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Posts posted by LadyLuck

  1. Re: Showing cards I don't think it's arrogant to show your cards, well not against people you know anyway. I don't show them all the time, but if I do show them, I do it to show I'm not bluffing esp on big hands against players I respect, and I like it when other people do the same tbh. Don't know why, it just seems like the fair thing to do had never thought of it as arrogance or deceitful play really (oh well guess I'm still pretty nieve! which maybe 2damnhype you'll interpret as weakness! lol)

  2. Re: If you're playing now... All on this thread please. Zara, Sorry I wasn't around to play you on Ladbrokes, had my Connection cut all weekend, totally sucked, so there was no Poker for me :( But sure some other time would be good, will be out for a while tonight, but maybe later, definitely some time :ok

  3. Re: If you're playing now... All on this thread please. Thanks for tip about Pacific Poker, Heads up definitely isn't my strength really, just something I need to practice! :) Why don't you try the $5/$10 MTTs, I've just started playing them, doing ok, found that they are less likely to fold to raises with QQ, AK and KK. Have found it more exciting so far, they test your endurance anyway :lol

  4. Re: Raising preflop with good hands in stt's I've had the same problem with STTs, big hands haven't made me big wins unless others have big hands too and then it can be the luck of the draw. I've not been playing long and am just a beginner, but if you're on a table like that where everyone is being more conservative, I'd simply lower my raise - I wouldn't call 5 x the big blinds unless I had a very big hand, but I'd be more likely to call a small raise, and many people will even if their hand isn't so good. If you want them to call you then you've got to make it cheap for them I guess. I wouldn't reccomend you playing like a loon though, I think it'd only come back and bite you on the ass, if people are making the effort to read you they'll probably work you out in the end! Or will be sticking to their own rules of what hands they play, what the pot odds are etc. I think a lot of the weaker players on the STTs (lower buy-ins), aren't always paying attention to be honest and so your efforts could be lost on them anyway. But there's no harm I guess in trying your ideas out and seeing what works for you if the stakes are low.

  5. Re: Luckiest/ most unusual winning hands Wow Jez, Pretty amazing story, three sets on board just at the flop! Putting seven people out at once! Never seen or heard of anything like it, what are the odds of that happening? :clap Is there a world record for that sort of thing?... Pity it wasn't a live game - would have loved to have seen their faces :lol

  6. Re: Not a happy chappy! Wayne, I appreciate that I don't know you and you can tell me to butt out if you like, but I think that mood and attitude have a lot to do with how well you do. I find that if Something goes wrong and it gets to me then everything seems to go wrong at that time too, I was suffering from a bad run of luck myself lately (nothing compared to what you've had to go through), it seemed like nothing I did changed things either. For me taking a break was the best solution, remove yourself from it and come back to it with a fresh mind and as positive a mood as you can, maybe do somthing else that keeps your mind sharp for a while, or play on the low level STTs that you're bound to do well in to build up your positivity about playing. It can be too easy when things are going badly to over-analyse what you did wrong and focus on the negatives; when what you need to do is start feeling good about yourself again :) Good Luck!

  7. Re: Luckiest/ most unusual winning hands You know it is so sad :cry to know that out of all the people who viewed this thread none of them have been lucky! Come on people, there must be some fun stories out there to be shared. Anyway my most impressive hand was when I first started playing and I got a straight flush (which I needed to be pointed out to me by someone else), because I just saw the straight as I can be flush blind (3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c). Nothing as exciting as a Royal Flush though but thought it was pretty cool. :) Ok, I know it isn't as exciting as some of your stories - so share them here with me (please so that I'm not the only person who has been so sad that only they replied to their thread!) :eyes

  8. Re: Celeb poker club on challenge at the moment I was pleasantly surprised to see Ashley Hames (the guy who gets himself into all kinds of bizarre, amuzing and terrifying 'situations' in Sin Cities) looking the part puffing away and guarding his huge stack...lol. Yeah they weren't exactly the best players ever, but a good bit of fun watching how they played. I esp found Slick Vic from Big Bro going on about getting the job done....and being one of the first out amusing (there's something quite endearing about him really, but I think Ash beats him in the cool stakes)! AD was unbelievably lucky!

  9. Re: Site recommendation please Well Bet365 at the moment is what I use, more because I play in STTs really and the buy - in is better value there than Ladbrokes and it pretty much uses the same interface. I prefer Bet365 because Pokerroom.com puts me off (I begin to read the characters rather than the players), William Hills I've found has a fussy interface, is unlucky for me, and I've come across some really arrogant people there (but hey they can't all be bad as some from here play there). From what I've read on here and seen there are a lot of not so wonderful players on Bet365 too (myself included!) but we've all got to learn somehow, and for me it's a good start. If it's your first online playing, I would reccomend you play in some low level STTs or a freeroll until you get used to the way it all works as it's way too easy to throw money away on the cash tables, but hey I'm a beginner whereas you're experienced so will probably do better! Anyway, Good luck!

