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Posts posted by QuantumParadox

  1. Re: Tennis, Week 5 non convincing game indeed, however class difference was obvious in favour of the cypriot, some people expecting baghdatis to go out from top 100 ranked, some more experienced in tennis world expecting him to climb again the scale and reach the top ten i tell you my opinion : the guy needs badly a challenge : imo he must adjust his service exactly as gonzales did, that means to try more technically serve, less powerfull,he is not big server,he is not 1.95 cm, and of course to move out of france, imo Usa would be the ideal place for baghdatis to continue his trainings under new coach lets go to fresh Zagreb atp tour everything is designed perfectly for ljubo to win anything higher than 2.00 is value imo, personally i see a final between baghdatis ljubicic, and ljubo the great to win i will continue my favorite method,to bet on all baghdatis games, all Ljubo games, as i see them as the final couple see you boys tip : WTA tour : Shahar Peer,the forthcoming number one now lets go to fresh

  2. Re: Tennis, Week 5 flash news flash news!! exclusive Zagreb 29/Jan information from Zagreb today, claims that Baghdatis is considering the challenge of leaving the Muratoglu accademy in France the 21 atp ranked cypriot, is on the way to follow the paradigm of other players,like Roddick Gonzales and Murray, all of them showed remarkable improvement after changing coach and tactics - i am thinking a lot about this, there are some dificulties though concerning long term comitments and contracts- Baghdatis

  3. Re: Tennis, Week 5 Monday 29/jan my top selections Querrey @1.27 ***** Baghdatis @1.28 ***** both five stars, means maximum confidence boys dont expect analysis of the matches in early rounds especially outside grand slam or master events, my predictions are based on my experience and some detailed approaching of the suggested picks. i have strong reasons for those picks odds are from betfair salut

  4. Re: Tennis, Mens Australian Open 2007 - Men he is finished, he cant continue like this, federer is gonna trash him is the ex gonzo s*hit , a lot of unforced errors, trembling in front of the totem,have to admit that fed doesnt allow him to play so far guys bye bye, the aussie is over for me, i had huge earnings,i go to eat fish now i dont care about the result, i dont want to watch any longer :nana:nana :nana :nana i come here after the final

  5. Re: Tennis, Mens Australian Open 2007 - Men AO FINAL CMON Gonzales @7.2 v Federer @1.16 lot of people worldwide is still beleiveing that federer is not a human being; a totem, or an alien who arrived on earth to win and win well, he is nothing more than a human, he is also beatable,nadal proved this last year when beat him FOUR times in a row, including one in HARD court CmonGonzales is the player of the 2007 aussie open : no doupt about this,under the new coache,the genious Larry Stefanki, gonzo showed incredible inprovment in all aspects, highly advanced service, opening up the court and then kiiling the points, by volley, smash,or easy forehands,federer does not have the movement to catch this service,therefore i predict that the swiss totem couldent find a lot of break points, not to say that i dont expect any break from federer's side CmonGonzales plays also excellent with the backhand slice, deep slice shots,not allowing to opponents chance to attack, while him self is finishing with a very impressive way by unbeleivable passings,or extremely powerfull forehands. CmonGonzales plays the best tennis ever at the moment; patient, powerfull, smart, minimum number of unforced errors... CmonGonzales IS THE PLAYER to beat totem,he is mentally and psychologically ready to do this,he is better than the totem at this moment,he is a complete player, with absolute no weak side boys, i leave you to analyse that federer is gonna win, but be sure that i am not willing to read any other post till the end of the final,because i decided to back gonzo to win, and in no circumstances i will allow my self to be affected by any opposite idea CMONGonzales to win the aussie open @7.2 betfair maximum confidence see you with the final:clap :clap :clap :clap

  6. Re: Tennis, Womans Australian Open 2007 - Women Serena oleeeeeeeeeeeeee oeeeeeeeoeoeeeeeeeeoooeeeoooeee Serena oeeeeeeeeeoeeoooee a true champion, great:clap :clap :clap what a tournament! what an amazing prediction i did! i will never forget it! it will remain as the triamph of the century oooeeeeee oooeeeeeeeeoooeeeee serena is the champion, i am the champion too.:nana :nana :nana see you later boys, have to sleep now oeeeooeeeeeeeeeeeee

