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Posts posted by ThePro19

  1. Re: The Muppet Hands GaF - you and many others may be right... it's all part of the game. However, some - obviously yourself included - handle beats (won't say bad) better than others. Rather than throwing the laptop/PC at the wall, it is much better to post something here to get rid of the frustrations. And EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions; you and many others think everything is fair and nothing about online poker is fixed. However, some disagree with that. It's a free country, people can think whatever they want (within reason!). Damo's idea in the first post is actually a pretty good one. Like you said, it may be that people are not playing good poker, but getting good advice (from someone like yourself who obviously is doing pretty good at the online game) may manage to change the way us mere mortals play. So, have a re-think, and see what good might come out of this. Maybe try it for a trial period, say one month, and then make a decision.

  2. Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? :clap Erm... not moaning! I'd already figured out about the losing streaks after withdrawing many months ago. My bankroll never used to get over £100 because I would rather have it in my bank account than in someone else's. Still not moaning! And then, all of a sudden, could not finish better than 4th in a 6pak. I deposit again... lo and behold, I managed to scrape into 2nd place for a very small profit. Eventually, I do win again. Still not moaning! How about this one... Don't play a site for about a week. Amazing how all of a sudden you get all the cards and hit everything. I also found that I could never win anything during the day. My wins normally came after 9pm. And, no, it's not because everyone else is drunk. And like you say, EVERY premium hand loses to utter rubbish, game after game after game. Boy, am I glad I ain't playing online any more :D I'm cool, still not moaning.

  3. Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Paul I know I sound eager... I am, but also I like to get things sorted ahead of time. I've organised many sports/games events in the past and there's nothing worse than not having set ground rules beforehand or not knowing what to do if a situation arises. A couple of points if I may... Firstly, I'm happy with with game type, buy-in and multiple STT's. However, I do have reservations with regards to starting chips, blind structure, interval time and payout. Starting Chips - I've got no problem in principal starting with 1500-2000 chips, but you could find people dropping out 1st hand and then hanging around... not something I would relish if I had travelled a 100 miles to play a game. Again, based on experience, I would say a minimum of 3000-5000. Blind Structure - what is standard? If you're talking standard as online, then which site as they are all different. For example, the Cryptologic sites start with 7 and 15. I think you will find that the minimum chip value will be 25, so 10/20, 30/60, etc would also be out the reckoning, hence why I suggested the same as Walsall (and most other casinos I presume)... 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, and so on. I think it would normally stop at 4000/8000, but I doubt we would get that far. Level Interval Time - I think you will find that 8-10 mins is far too short. Don't forget you need to shuffle the cards, deal them out, and play the hand... could take about 3-4 minutes. The blinds would go up every 3 hands or so, more of a super turbo game!. You've really got to have a 20 minute level as minimum. I organise home games every fortnight; they last about 3 hours and we have 13 minute intervals (but that's becasue we do it straight after work and people do want to get home) and we start with around 10,000 chips. Payout - not a big deal (and I don't mind using your proposal if everyone else agrees), but 50, 30, 20 is again more of a standard. Generally, those who win money will always make at least a little profit. Paul, not trying to dictate or make this awkward for anyone, just want to make sure everyone who comes, be it from 10 miles away or 200 miles, enjoys it. And I'm just trying to do that based on my experiences.

  4. Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 Guys, a couple more things to sort out before we get to it (my 'preferences' in red in brackets): 1) Buy-in amount? (£10) 2) Re-buy or freezeout? (Freezeout) 3) Starting chips? (10,000 - gives everyone a fair crack at winning) 4) Blind structure and level interval time? (Blinds as per normal Walsall Casino structure - I know what they are. Interval level 20 mins) 5) STT or MTT? (MTT if enough people want to participate) 6) Pot Limit or No Limit? (No Limit) 7) Payouts - winner only, top 3, etc? (Top 3, 50%, 30%, 20%... to nearest £5) Your thoughts?

  5. Re: 32Red Poker Er... it's a freeroll, so... er... I'm in. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone. But rememeber, I'm all-in within 5 hands. If you're on my table, be warned... I'm playing any 2 cards.

  6. Re: No more moaning Well, it's been 70 hours since I gave up online poker. Nausia and hallucinations are seting in. Today I had a date with the current Miss World and tomorrow I'm test driving the new F1 Ferrari car. Watching yesterday's DU didn't help much... wanted to be there. Currently in a state of denial; I don't want to play online poker. I have got to resist temptations. Just saw a thread about the free £7 on Titan Poker, so I had a look... nothing! Probably just as well. But, if anyone is going to give me free money, then why not attempt making something of it.

  7. Re: PL Poker Night Live - Walsall Casino??

    OK, Just been on the blower to Circus casino in Brum. If we don't have a dealer we can have a private table on a saturday night for nothing! I asked about a dealer and he said to call back tommorow, but we're restricted to either a thursday or saturday night because of their own hold 'em competitions and their mah jong. Anyone up for a game of mah jong?:unsure Anyways I'll let you know what he says about a dealer tomorrow.:ok
    As I said before, I'm happy to deal. Why waste money! Saturday evening preferably for me please.
  8. Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 7 Ok guys and gals, as I am no longer playing, I shall be heading the cheerleading brigade. I shall be wandering around the tables giving my support... once I've had something to eat. BTW, just come in from my 'home' game... and won! :nana £7 :nana :nana

  9. Well, not a gift as such, but a copy of an email which may interest some of you. It's from Playgate Poker... who use the same software as Betfred. ------------------------------------------------------------ Starting on February 18th till February 24th Playgate Poker is giving out to all players a great 50% Reload Bonus up to $200. After making a deposit, or a number of additional deposits, you will be entitled to earn a 50% Reload Bonus up to $200 of your accumulated additional deposits. The Reload Bonus is given out to players as they earn Playgate Points, Playgate Poker's unique player points, at ring games and tournaments. For terms and conditions: http://www.playgatepoker.com/news/reload.htm Just deposit and start playing. --------------------------------------------------------- I haven't read any more into it except what is in this email, so I can't answer any questions. Good luck to those who take up the offer.

