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Posts posted by turfaccountantsnightmare

  1. Re: Hugh Taylor Hello to everyone, I have read the posts about Hugh Taylor and have found them amusing. Anyone offering free tips that are profitable can't be bad. I like to look at his tips to see which horses he selects to realise any drastic market movers in the morning especially if I have made the same selection. A lot of what has been stated in the posts is right but please remember that the points staking system that Hugh Taylor has is IMPOSSIBLE to use with ANY fixed odds bookmaker. Any punter who turns over a regular profit with ANY traditional bookmaker will either be restricted or barred. I like to think of all bookmakers as Turf Accountants as they balance their books every day and will never lay a decent bet for any selection that has a chance. I think anyone reading Hugh Taylor's tips with his 'Points' stated should use them as a pointer and not be so naive to believe that several hundred pounds could be staked with a bookmaker. I am barred from most of the smaller bookmakers and the biggest bookmakers in the UK will only let me bet £5 or £10 bets. Therefore, how can anyone put £100 or more on a horse unless they have a losing streak. Also, I can't imagine ANY bookmaker allowing Hugh Taylor to put a bet on with them knowing he has the potential to turn a profit? Remember, if anyone can place a large bet on a horse with a bookmaker then they will have an account in LOSS and not profit unless they are a new punter. Bookmakers don't exist only Turf Accountants!

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