  7. Re: Tennis, Womans Australian Open 2007 - Women AO FINAL Sharapova @1.47 v Williams @3.05 all readers of this forum know that i backed serena to win the aussie open,when price was 16/1, everybody know also that i predicted exactly the couple of final since 19/jan:nana :nana it is written here, go back and read, i reccomended serena as "betting opportunity" so, is no need to pepeat that i am on serena, no need to repeat how much money i earned because of serena,however, this is a final,i can not cover my bet, but i also dont want any cover, i will go to the and as true champion, i am on serena because she is a class above all wta tour, because she is borned to win,and nothing less than the trophy is to her satisfaction as for sharapova, yes she is the second best after serena, i dont like her game, i dont like listening her to shout all the time, actually i dont like any athlete behaving like arrogant, she is doomed to end by the champion, boys not much to say : thanks serena, thanks in advance,give the lesson to the russian cheers boys, serena to win the final @3.05 betfair for me, huge earnings so far, just want to finish as champion,and materialise my promise i gave to donald duck, in case of serena's win bye bye:clap :clap :clap

  8. Re: Tennis, Mens Australian Open 2007 - Men .......................................... CMON GONZOOOOOO oleeeeeeeeeeeeeee oeeeeeeeoeeeeeee gonzo oeeeeeeeeoeeeeeee first of all i have to say,that federer's backers must start to WORRY AND secondly i have to clear the situation: all those suggested haas would beat gonzales are belonging to follow caregories: .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... bye bye boys,you have are free people after all,express your nonses,and see you with the final : CMON GONZALES V FEDERER

  9. Re: Tennis, Mens Australian Open 2007 - Men AO SF Gonzales @1.47 v Haas @3.05 this is my last big bet for the aussie open (as we say big bang) LOL I see a cataclysmic betting stream on gonzo,i am also with the stream gonzales plays at the top level, using a new,post modern service,highly advanced and technique, he is a killer forehander,and he can slice the ball excellently with backhand,imo his backhand slice is equal to federer's one haas beleive me,is nothing special, around 50 atp players would beat him at any moment in above, as the chocolate,is the current form of gonzales,he is simply great not much to say my last big bet Gonzales to win @1.47 betfair :clap :clap :clap :clap huge value,dont miss it,see you tomorrow with the match,i already placed my bet, @1.45, my bookie started to worry LOLLLLL

  10. Re: Tennis, Mens Australian Open 2007 - Men a semi final with lot of empty seats at rod laver arena...people seems that fed up to see every time same players, this tennis machine federer ....i can not imagine any other result than a 3-0 win for him, roddick is a disaster appearance in semis, very poor player overall, but unfortunately all youngsters proved to be below expectations...

  11. Re: Tennis, Womans Australian Open 2007 - Women with all the respect to Tullenos, but under which criteria you rate vidisova above Peer?? perhaps you didnt watch the match williams v peers, well i did ,because again i was heavily on willians.... just to remind you that today,when score was 3-1 in second set, vaidisova was serving, and she did TWO double faults in a row,and then after a THIRD one, very easilly williams took the lead 4-1 almost without playing... the girl obviously is lacking personality, and in no circumstances to compare her with Peer, i repeat the israeli is better without any question,and i expect a great carrer in wta tour for this extremely talented young tiger from israel kind regards.

  12. Re: Tennis, Womans Australian Open 2007 - Women AO SF women Nicole Vaidisova @1.90 v Serena Williams @2.10 GREAT bet opportunity, here we have a legend come truth in theatre of tennis,against a young but overestimated czech to my eyes this should be 1.15 in favour of serena,the young czech is moving backwards, she is becoming ugly physically and gamely,she gained waight, and in my opinion her chances are near to ZERO THATS the reason i transfered today a cargo train loaded with euros to my gibraltar based bookie ( he offered me 1.900...not 2.10 though) and i am confident that the tennis tank called serena will win thats my theory,thays my idea, serena will play as true champion, she faced much harder opponents than nicole,for example Peer was amazing and fantastic, and in no circumstances to compare vaidisova with Peer, the israeli is by far the better one... good luck to everybody :clap :clap Serena Williams to win @2.10 betfair

  13. Re: Tennis, Mens Australian Open 2007 - Men Well well i am the guru of gurus! OEEEEEoeeeeeOOOEEEE GONZO OEEEEEEE GONZO GONZO GONZO :clap :clap :clap NADAL:moon :moon :moon hehehe, the fact is stupid Murray lost great chance to reach the final, Gonzo looks huge against Nadal, but DEFINETELY wouldnt do something if murray was here, gonzo plays almost totally with forehand, very weak and anaemic backhand stupid andy:spank

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