  10. Re: much needed advice on mtt

    Unfortunately sherry (I don't know if others agree, here), hand selection and betting are extremely situational. What I would have said, though is with being chip leader, you can afford to only play the stronger hands, and not take too many risks. Getting to the final table should be your aim, cos I've never seen anyone win a tourney before then, so avoid marginal calls, and remember even the crap players get good cards ocassionally.
    I agree with this too. When I was chip leader in the DU a couple of weeks ago (had 20k to 2nd place's 10k), I never played a hand for the next 40 mins, either because it wasn't good or someone else raised before the flop and others called... not worth getting involved in as it wasn't a premium hand. If you have a big stack, protect it. Having said that, what I then found was that I was being overtaken and then you feel you must play something in fear of being blinded out. SO isn't so bad becasue there is not ante's, only blinds, but on Cryptologic sites for example, shortly after the first break ante's come into play and they do start eating into your stack pretty quickly. But, don't forget, the ante's are eating into other people's stacks too. I remember once playing a freeroll on Littlewoods (when they used to run them) and within about 20 mins I had got 15k in chips. I had twice as many chips as the next player. Unfortunately, I kept getting good starting hands, hitting, but then losing because someone would hit better (e.g. a straight to my 2 pair, or a flush to my straight, etc), and before long I was knocked out. You must be prepared to let good hands go.
  11. Re: STT Strategi Pene I did ok in the SO 5 player tables where the starting chips was 1500, often finishing in the money (top 2). But I was only playing $3 games, so no great profit. But my account did go from $17 to $61 before I withdrew it all t'other day. I definitely agree that because you start with more chips (1500) than in similar STT's on other sites (e.g. 6paks on Cryptologic sites or Turbo games on Prima sites - starting chips only 1000), it does favour the patient player. And you can afford calling the BB occasionally with a slightly weaker but still good hand without the fear of your chips dwindling away. Unfortunately, I never tried highering my stakes because I was afraid my luck would change and I would lose everything I had built up. With regards to the 2000 chips, on the cheaper tables you only got 2000 starting chips on the TV table, 1500 elsewhere. Do all (not just TV table) greater buy-in games start with 2000 chips? If I ever do get back to playing online poker (gone a whole 36 hours without playing so far :ok), SO may be where I restart because I did do well there... and, of course, that is where the DU is :notworthy . With regards to the TV tables on SO, does anyone know where they are televised? I could never find them. And why did the TV tables always take forever to fill up? Is it because players were scared that everyone would see how crap they play? :D

  12. Re: Player notes

    I've got notes on most folk on this forum. Here's a little insight for you:- Mr V - if he raises FOLD. Red_Fear - if he raises I RERAISE - he'll fold!! George - if he raises, take your time so he gets disconnected then RERAISE. :ok :ok :ok
    And if it's Danno, then go in with absolutely anything cos he'll get a bad beat. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
  13. Re: No more moaning And that is it. Took my £27 to the tourney table. Lost 2 £10 6paks, then blew the other fiver on another cash table. This is ThePro19 signing off. :zzz

  14. Just wanted to let you know that there will be no more moaning from me about internet poker. Why? Because after 24 hours of thinking about it, I have decided to quit. And why is that? Because the poker rooms don't give a damn about cheats and are happy to let them continue because, I presume, the cheats are still paying their wages. Last night I started a thread about a couple of cheats in the Will Hill freeroll on Friday and the player was still playing yesterday on my STT even though Will Hill said they had dealt with the matter. They had done nothing of the kind. I am no longer prepared to put my hard earned money into any internet poker site. I have withdrawn everything from both Littlewoods and SO - about £110. Incidentally, these are the only two sites where I have made a profit. I have left £13 or so in Betfair and will use that to try get it over £50. If I do, then I will withdraw that too and that will be the last of my internet poker playing... I hope. I may very occisionally delve into a freeroll, but I don't like freerolls/mtt's (online only) and I'm not really interested in them, so it won't be very often. If I do enter, however, then (so that you all know) I will go all-in within 5 hands. I do not wish to sit at a table for a couple of hours for 50 cents. If I don't at least double up within 5 hands then at least I will free myself up for something more interesting; a new JJB gym has just opened up about a mile from me, and I may have another go at Colin McRae Rally 2... it's been a while since I last played it - fantastic racing game. Not playing online will hopefully mean an earlier bedtime too... and that may mean I could go to the casino now and again - Wednesday nights at Broadway casino may not be a bad idea... £20 buy-in and they only get about 40 players or so on that night, so should mean an earlier finish. All that said, I will still make regular visits here as I do enjoy the banter. I would still like to play in any of the PL freerolls (e.g. Betfair freeroll) if possible - I know that will be a good game of poker. And I'm definitely still interested in any live games somewhere in the Midlands. Good luck to one and all. Hope your games are more profitable than mine were... but that shouldn't be difficult! :cheers

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