be if you got 4 wrong in a row. If your getting more right than wrong, or have a larger bank then you could have a go at higher stakes. Also the odds can be whatever you like...you could win back the 2 pts lost on a Celtic win at football, at 1.20, but you would be risking 10pts, which would need a bigger risk if it lost. Anyway I will be triying it out, going to look for some selections tommorrow. Please let me know what you think. Sco

  4. Re: Tennis betting Got two more selections for tonights tennis. Both from bet365. Xavier Malisse to beat Alberto Martin @1.50 3pts Julien Benneteau to beat Potito Starace @1.53 Lleyton Hewitt to beat Arnaud Clement @1.14 1pt as a double (double brings odds to about 1.7 i think) Well wish me luck:hope Sco

  5. Re: Tennis betting the calleri game for me is too close to call. So not going to play that one. I think I may be putting a few more pts on mallise as am almost certain that he will win. I might even combine it in a treble with hewitt as despite his crap odds is surely going to win and should boost the odds a little. Il post back up when i get the results in, and if I post up any more selections. PS if anyone can help with my spreadsheet problem, either reply, PM, or email me at [email protected] Cheers Sco

  6. Re: Tennis betting Hi. Just wondering if anyone has an excell spreadsheet for tennis bets and results that calculates profits, stakes etc, that I could use? I am having difficulties getting the function bits to work to automatoically calculate the totals. Thanks if anyone can help Sco

  7. Re: Tennis betting Well not a bad start I must say. All came through winners, except the accumulator which I'm still waiting on, but Malisse I fancy to win and Johansson at such a big favourite should win too. I also put a double on for Kiefer to win and Johansson to win for 1.5pts, making the total expenditure for the day 5pts. Nicolas Kiefer to beat Sjeng Schalken @1.33 1pt :nana Thomas Enqvist to beat Raemon Sluiter @ 1.83 1pt :nana Cyril Saulnier to beat Paul Baccanello @ 1.28 1pt :nana Possibly should have gone with the phili game as well but hey, at least there were no losers... When the others come through il post up by new bank role, and place some bets for tonights games, and the Starace tip is tempting...il have a think. Sco

  8. Re: Tennis betting Thanks for the tips, and the link you posted, looked really good:clap The Philippoussis game I was umming and arghhing over, just because of how dangerous he can be. Il see how he does this game and consider it for the future. Anyway Il let you know what the profit or loses are from this anyway. Sco

  9. Re: celtic, rangers, arsenal, chelsea I think as a general rule you may win a small amount, but only a small amount. The stats you gave above said you would make £40 roughly. Bearing in mind that most of the games that the 'big' teams lose are to the other big teams (id guess this I havet checked) then you should make a bit of money in the long term, but bear in mind one bad week could lose you 15 pts or more... Sco

  10. I have an idea that i am trying to test out for tennis betting. Iv been ploughing through some stats and gone on a few hunches, starting off small to see if system works. Anyway here are all the bets (from bet365) Nicolas Kiefer to beat Sjeng Schalken @1.33 1pt Thomas Enqvist to beat Raemon Sluiter @ 1.83 1pt Cyril Saulnier to beat Paul Baccanello @ 1.28 1pt Accum (5) for Kiefer, Saulnier, Johansson, Taylor Dent and Malisse for them all to win. 0.5pts As I said its just starting off small to start to see how it goes.:tongue2 Sco

  11. Re: Do people shop around??? well its the first time iv tried it. Iv bet on the cambridge utd game at home to be a draw, the leeds game, and have put 2 pound singles on it, and a 1 pound double. The same for aston villas game and i think chelseas. I mean I think some of them are just hunches, but for the doubles if they are right i get 10 quid which makes 4 pounds even if i lose all the other stakes. Il keep you informed on how it goes. Sco

  12. My question is this. I have been checking odds at odds-comparison, and some of the bets I have been making at Ladbrokes could have been beaten elsewhere. As far as I know there are 'charges' at some of these other sites. I'm just wondering then if people shop around, even if its just for a .05 increase in the stake...its better than nothing? Bear in mind though that most of my bets are not over 5 pounds, I have been making lots of doubles on 2 draws, with singles on them both to cover myself if only one draws. Thanks again Sco

  13. Re: Is this tactic allowed? lol. Im afraid I am starting to think evertons bubble may be bursting! (coming from a leeds fan!) Anyway another thing I am thinking of doing is putting £1 single on 2 games I think will be draws, then putting £1 for a double for each of these. this means that if one of the bets come in as a draw, then as long as its 3.25 or above (they all are...i will make a profit. If both come in I will get £10 quid. I figure il do this 3 times, so one guess where they are both right will cover my losses, and any extra is a bonus. Sco

  14. Basically Iv been looking at some bets on ladbrokes and am quite tempted, but am not sure if I am allowed to do it or not? Basically the odds for any team to win, or draw are all over 2. EG Tottenham v everton. Home draw away 2.20 3.20 2.80 Now say for example I think that everton will not win. I can put £1 on a tottenham win, and £1 on a draw. Now obviously a draw is best, but a win would still get me a gain of 20p, and a draw...1.20 gain. Now first of all is this allowed by bookies? And secondly does anyone else use this method for games they think someone will not win? Thanks and sorry for the newbie question! Sco

  15. Only really started making a few bets mainly on football. I was wondering what peoples preffered ways of winning are. Iv been placing samll bets on accumultors but not winning much, so am thinking of putting larger amounts on teams that have really crap odds but are almost certain to win. IE hereford vs leigh the other day. I dont wana be betting more than a tenner on a game and wondered what peoples best tactics for winning small amounts were? thanks Sco

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