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Posts posted by Tsakiris7

  1. Good evening to all. I would like to share a strategy and would like to know if you have worked it out and your views on that strategy. In a game where there is a high chance of several corners, we choose to take a corner in the next ten minutes with a 1.50 odds if not verified then play the next ten times playing the original 3 times. I know it's a big risk but for so many years in fast paced games I haven't seen a corner for 30 to 40 minutes. I would like your opinion on this strategy or some change in it.

  2. @neutrid Thanks for your reply. I usually chose the second option from the ones you mentioned. I was just waiting for the game to go in about twenty minutes and then I chose not to score two goals until the 45th. That is because until the 20th the score can be 2-0 then I will choose under 4.5 HT. I've had so much success in this way I'm just trying as I mentioned before to find the best market for these returns. Every advice welcome Thank you again

  3. Good evening everyone.I would like to ask a question that can be complicated because my English isnt good. I deal with low yields such as 1.03 to 1.10. say for example we have the same market at 1.05 in basketball and soccer and handball hockey e.t.c. I'm trying to find the best and most reliable market for this performance so I can reduce the likelihood of defeat.could anyone who knows the markets offered by betting companies or is experienced in such odds in which sport would find better markets with the same odds? I'm sorry if I confused you. I tried to write as clearly as I could

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