  10. Re: SKY TV tables tonight! Well played again Jez. I'm now officially on holiday for the next two weeks! WAHEY!!!:nana So will have plenty of time to try and get on the telly again. Lol at the Posh bloke, surprised it's not some 'fit bird' presenting it, but then they'd know nothing about Poker, eh? Still don't mind the blokes, just waiting on the Matt Damon/ Johnny Depp lookalikes starting....or better still a double act of Jez and GETT1N, Jez for his Poker knowledge, and all around decency, and GETT1N for his hilarious torture of unfortunate souls.

  11. Re: SKY TV tables tonight! Was definitely good fun, though didn't get on the telly! Probably just as well, knowing my luck they'd have shown when I wanted to go to bed and was trying to throw my chips away, best luck I had all night! :lol I should play like that more often! Thankfully Jez got them in the end, how did that one go Jez? GETT1N, you were so mean to me! The biggest wind-up merchant I've come into contact with during online Poker, and bloody cheeky too! (Actually, could you save up all your put downs and send them to me? I'm too nice to think of my own, and they seem to work for you as a tactic). Just as well I have a sense of humour and forgiving nature :tongue2

  12. Re: Punters Lounge Poker Tourney V Thanks for the encouragement Billy :) I've still been around, though I'm just a bit shy about posting in peoples' threads. :unsure Though I feel better about it now having played last night , will definitely make the effort to be at the next game if only to try and do better than last time! (which shouldn't be hard) still, my excuse is that I had to go and watch Fame Academy and try to save Ade from eviction....I know, I'm sad!...remember him from the Young Ones though, and he still makes me laugh.

  13. Re: Punters Lounge Poker Tourney V Just a quick word to say this was my first time playing you lot, and despite playing like a wet fish you guys were all very nice and friendly, despite Jez telling me off for saying what my folded hand was before the turn had even been dealt (sorry, I just couldn't contain myself!), I'll behave next time and maybe even read a poker book beforehand ;-)

  14. Re: New to Online Poker I tend not to play at Billy Hill for a few reasons 1) I always seem to get rubbish hands there (and have now developed a superstition about the site - also was being beaten there by river hands a lot). 2) the graphics and stuff I find too fussy 3) The blokes there can be a bit mean to poor little me - just because I'm a girl and my competitiveness and desire to not let them win usually ends up with me making stupid decisions. So far I like Ladbrokes better, but then again I am still new to it all! Don't give up though, just take a break and go back to it with fresh eyes and a fresh mind, I find my mood and attitude can affect how I play.

  15. Re: New to Online Poker Hi Kungfumaster, I'm new to the forum and online poker too, and it is very addictive! Well done on winning, I know its just a small tourny, but when I won my first one be it for $25 I was all pleased with myself :clap especially as there were bullys at the table! I was pretty chuffed with myself as I was averaging 1st, or 2nd in about 3 out of 4 of the STTs, which I guess is well above my share - as with luck if there are ten people playing surely the general average would be one win in every ten games (I'm not really up on the stats or odds or anything like that though, I think Jezza is the one to let you know all about that). In any case, I was all pleased with myself, though now I'm finding my average is going down! :cry A mixture of crappy hands and fronting up to the bullies at the wrong time I'm afraid - but all good lessons to be learned. Where online do you play?

  16. Re: Tournament Advice please Thank you both for being so welcoming and helpful :) Thinking about it your advice makes a lot of sense and I have definitely lacked the right amount of aggression at the right time, I'll go away and work on what you've both said and hope I get some nice cards :-) As for taking part in your tourny BH I'm quite sure I'd get a good :spank (what a kinky little smilie). But it sounds like it would still be good fun :) Thank you for the thread link Jezza and sorry for not noticing it before, you must get a little :eyes with people like me asking similar questions though I'm very grateful for your advice :) Anyway, I'm off to go practice now! will let you know how I get on.

  17. Hello everyone, this is my first post though I have 'lurked' for a little while now. I've just recently begun playing online Poker - before this my experience was limited to playing against family and friends so I'm really a newbie. I have found that in roughly 3/4 tournaments (the baby ones) I'm able to be placed either 2nd or 3rd, which is good because it means I at least get my money back, but I was wondering if anyone had any strategies or advice for getting a better placing. What tends to happen is that I'll bet conservatively - and often get whittled down by blind bets and bad hands but win enough to stay in, though when it gets close I'm easily bullied by those with a lot of chips so that I'm forced eventually to go all in on a not so good hand. I suppose it really just comes down to experience and learning to read others better, but I just wondered if anyone had any advice, as from what I've read so far you all seem to know what you're talking about :) Cheers

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