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Posts posted by terrygust

  1. Re: Betting system with more then 20% Guys, I've compiled the data I have so I got acurate information about my algorythim. Considering $10 for each bet made, this is what I have: 1. 7.752 oportunities of bet analyzed 2. 485 bets made (6,25%) 3. Total money invested: $ 4.850,00 4. Total money returned: $ 5.624,90 5. Profit: $ 774,90 6. % of return for each $ invested: 15,97% This is my algorythim's actual results. [TABLE=width: 75]

    [TR] [TD=class: xl63, width: 75, align: right][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] What do you guys think?
  2. Re: Betting system with more then 20% Froment, thank you for your answer. Do you often or professionally? In this case, which % would you consider to be good for a system? And at the same time, which amostrage would you think to be enough for you to say, based on your experience, that it indeed works? One last question (hey, thanks for your time!!): if you were sure about the profitability of a system like mine, how much would you be paying to have it exclusively for yourself? I am pretty sure everyone thinks: "hey, what a stupid guy. He has an open window that could lead him to $$$$$ and he is only aiming for $". The thing is: 1. I consider the possibility of my system to be discovered and then my account limited or its principles "fixed"; 2. There are only a few people I know that could handle the mathematics and the operation that I constructed. If I HIRE someone to do it and he eventually messes it up, then, well, my money is gone. Doubts, doubts, doubts! Thanks for your time!!

  3. Hey guys. For the past 11 months, I've been working on an idea I had one day, a betting system that had in consideration mathematical and tennis aspects that seemed to be ignored by some bookies. I've always betted as a hobbie and always amazed me the idea of finding bad evaluations by bookies. One day I came up with the idea and researched into some bookies to find out if they covered my discovery: they didn't. So I worked those 11 months to have the proof of my concept and also to gather information to back it. I have it now. What I found out: 1. that my concept was correct in 50% of the situations; 2. that the 50% of the situation I could not predict a result were, in fact, coherent with the concept from the beggining; 3. with some information (that are public, nothing special), it can obtain more then 20% for every $ betted (I have more then 25% now, but I think that a larger sample would slightly decrease my results). So the thing is: I want to do something with this system to have a good return without having to put more work over it. I have to finish my PHD thesis in less then 6 months and I cannot have any more time dedicated to other activities. So I ask you guys: do you think it is better to sell the system to 1 person (a), to the bookies (b) or sell the software that makes the calculation to the whole public ©? My idea is just to have a good amount of $$ to peacefully finish my PHD thesis. The advantage of A and B would be the facility envolved both to transfer all the info and move on. What do you guys think? Thanks! B.

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