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Posts posted by Guppie

  1. Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 Thing is is player A-scores 25points site (1) week 1 and 10points site (2) 5 points site(3) Site 1 counts for his scores-he goes on a bad run on site 1 for the next 5 weeks and blazes sites 2 and 3 decides he wants to abandon site 1 but must continue with it because its the PL league:unsure even though hes out of contention there and still in with a chance on 2 and 3.

    Not sure if I'm missing something - there are 4 different VPL Buy In Leagues - can we not just count one league score for each player - their best score from the 4 leagues (overall)? Makes it easier for you guys to manage (no new calculation)' date=' gives everyone a chance. We can see progress, because it will be published on the VPL, and it doesnt overadvantage players playing all 4 leagues over players only playing one league.[/quote']
  2. Re: PL Achievements - 2010 Added:ok

    :ok 1000BB stack + stack a pro will be checkable by screenshot/hand histories. maybe 100k hands 250k hands and 500k hands (don't think anyone will do 1m, but you never know), easily checkable with HEM/PT screenshots
  3. Re: PL Achievements - 2010 Included those assume they are checkable:unsure How many hands would you suggest?

    How about some cash game categories? First 1000BB stack' date= first to x hands played, first to stack a full tilt pro etc.
  4. Re: VIP Poker League Season 2 This sounds fine to me but how about 4 x games afterwards with approx $25 added per game and the remainder used for positions in a PL league exclusive to those who participated as per below:unsure

    Play - 6 or more VIP games: You have contributed to PL to make the 3 added seats for the PL Mini League happen. You get to play the PL exclusive bonus game where the referral money is the prizepool
  5. This February, Betfred Poker will be running a massive $250,000 Double Up Sit‘N’Go promotion. Simply play as many Double Up Sit’N’Go tournaments as possible to be in with a chance of winning some great prizes. The promotion will consist of 4 weekly leaderboards, which rate players based on amount of double up’s played, and performance in those double up’s. The promotion will include all double up’s, but will not include triple up’s and heads up tournaments. The promotion will have four counting periods which gives you many chances to win your share of the prize pool whatever your bankroll. At Betfred we like to give a bit extra to our players so were also adding $10,000 worth of freerolls starting from the 1st February 2010, all you have to do is play in 20 double up sit’n’go tournaments of any value in the previous week to qualify. Click here for more information.

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