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Posts posted by ThePro19

  1. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II Well, if we are playing 'by the book' (which is highly unlikely), then I don't believe the Q has helped kaylee. The fact that he/she called your bet means he/she has something already. Hmmmmm, tough one. As I suggested earlier, I think I would check. Yes, I know it shows sign of weakness, but I reckon I would be behind. Mr V on the other hand says he would continue the betting. So, how did it finish?

  2. Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? I said somewhere earlier that i found £1.18 in my Playgate Poker account on Friday, so have been playing some $1 6-player turbos. Was in the money in 7 of the first 9 games and built the account up to nearly £8. Since then i've played about another 10 games or so and it's been bad beat after bad beat after bad beat. I've lost with AA, 3 times with KK, with AK, AQ, other pocket pairs and god knows what else. And this last one... I had KK, bet 250 pre flop (blinds were 10/20) and got called by a twat who had 96. Flop came 367, I went all-in and he called again. Guess what, the 1st class twat hits a 9 on 4th. What the hell is it with these morons?????? Just as well i've lost everything in that account just about. back into retirement... except for the odd PL game. ONLINE POKER IS CRAP, OK. And don't go telling me I don't know how to play the game and need to improve it. No amount of improvement will ever beats these twats.

  3. Re: Betfair Poker Grand Prix Final 16th March They must have got my phone number wrong. Oh well, never mind. Good luck PL, and bring back the money... you'll need it for when you lose to us mere mortals the following week. And, by the way, don't go calling anyone a muppet ;) - remember, you won't be on the internet and they (or should it be you) will be within arm reaching distance.

  4. Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March GaF - I'll try make a couple of them (neither Mondays nor Wednesdays are particularly good for me), which will probably count me out of the top (I was sure to get one of the money spots :dude ) with not enough games played. Not sure that the lack of money will deter the Hungarians from playing. I mean, when you watch how they time out every hand just to get 50 cents, they will probably be thinking that no one else will be playing either, and so easy money for them. Little do they know! :D

  5. Re: Andy Bloch

    I read a book about card counting in blackjack (a true story) about a bunch of college kids from boston who made millions. It turns out one of the characters was Bloch (obviously he was not named in the book) , is it possible to use card counting in poker?
    I guess it is to some extent, but only by using the cards that you've seen... and that ain't many... max 7. And, if you're any good then you already do that anyway by analysing whether you think you are ahead or not.
  6. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II

    Excellent points and post Pro.:ok I think that when I come into contact with muppets in the latter stages of a tourney, at first I am shocked, and disappointed that no one has put them out before, but try and see it as a challenge to dump them out on their ass. Sometimes I succeed, in which case I am in a very strong chip position, and sometimes either I get knocked out by them, or some one else takes them out. :D
    Apart from the DU a few weeks ago, it has been a loooooooong time since I got to the latter stages of a MTT (by latter stages I mean top 20 at worst), and so I don't know whether the muppets get there or not. Sorry about the deception, but I did it to prove a point. And I kept a poker face the whole time whilst writing it. :lol
  7. Re: Multiple account holder caught cheating I think there is still something missing here. The latest multi-account fiasco was once again brought to the poker rooms attention by another player. When are the poker rooms themselves going to get off their backsides and stop the multi-accounting BEFORE the game starts. It can't be difficult to write software to audit which accounts are entering a tournament and compare them to all others that have entered as to which IP they have been registered from. I think it will be a while yet before they manage to get a grip on this problem.

  8. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II Guys - thanks for the replies, and I agree with you 100%. Both games were 6 player tables on Playgate (iPoker network, same tables as Betfred). Now, got to be honest here and say that the hands were actually the other way around. In the first hand I was actually holding KK and the MUPPET was holding A2. The twat went all-in after my 200 raise with only a gutshot straight draw.. I had to call with effectively nothing on the board. He hit a 4 on the river for his straight. The 2nd hand I was holding AA. After the flop I went all-in. He called and hit another 9. This one wasn't so bad, but from what I have read before, most of you would have folded 99 after a 20xBB raise. The point I am trying to make (and have been trying to get this across for some time, but rather unsuccessfully) is that in online poker games it is very, very, very (did I say very?) seldom that you can do things 'by the book' because there will always be MUPPETS (as you call them... I prefer to call them much worse things) who will call with anything and nothing. I've lost count how many times I've been called by someone who has hit bottom pair and no kicker good enough to mention, but will then hit trips or 2 pair. And how many times have they stayed in the hand simply because their 2 cards are suited. Even in latter stages of a game (except, I must admit, where PL'ers are involved) you will still get the same MUPPETS who are happy to chance their arm. And this is the exact reason I started the thread a couple of weeks ago asking whether we should be changing our style of play for online games. The 'by the book' game (if you will) is more for the live players I think, and in my opinion most PL'ers would do very well at them. Would be nice if we could get a number of PL'ers to a live game one night just like in the DU, and see how many we could get to the final table. Danno375 - from what I have read, I believe you play a similar game to me and it would be much better suited to the live arena. My recommendation is that you lower your stakes in online games to no more than £10 buy-in (play for fun only) and go enjoy yourself in a live game. I am pretty certain you will get to the final table many times... and the rewards for winning are much greater. I'll leave you with this thought... My last live win was £1060. I left the £60 for the waitresses (no comments please!) and got the other £1000 in 20 £50 notes. What a sight! Before that I had only ever seen 1 £50 note. :cheers

