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Posts posted by 2white

  1. Re: Copa Sudamericana Los vecinos de patio llegan al torneo internacional en momentos dispares, lo que explicará que afronten la eliminatoria con actitudes bien diferentes. 'Flu' viene en crisis y 'Fla' es muy irregular. El Fluminense está sumido en una crisis, penúltimo en el Campeonato Brasileño, en puestos que le llevarían a la segunda división el año que viene. Por ello, el técnico Renato Gaúcho ya ha anunciado que va a alinear a un equipo compuesto por suplentes y juveniles, reservando a los titulares para la decimonovena jornada de Liga. El Flamengo atraviesa un momento irregular en la campaña, pero llega con la moral subida después de conseguir una victoria convincente en la Liga por 1-0 sobre uno de sus rivales más enconados, el Corinthians. Para los rojinegros, nunca existe excusa para tomarse a broma un partido contra su máximo rival, por lo que el entrenador Andrade minimizará las rotaciones. La directiva del club sabe que luchar por la Liga ya es una tarea complicada, así que han dado orden de dar su correspondiente relevancia a la Sudamericana que, en caso de ganarla, supondría el primer título internacional en una década, después de la Copa Mercosur de 1999. Mañana, la mejor baza para el Flamengo será el mundialista Adriano, un delantero que está brillando de nuevo en el Campeonato Brasileño, en el que lidera la tabla de goleadores con diez dianas. El "Emperador" necesita demostrar el buen ritmo de su recuperación si quiere volver a llamar la atención del seleccionador nacional, Dunga, antes del Mundial de Sudáfrica. Para comenzar en la competición, tendrá una buena opción de exhibir sus cualidades ante una defensa compuesta por una galería de suplentes y juveniles. Si Renato Gaúcho confirma que toma el camino de reservar a sus mejores hombres, será difícil conseguir darle la vuelta a las estadísticas de los enfrentamientos recientes de ambos clubes. Las tres veces que se han cruzado esta temporada los dos cariocas se han saldado con dos empates y una victoria para el Flamengo, que ocurrió en un partido decisivo como las semifinales del torneo regional de Río de Janeiro.

  2. Re: Brazil » Série A (1/2 august)

    Going to go against the grain but playing Corinthians ML now the value at around 2.00 on a home win is going to worth it. Sure they are without Dentinho/Ronaldo...ummm do they not also have other players to fill in the void. Mind you they did get their arse handled to rivals Palmeiras...do you really think they lose twice in a row at home? doubt it.
  3. Re: My Baseball Sys WOW !!!! U R on FIRE !!!! do u always post very late at night? hope you don't mind me asking, because I seriously wanna double check my bets with yours. Outstanding. Big props to u

  4. Re: UEFA Cup QF return leg 16/4

    Well how about that' date=' he scores 2 for you! :clap[/quote'] Yes, but how disappointing the outcome...they had the right approach to this game, kind of a jinxed team somehow, let alone the referee's poor judgement. ...and that little devil Diego indeed made a difference: I sure hope Juve wil get him, AND change coach LOL
  5. Re: UEFA Cup QF return leg 16/4

    I agree with your thinking, both teams have nothing to play for in their domestic leagues so UEFA is all or nothing pretty much. I do feel even if Diego does play and he isn't 100% he isn't going to be as useful, Pasquale will surely tell Inler to get really physical in the middle. Di Natale's absence will be missed but it's not like they don't have enough strikers to fill in the void. I did mention in the Antebet that Udine were a team to watch, than backed out due to their slump but now....seems like they have nothing to lose here. I honestly don't care if it's 1-0, 2-1, 2-0 I just want Udinese to win this match!
    NICE. I'm tailing: Udinese -0.5@hefty +140 is all we need
  6. Re: UEFA Cup QF return leg 16/4

    Key players here are D'Agostino and Gokhan Inler, they both were rested on the weekend vs Reggina...well Inler came on in the 2nd half but pretty much majority of the first team regulars were rested for this match. I heard Diego may not play today? If that's true, there is a big gap in the middle for Bremen to fill in.
    Diego is said to be not 100%....somehow I believe he will be playing, or he could have easily remain in Germany. Given the dull position in Classifica serie A(not in danger and not competing neither for specific placement), Udinese is really gung ho with Uefa cup. But so is werder. Not sure what I will play but for now I 'll put same change on Quagliarella to score at any time@+140
  7. Re: UEFA Cup QF return leg 16/4 If anybody interested :Last news from Udinese Pepe & Isla are not totally fit and probably will not make it tonite, although the Azzurro Pepe really will try his best to be there. Marino the coach will go in with 4-3-3, but not certain yet on who will are the three in front. Handanovic for sure (keeper) defense: Zapata, Domizzi, Felipe e Lukovic/ at midfield: D'Agostino, Inler e Asamoah. In front sure are: Quagliarella & Sanchez, but Pepe could leave his place to Floro Flores in the middle. Of course if this will be the choice, there will be less cover in counter attack, as only Pepe among those forwards , comes back when needed.

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