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Posts posted by pernova37

  1. Re: 32Red BTB - Beat the Babes! - Saturday 9:30pm Hiya McG....my other half discovered the extra bounties earlier...should be an interesting game. Hmmmmmmmm...I can see that I am going to come out of this game very very rich 2nite...by the time I have knocked out the seven babes and won!!!! LOL...in my dreams. GL for 2night all of ya.

  2. Re: I've taken the plunge!! Thankyou all very much for the really warm welcome:D. Life is so bloody busy.....mum of 3... Avon rep...house wife.....not to mention the poker playing too:lol. I have not had a chance to come back on here for a few weeks, but it is nice to come back to the messages...once again thanks guys.

  3. I have recently come across a few of you guys whilst playing in MTTS on GNUF and 32red :D......Croc,S spiersey, Telepe, Heniek and Lee-m spring to mind. I can't remember which one of you told me about this site but one of you did :clap. Yes it as taken me a while to actually get around to registering myself on here....well it is a very busy life been a mum of 3 young 'uns and an housewife (not to mention having a long term boyfriend to look after :tongue2!!!!). I have had a quick browse around and I have voted for the focus game. I have been playing poker for a few years and my fave is Omaha hi/lo, although I often play Hold'em and razz......I have even had a dabble on 5 card stud recently. What riles me?????? Thats easy....players who get beat fair and square and then proceed to call you idiot, nob etc. Anyway, got to go now to prepare for my next game, hopefully I will win some cash:hope.........but I'll be back soon.... bye for now ;)

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