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Posts posted by soulmaster

  1. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 just got back from a week away to find 2 tickets sat on my doorstep and a message on my answerphone asking if if i`m attending. i`m a little bit brassic at the mo and it`s unlikely i`ll be able to get more time work, so if any1 wants my spare ticket let me know asap and i`ll whack it in the post, will prob need a name to rsvp for them tho. i know it might not be feasible if vc are monitoring this forum but there`s not much else i can do!

  2. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 morls if u don`t think you will qualify via the leaderboard your sole aim has to preventing other players reaching mondays final to give you a better shout in it, that`s what i`m doing!!! as galronix would say muhahahahahaha

  3. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    you beat me on that front runa think i've only managed 4 but again when it gets to last table, what's the point for an extra 8 points for maybe another 45+ mins of play just doesn't make sense to me
    4 wins for me also, can`t believe chess moaning about qualifying when he was a party to unsavoury practices in the 2pm on Sat! I`m with u runa on knocking people out as reported in previous post
  4. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    i had nowt ronay, i thought...well i have 4 hearts, either way, ill gain points, or ill help you thru, was a win win situation for me! u can take sunday off now if ya like haha ;)
    think ur missing the point the morls, its all very well sharing the discos chips but why would you help your rivals get into the final this late on, when as you`ve said yourself your best chance of getting a playing seat is by winning a monday, don`t really care if i get flamed for saying it but thats the way it is, the less people there are in it the greater the chance of winning
  5. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 have to report i have actually just played a game on vc and actually enjoyed it! (probably something to do with catching a few when i was a massive underdog and maybe winning!:nana ) `ave it! probably all in vain tho, as i`m off out tonight:beer so need a big slice of luck as a discon. p.s runa not many can survive the soulmaster express:lol :lol :)

  6. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 absolute mare tonight and disaster as a disco in the 2pm, hit absolutely nothing all night until my stack had dwindled to 920 with blinds of 150/300, the ladies came threw em all in only to get called with rockets, at least i wansn`t outdrawn for a change. Now someone quickly get galronix, moface and pigsmire out!

  7. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 thankyou for all the info vcmatt, the issue of standbys does need clarifying, however if they are a possibility i should be first in line, due to a debacle where i qualified for a weekly final and wasn`t entered in it. On a more serious note if you are in charge of the comp next yr (assuming there is one) could you please ensure the structure is designed such that players who can play 2 dailys do not have a massive advantage over those that work, thanks

  8. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Think we may have to live with it. They aren't gonna do much now methinks. Maybe we can all email them to say as a concerted campaign that the top 15 get spots to play' date=' since that would probably cover most of their errors. (Sorry to whoever is 16th)[/quote'] yeah top 15 sounds good to me, vc owe me big anyway after screwing me out of a mondays final seat when i qualified for it.
  9. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    message for GALRONIX' date=' would you mind stopping climbing the leaderboard as you have qualified, ive had such a bad week not sure im gonna hold top 20 now lol[/quote'] yeah back off galronix, don`t like people breathing down my neck!!!!:lol
  10. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 ronay you`ve still got 4 attempts to qualify, i can`t believe that someone with a mighty 209 points average won`t make it, get yourself in the 2pm tomorrow and i promise if you`re on a table with me i won`t be too ruthless!

  11. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 The soulmaster does not give praise lightly, so i would just like to say it would be a travesty if such an accomplished player as runadrum quit now. Yes this tourney is rapidly becoming a right royal pain in the ass but with only 3 weeks left it would be a shame to give it up now, besides don`t you want to meet these faceless people you`ve been sharing your evenings with for the past 3 months,in the company of some fine looking ladies and possibly some minor celebrities! run you have my respect because you actually do try to play some poker, rather than just hitting fold constantly, ironically the better the player the more likely they are to take bad beats, esp in this environment

  12. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 firstly no need for apologies runadrum, you had your revenge and it was swift and brutal! i have to agree with dave0, this tourney is making playing poker a chore rather than the fun social game it ought to be. i really could not be bothered with it tonight so i thought i would try to play a proper game for a change,consequenly i went out early! it is just becoming so tedious to play for points, i certainly will not be trying to qualify via the leaderboard next yr unless a dramatic restructuring of the tourney procedures is implemented

  13. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Does any one remember how far down the leader board they extended the invites to the final last year???
    as long as you keep your distance behind me that`s all that matters! :tongue2 :rollin
  14. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    I don't think you're able to win 2 weekly finals are you? Even if you are and did, I think it's wrong for that spare ticket to be sold. As morl says, a lot of people have commited a lot of time and effort to be where they are on the leaderboard. Hopefully our efforts will be rewarded by getting the opportunity to attend and compete at the final in London. If I were to somehow win 2 tickets, I would be offering the spare ticket to the person in 16th place on the leaderboard as I feel that would be the fair thing to do and would hope, if I were in 16th place (which I may well be) others would do the same. This further emphasises morl's point that for someone to just buy their way in to the final when all those around have worked their asses off is wrong and completely off-side. Like many people, these are only my views though.
    i have to say i agree wholeheartedly with lom`s suggestion to donate spare tickets to whomever might finish in 16th!
  15. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Do you think it will be legit to sell a maxim poker GF ticket if we were to qualify via the monthly draw? Or if we qualify for the GF twice? Would like to hear everyones views.
    if you have won a prize fair and square i guess it`s up to you what you decide to do with it
  16. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 All those out there without partners think yourself lucky, the missus insists I take her out tonight and consequently will miss tonights game. How selfish can you get lol. Some people have no realisation of the importance of poker.

  17. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    anyone who saw my outage will know that im feckin gutted and sick to death of pricks who go in preflop with absolute crap only to come away with the spoils 7h5h how the f can u go 2k bet pre flop with that? god im so feckin angry
    Morls i have noticed people chase hands in the final even more than they do in the qualifiers, when ur in with a shout on the leaderboard your playing on two fronts, trying to get the seat and trying to get points, some people who have no chance/ interest in the points will try anything, at least we are getting to know who these monkeys and you can avoid taking them on unless you have the stone cold nuts. Stand up Leon, Maximart et al! Any else care to add names who will call with anything?
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