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Posts posted by Rafa

  1. Re: Tournament betting experiment I've seen a similar system elsewhere but kind of in reverse to this as follows ... i.e. back an decent outsider to win the event outright (must be a reasonably seasoned player on a decent side of the draw) .... Take say Kiefer .... back him in the outrights at 20's ... Then lay against him in each round (presuming he's going to be favourite in rounds up to 1/4 final) .... So you have say Back outright 20/1 for €100 to win €2,000 Match 1: Kiefer lay odds 1.4: Lay €120 at 1.4; so if he wins the outright the net comes in to €1,952 but if he loses you make €20. Match 2: Kiefer lay odds of 1.6 : Lay €180 at 1.6; so if he wins the outright the net comes into €1,844; but if he looses you make €24 (net; (€180 - €108 - €48) Bacially you keep laying him until he meets the fav and gets the road - if he gets past the fav on his side of the draw your outright bet should then be able to be layed to make a profit overall; even allowing for your "lost" bets laying him in the earlier rounds. I've seen it completed for 2 tournie's only and in both cases the player backed outright lost in the first few rounds; thus making a profit via the lay of him in that round which was > than the back outright and the lost "lay" from the previous round. I hope that makes sense!

  2. Re: Trading on soccer games. Decide on your bet size and stick with it. There's a big temptation to go in heavier than normal on in-running bets because the intention is not to leave the bet open but to trade back out of it later. My advice regardless of what market you are playing is; if you go in "heavy" get out very quick. I got caught out by backing Barca

  3. Re: Football Cash Generator Hi - this is my first post & to start let me just say what a simply excellent forum this appears to be. Re: the FCG, I received a copy of this system some time back and have used it a reasonable amount. It's not as straight forward as it seems. If anyone is interested in discussing it in some detail please send me a PM.

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