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Posts posted by babyduck

  1. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    ADMIN' date= please close this thread down, like previous posters have said, it is not fair for kmabet to be leading this poor deluded people down a fruitless road like this. If it was not already obvious (through the fact it IS and has been proven to be mathematically impossible) that kmabet is trolling, then surely recent relevations completely prove it. He claims not to have ever heard of the original thread on the uk betting tips forum, yet his first post in this thread is a direct quote from it. Surelt you don't want people like this on your forum, tarnishing your name and leading innocent people into wasting their time? (kmabet asking people who think they have "cracked it" to PM their idea to him, is fishy enough and should not happen on a public forum.)
  2. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    Also Duck, I feel you should re-evaluate your position bearing in mind you have made 8 posts and are already demanding this thread be shut down. You and the Dr will get on just fine.
    I just don't like fishers/bullsh*tters. Some poor sods will believe this crap and waste a load of their tine for nothing. I've wasted a few hours tonight but won't be wasting any more on this thread.
  3. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    Trading is not hard if you know (or expect with great certainty) how the event will develop - many goals,not many goals,quick first goal or not et.c.t. Tell me something: are you or are you not the same person that did post several times on uk tips with the name Kmabet and after being banned came back with the name thinkletoes (or something like that) and after a few posts got banned again as he was pretending not to be Kmabet and does not have knowledge of his previos posts:D?
    Kmabet talking bolx then! As I thought. Maybe this thread should be closed....how/who does that?
  4. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    I was just lost as to how 10 timing my lay stake only increases my liability from £468 to £500?
    You misunderstood then. I was stating that I was amazed you couldn't even lay to lose £500!! In my opinion in the markets you're playing you should up you lay of HT 0-0 to at least £5k liability, more if possible. Now actually answer my questions. Do you pay PC? What commission rate do you pay? Duck
  5. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    The part I don't understand is that you are suggesting if I increase my lay stake tenfold' date=' my liability only increases by an extremely small disproportionate amount.[/quote'] Now you've lost me! Where do I suggest 'if I increase my lay stake tenfold, my liability only increases by an extremely small disproportionate amount' ?? Duck
  6. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    Thankyou for your post anyway DUCK! It is the lay I cannot cover as I leave myself short if I have 3 games in running. If i increase my lay stake tenfold, I increase my liability proportionally. I therefore do not understand a part of your post! As you will be aware, bet 1 won tonight for a guaranteed profit overall.
    Wtf just bet x3 on one game!! You make the same (pretty much) every game so grow some balls crank up your stake and just work a few days a month. If you don't get the rest of my post about commission and PC then you'r obviously not a winner a Betfair. Duck
  7. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    I feel you may have misunderstood something here duck! This method is not and can not be applied to every single game!! Some games do not qualify because of the odds. The differentials must be correct. I, like you, cannot believe I have developed an infallible system from this! But I'm left with no other explanation for what is evident before my very eyes!
    I didn't mention betting on every single game. I said you should increase your bank to bet to at least 10x tonight's level. Are you telling me you can't fund a liability of £500, tonight's liability was £468 from memory? I guess you're betting at about 4% commission on Betfair, get yourself involved in a 2%, no PC account (I could help you there) and you're set. But to be honest I still don't believe you. Cheers Duck
  8. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    It will take time for me to build a sizeable betting balance. The returns are good but they will not make me an instant millionaire now will they? Slowly, slowly is ok for me. You should eliminate greed from your betting mindset right.... NOW!!!
    Sorry but that too is a load of old bolx. If the system was infallible you'd be sorting out a major loan to increase your bank as a matter of urgency. You could 'borrow' £10-25k interest free on a credit card, for a 3% fee, and up your stakes 10 fold!! I assume you have to pay the PC? But then that doesn't matter I suppose if you win everytime!! What commission rate are you on??
  9. Re: Work this one out!! (Lunatism where are you?)

    Oh sorry I misunderstood what you were asking. For tonights game if Bet 1 Liability is - £468 Then, Bet 2 Potential profit is - £1848.00
    I've only just joined PL and I'm having a quick look round a few threads. Too much on this one to read everything but from my quick perusal it seems that kmabet claims to have discovered some sort of no lose combination of bets on Betfair? I don't for one minute believe that but if it was true I certainly wouldn't be mucking about with the ridiculously small stakes quoted above!! Kmabet grow some balls boy and start to bet in believable amounts!! What a load of old bolx!
  10. Re: A football rating system, discussions, ideas

    Yes' date=' creating the odds from the ratings is a significant part of the project, [i']and IMO the choice of metric plays a major part. This part will come later here - but suffice to say that I use past predictions/results to come up with new predictions to make odds lines. Was having a good old read of this thread, which gradually went further and further over my head! But did the above ever get covered? Assuming you have your rating for each team how do you calaculate these into match odds? Any advise appreciated Thanks The Duck
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