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** April Poker League Result : 1st Like2Fish, 2nd McG, 3rd andybell666 **


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Posts posted by tiswal

  1. Re: India vs Australia - T20 International & ODI Series

    I backed Australia to go past a fairly comfortable target when batting which they didn't reach.
    This is a prime example of why you should leave cricket betting alone, I assume you bought runs at over 220 when Australia we're entering the final 5-6 overs at odds of around 5/6 ? In reality yes they were doing well but how many times ever has a team scored over 220 runs in a T20 / against India etc. It was never a odds-on comfortable target but from your comments I suspect you thought you were buying money. I think you need to steer clear mate and sit back and watch a lot of matches before stumping up anymore cash.
  2. Re: India vs Australia - T20 International & ODI Series

    I'm looking for a bit of advice with regards to cricket betting please guys. I don't really know the sport but is there money to be made by betting on it? I'm losing loads on it but I think I may be going about it the wrong way. Is it best to leave the in-running betting alone because I seem to be racking up a lot of losses on the in-running betting. Today for example, I was on India pre-match but panicked and switched allegiances during the match. Also, again I backed Australia to go past a fairly comfortable target when batting which they didn't reach. Is it as simple as a general 'no in-play betting' rule or what would you advise? Any other tips with regards to cricket betting or any suggestions as to where the value lies? Thanks
    There is money to be made on cricket betting for sure, but just to echo the other comments on here it's not a sport to bet on if you don't know what's going on. The fluctuations particularly in limited over matches can be fast and furious and if you don't understand what you're watching then you could well get screwed which sounds like whats happening. Personally I tend to (in T20 or ODI) not take a position until I've watched the first handful of overs (2-3 in T20, 8-12 in ODI's) to see how it's playing etc before getting involved. If I don't see an angle I don't bother which is why I rarely bet pre-match unless I've pretty confident or it's a non live county match I've taken a view on. Anyway, you should stick to what you know, if you're having a dire run in a sport you usually bet on e.g. football then chasing losses on a game you don't understand is not the answer. I know as I've been there in the past and I stick exclusively to cricket now to prevent to leakage of cash into sports I didn't have enough knowledge of.
  3. Re: Yorkshire Bank 40 2013 Glamorgan is the only bet for me today, Yorkshire have named their most inexperienced squad of the tournament (which takes some doing believe me!), the only experienced batsmen are Lyth and Williamson (coming off the back of his golden duck debut in the championship). Alex Lees is also in the squad having a good season but still can hardly be classed as experienced yet, other than that they're playing kids/second string batsmen. Bowling wise it's also a heavily depleted side with players being held back for the crucial 4 day game. Barring some miracle or a Glamorgan brainstorm (induced by the possibility of qualifying for the semi finals) Yorkshire will be nowhere near competitive here. Pyrah will be captaining and will do his usual decent efforts with the bat and ball, but unless the experienced players get a century apiece and Pyrah or Ashraf take a 5 for I can't see Yorks staying in the game. Yorkshire were hammered in the last 40 over match with a stronger squad than today, Glamorgan won easily yesterday and I can see only one result here. A win will almost certainly mean Glamorgan qualify and I can't see this Yorkshire squad stopping them. My only remaining issue is deciding how heavy to go in, the odds in reality should almost be the same as though the Unicorns were playing Glamorgan not Yorkshire. (To declare an interest, I'm a Yorkshire supporter)

  4. Re: Friends Life T20 2013 Any views on Glamorgan v Glos ? I'm thinking of value with Glos here for a few reasons - they hammered the same team last week ( minus Simon Jones admittedly), Glos have had a rocket from the boss re playing for their careers so they won't be turning up to make up the numbers and Glamorgans boss did an interview paraphrased as 'we won't bottle it' which in my view makes it more of a possibility ! Glamorgan overseas North has been very poor and slow scoring compared to Klinger. I expect a slow wicket and if Glamorgan bat first Glos should chase it down. * * * * I'd avoid the nothants match as they likely to rest players and worcs are without Russell so no bet there for me. In the other match i fancy somerset but not at odds on. I may dabble in running on that if they drift.

  5. Re: Cricket: England vs South Africa Test Series

    Hope you both get an opportunity to claw some of the deficit back. :welcome to PL tiswal. For what it's worth I've a feeling we'll be made to bat again in this match. They can't bat that badly again and by the same token we're unlikely to take so many good catches either.
    Managed to claw back a miniscule amount (about 10%!) of losses by going low on SA 2nd innings, roll on Headingley !
  6. Re: Cricket: England vs South Africa Test Series

    big trouble on the Pie balance sheet in this one. Have been waiting for a chance to get back in. AB de Villiers now in on 3. Quoted at 48-53 runs. Looks composed, correct and determined. 5 pts BUY de Villiers @ 53
    My first post on here although been an occasional reader over the last few years, I primarily only spread bet and mainly on cricket but this test has crippled me - sold Eng runs at 380 and bought SA runs at 385, 5 pts each so I share your pain. Did you close out the De Villiers bet at profit? Tempted by SA 2nd Innings sell at 380 as even if they hang around for over a day they don't look to be in a rush to score plus pitch seems to be scuffing up a bit. Think I'll wait to see what the weathers like, my luck's clearly out though so may be best to leave alone!
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