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Run Dmc Vs Pat Nevin

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Posts posted by Run Dmc Vs Pat Nevin

  1. Re: PL Heads UP - Standings, matches and Results in here please.. Cheers Guesswest, well played yourself too. I got very lucky with some river cards. Some good sportsmanship on both sides too. We both had technical problems at some stage during the match, but neither of us raised the other to try and steal the blinds. Apparently this hasn't been the case in all the games (tut, tut.) Stereoman, can we make our game either tommorow or friday?

  2. Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** Came 20th in tonights Virgin freeroll pocketing $9. Got knocked out by a straight flush of all things. Was a bit cheesed off that whenever they moved me to another table I got disconnected. Anyone else had this problem?

  3. Re: PL Heads UP - Standings, matches and Results in here please.. During my game with Jaded I kept getting a message flashing up in a box that said "Internet Explorer Script Error." And then asked me if I wanted to continue running scripts on this page. This only ever happens on Betfred for some reason. Martyn (or anyone else) do you know why this is? I'm guessing it's a problem at my end. Be nice to sort it out though as it's a bit of a pain having to get rid of the message every thirty seconds or so. It's also preventing me playing regularly at Betfred. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Weird thing is I don't even use internet explorer as I'm a AOL customer.

  4. Re: Is tonight the night???? Great stuff Trevor. Good to see a PL member mixing it up on TV. Not sure I'd have the balls to do it. You did yourself proud and didn't look out of place at all. Some nice comments from the two guys on the mic aswell.

  5. Re: Etiquette at Poker Online Sites I've witnesed our very own Jezza employ the trash-talking tactic. He usually types stuff like "DON'T YOU DARE CALL MY RAISES YOU MOFOS" in capitals like that. Seems to work for him by getting people to go on tilt.

  6. Re: GAF our man Yeah, the in-running updates really add something to playing MTT's. Helps me improve my game too as I don't want to be the first PL member out. Good work fella.

  7. Re: Establishing the bluff Been thinking about this quite a bit myself. In the past I've been guilty of going for the all-in bluff to try and scare my opponent away. I've quickly learnt that this isn't the way to go. It sends out out a massive signal that you've no hand. A tactic I've found to work is to raise an amount that's "begging for a call." It gets your opponent thinking that you've got a great hand and are trying to milk it for all you can. I vaguely recall one Amercian commentator saying that according to the legendary Stu Unger you need to bluff at a pot twice to make it convincing. I kinda agree with that, although it is easy to get over-commited when you do it. Of course some people are just unbluffable. On low-stakes tables people will play to the river regardless of what they've got.

  8. Re: Where's Jezza I was wondering the same thing too. He was all set to tell us about his trip to Vegas, then it all went quiet. I had this dreadful image of a load of heavies following him back from the States after he relieved them of their bankrolls. Let us know you're ok Jez.

  9. Re: Check or fold? Yeah, you never throw away your hand when you can see more cards for free. Last night I was in the big blind with 75o. I would have folded to any kind of bet, but no one raised. The flop came down 7 7 5. Happy days.

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