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Posts posted by oddbet82

  1. Re: UEFA Cup (Nov 2) Ppl askin for Panathinaikaos - Mlada game...Mlada, as greek sites report, might have probs with at least 5 first team players being sick with food poisoning (now i don't know that's how it's called exactly...thing is they probably s**t more than they talk at the mo). Those r Palat, Kisela, Koulic, Matejovski (all names translated from greek site) and the 2nd Keeper. Players might play but they certainly won't be @ their 100%. Also out for Mlada r Abraham and Smerto for different reasons. Now this might look all to easy for PAO BUT it's true that there could b changes in the squad bcoz of Sunday's game against Olympiakos. Also Panathinaikos players will have to face the cold there and the fact that they haven't played gd at all up until now in the greek league and UEFA cup. Main prob for Panathinaikos is fatigue....not the best summer training and the team can't seem to play at all after 45-60 mins... I think it will end up as a draw or 2 if Mlada's players have serious illness probs in addition with Panathinaikos havin most from the first team playin.

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