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Posts posted by suludtreci

  1. Re: April 14 - April 21

    Kohli played like stupid idiot and kill me if the number of serves he managed to return exceeded 5. However, he managed to cover the overs , albeit very close, ufff. Healthy 12.5 pts profit for today. Plus 8.3 pts from that Goffin match it takes me to +20 pts for the tournament which is enough. Keeping the Murray future running and see ya next week or so.
    great calls... thnx!
  2. Re: Volleyball [TABLE=class: razrada]

    [TR] [TD=class: nazivPonude, colspan: 2]ŽOK Rijeka-ŽOK Split (1:1) [/TD] [TD=class: datumPonude, bgcolor: #666666]wed 19:00 [/TD] [TD] 1,10 - 5,00 [/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #C20202][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] We have a final third game of the Croatian women championship semifinals. Rijeka is multiple and several times in a row champion. The thing is that their team has weakened year after year, but harsh coach Lovrinov (national coach also) has managed to pull off a good result year after year. The situation culminated last year when the club had to restructure, close the old one and open new one under similar name because of financial problems. Split on the other hand is in a bit better situation and even brought in 3 American players couple a months ago, that made it to the first team immediatly. They needed some time to gel, because setter, spiker and blocker is half of the team. Those two teams played 3 games in the last month and a half and I watched them all. In the first one, Split was a hard nut and even should taken a set, but game ended 3-0. In the second one week ago Split put in quite a performance and took a set, and only a slight help from the officials in critical moments prevented Split to have more from that game. Both of those games were played in Rijeka. And the last one played on Sunday, Split won at home turf. It was a hard game that ended 3-2 but Split showed that they are equal in quality to Rijeka. Odds on Split in the game they won was 4.00, and Rijeka 1.20. Today we have a similar situation but the odds are set like this because Rijeka hasn't lost game at home for years, but that was only due to superior quality they possesed vs. other teams which is not the case this year. As said before they are approx. equal in quality. The only advantage Rijeka has in starting lineup is setter which is taller and bit better than Split's. Disadvantage though is that Rijeka has only 1 quality substitution and the 2 remaining players are 17 and 18 years old girls with this stage and quality of the game way over their heads. Another thing is out of form Rijeka's blocker Susic (returned 2 months ago after 11 months break.knee injury) and coach Lovrinov avoids to setter play too much on her. Split has a longer bench, not the world class but can step in for a while when needed. I guess the perfect bet would be H2 where avaliable, but i will try it clear 2. Medium stake. Cheers
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