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Posts posted by IamMoe123

  1. Re: Transitioning from Online Tournaments to Live Tournaments - Advice request Thanks for the advice given thus far. It's very helpful, and the pointers are easy to implement practically. I really don't think I'll have a major issue concerning the money, or at least I don't think so. More commonly I end up leveling myself. I've played 2 of the scheduled tournaments in the MK casino for some practice. Ended up 14 or 13th out of an 80ish field tonight. Crippled myself by overthinking villains hand. I have to learn that just because it's a younger, Victor Blom look alike with a hoodie and leather bracelets, they can still play weak tight :) I hope more old hands will feel free to contribute with any wisdom. Again, thanks thus far.

  2. Hi all, I was hoping to get some advice on transitioning between playing online to live. Although I realize this is an open subject, and vague question, I figured that I might as well ask it. The main reason being, I'm used to multi-tabling tournaments and juggling various other things at the same time to keep myself entertained. While playing live, with 1 hand dealt ever 10-15 hands/h is a stark contrast to being dealt 100 x 4 hands/h, I've found myself growing bored quickly and playing sub-optimally. Additionally, I'm sure that ranges shift quite widely when people can't hide behind the anonymity of their screen names. Now I have the opportunity of playing the GUKPT £1090, and figure I should do my due diligence in the form of prep-work. More concrete questions: Does anyone have any advice on keeping themselves mentally alert when playing 2-day events? Is there a big difference in hand ranges/aggression factors between online and live? Mental exercises for fighting off tilt? Has anyone else made a transition from online to live, and what were the initial stumbles? Anyone who avidly plays both, what's the biggest difference for you? Any advice on offer / flaming is welcome. Other than that, I hope to contribute to this forum in a positive way.

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