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Posts posted by mix_master

  1. I fancy having another go at a glory hunt, this time backing football multiples. I will be staking 50% of the bank on each multiple, and will have a maximum of 4 selections and aiming for odds of 2.0-3.0 Starting bank: £100 Bet 1: Tottenham Chelsea Olympiakos Stake: £50 @ 2.69

  2. Looking for peoples opinions really. If one were to have a lot of spare time on their hands, and able to deposit a decent regular amount (say £1k per month) what do you think the best options are? I've been looking into trading but from what I read Betfair is becoming more and more difficult to make any profit from. I did dabble with BetAngel a couple of years back and the potential was certainly there but not sure whether thats still the case? Horse racing trading would be ideal due to the sociable hours and regular markets but it just seems so volatile. Arbing seems pretty much a non starter due to bookmakers limiting peoples accounts at the first sign of an arber. Although I might be wrong here. I'd rather use a system of some kind but is there anything out there reliable enough for a 1-2% gain per week? Any ideas welcome :)

  3. Re: 1p to a million in 28 steps Ok sorry, but this is a joke. People should be 'grateful' for your tips which so far equate to "dutching the 2 favs"? How can that even be considered a tip? In a volatile market such as horse racing the favourite could change between several runners in as little as 10 minutes before the off, so what are your selections? What if there are three favourites? Is it based on the SP fave? And if so how are you dutching without knowing the odds prior to placing the bet? It involves no thought whatsoever to just tell someone to back the favourite. I wish you the best of luck, you'll need it!

  4. Re: Stable Master's Glory Hunt for Alfa Romeo Giulietta! Excellent thread mate! Very inspirational, I can see you getting that car in a few months at this rate. Would love to know how you come up with your selections but I'm sure there is a lot involved. Keep posting the picks, I'll start following with my own money next week and hope I don't jinx your success!

  5. Just found an ebook of all three Harrington books to get stuck into. I'll see if this improves my play at all. Then i'll try the Kill Everyone. Cheers

  6. Been struggling on MTTs to even min cash and then for a laugh I decide to enter one of the $0.02 990 player hyper-turbos on Stars. Only go and win the damn thing. I got 220 times my stake back, a whopping $4.40 but seriously wtf. It annoyed me more than anything else. The one tourney which relies purely on luck and I get the lions share. In the previous MTT which I was taking seriously, some tool called my all-in of KK with Q6o and flopped quads!! :@

  7. Hi, I'm looking to improve my game somewhat, in particular MTT's, the large entry ones (500+ entries). I can make min cash occasionally but I'm struggling to go the distance and I think my strategy is wrong. Either that or I just can't keep my patience. I'm looking to find any books that specialise on these type of tournaments, any suggestions? Thanks

  8. Anyone play any of the regular tourneys here? I'm mostly an internet poker player with a few pub league tourneys but fancied a bigger buy in event. However the location puts me off, along with the kind of people i might find in there! Any thoughts?

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