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Posts posted by kkalkki

  1. Re: CL quarters first leg - Tue 3/4 - Wed 4/4

    SportFootball (Euro Cups)
    EventSevilla - Tottenham
    SelectionTottenham +0,5 (Asian Handicap)
    Bookmaker/PriceBetfair @ 2.17 (Back)
    Sevilla is not in good form. They have kanoute injured, he will play but he is not 100%. Easter week in Sevilla is special all the city is celebrating the religious dates and i don't think the stadium will be full. Maybe same players (specially the spaniards) are also thinking more in Easter than in the match. Tottenham form is impressive, they have won all the matches UEFA CUP and the last 5 in premiership. I think they can win, but a draw could be ok for them because they have a second match in Tottenham so the asian +0,5 is my choice.
  2. Re: CL quarters first leg - Tue 3/4 - Wed 4/4 Roma - Manú AH Roma -0 Stake 5/10 Betfair @1.93 Roma has not loose an european match for the last 9 game (since 2004 against R.Madrid). They win against Lyon the past round. Man'u has a lot of injuires and they are not playing well far from Old Trafford. Roma should win or at least not loose this game

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