  9. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II

    Damn Pro! I SO nearly ageed with you!:lol The bit in bold is where I disagree. I know poor players LOVE suited hole cards, but you have to respect their cards if not them. So assuming the turn didn't fill the straight (or draw) or give a 1spade hole card the flush, OR no A then I'd still have to bet quite strongly. I do agree with the rest though mate.:D EDIT: The reason I disagree is that were I playing Damo I would view a check on the turn as an opportunity to represent the flush, and I'd consider making a large bet for Damo to decide whether he fancied his chances. If Damo bets 1st, he maintains some initiative.
    Mr V - I see your point and wouldn't disagree with it... but I don't think either is wrong or necessarily better than the other. Let me give you an example of what happened to me last night on a 5-player TV table on SO (after I'd 'retired' from the DU). It's heads up, I have a slight chip advantage, although not by much. I get dealt Kc Ks. Blinds are 200/400, I am on SB. I raise to 1500, other player calls. Flop comes A??, all clubs. I go all-in (hoping he doesn't have an A) and he calls. He is holding Qc 3c. Fortunately for me another club comes on the river to help me out and win the game. But, my point is, you have to repect the player's crap play. No decent player in their right mind would call a 1100 raise pre-flop with Q3, suited or not. But we aren't talking about decent players here, merely chancers who are happy to rely 100% on luck. I was lucky this time, but that's one in a million. I did have KK, I may not have been so brave after the flop with 10 10. PS Great minds think alike. (And don't anyone say fools seldom differ... Mr V doesn't like being called a fool :ok ).
  10. Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

    GaF' date=' not looked into it, but does Betfred, Playgate,Titan, CD Poker, or any of the other rooms on that network have a $1 MTT that we could use?[/quote'] Ok, to answer my own question, just looked at Betfred and they have a $500 guaranteed MTT (max 500 players) for $1 + 10c entry fee. They also have a $1000 guaranteed for $3 + 30c. Or a $2500 guaranteed for $5 + 50c. There is a finished $2500 game which had 228 players starting. What do you think?
  11. Re: The Muppet Hands

    Right. If people start a thread about a subject..... and I assume that some of the complaining about bad beat threads being given different titles is down to the thread I started, it isn't meant to be a new bad beat thread. It is loosely based on a bad beat but the thread itself was asking for advice about how to beat the lucky callers, how to stop them dibbing in the hand in the first place. As for the complaining about the site being swampped (spammed) by bad beaters........be realistic. It isn't swamped by any means. To say that bad beats are a normal part of the game and then tell people to stop talking about them is absurd. They may be dressed up as whinges but they are " How can I stop this happening?" threads and posts. If the people that heap more misery on those that have a run of bad results ( bad play or bad beats) by chastising them and telling them to shut up and stop complaining would stop and think they might see an opportunity to help them. As they are winning ( and happy to say so ) then to abandon those who might be struggling with how to play certain hands and situations is very very VERY selfish. To call them bad players is short sighted and extremely unsympathetic. IT FEELS TO ME LIKE THE EXPERIENCED PLAYERS WHO ARE FED UP OF PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT BAD PLAY OR BAD BEATS ARE SIMPLY SAYING " i AM ALL RIGHT JACK...SO F@CK YOU, AND I DON'T WANT YOUR SOB STORIES CLOGGING UP MY FORUM." While this isn't MY forum by any means I thought it was for poker players to discuss matters taht affect them. I didn't think it was a "HEY LOOK HOW GREAT I AM DOING " forum. Not all players who vent spleens or have a chat about bad play and bad beats are bad players. That is the simplistic view of someone who can't spare the time to impart their vast proffessional knowledge. It is true that if you don't like the subject matter you don't have to read it. But then again, you will all be far too busy winning loads of money to help those that possibly need it and ask for it by discussing it in a bad beat thread. So if you have the time to be so dismissive to those in need, then you could have spent the same time helping fellow forum users to improve and enjoy poker. So can the moral guardians of the integrity of poker sites please allow the right of opinion? Feel free to disagree and take part in the conversations but don't assume the role of the only enlightened people. I have stated open that I don't think that poker is fixed.... but I enjoy discussing it. Whether that is for fun or with a serious edge, I and the other people that wish to discuss the matter have the right to. If you own this website and wish to have a back patting society full of comments like " You are great!" " No!! your are great" then fine, but at least make it known that you only want to discuss what you think and not what others would like to muse on. Gaf has stated that he is sick of reading about bad beats and hearign about muppets that call with crap. I am very pleased that you either don't get beaten by the muppets, or more accurately don't get so flustered by it, but it is part of the game and therefore a perfectly valid, entertaining and energetic topic. Danno the Annoyed
    Well said Danno. Behind you 100%. PS But the sites ARE fixed!:ok
  12. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II

    Need help please - $10 short table, have raised got called and flush flop hits - thoughts? X Squared is at seat 1 with 1425.00 T&S&L is at seat 2 with 480.00 hanne84 is at seat 3 with 1115.00 robilaruk is at seat 4 with 2325.00 kaylee42 is at seat 5 with 2080.00 kaylee42 posts the large blind 50.00 robilaruk posts the small blind 25.00 robilaruk: 10d, 10h kaylee42: --, -- X Squared: --, -- T&S&L: --, -- hanne84: --, -- Pre-flop: X Squared: Fold T&S&L: Call 50.00 hanne84: Fold robilaruk: Raise 350.00 kaylee42: Call 350.00 T&S&L: Fold Flop (Board: 3s, 7s, 8s): My Move?? Damo :cheers
    My view is that you have to bet something to see where you stand, say 300. If kaylee was only calling with A high or a pic, you'd hope he/she would fold. If called, you've got to assume a pocket pair (not necessarily higher than yours), hit a community card, hit the flush or got a straight or flush draw. If called, then I'd say you've got to check on the turn unless it improves your hand (i.e. another 10), but still be wary of the straight or flush. If your bet is re-raised, then you must seriously think about folding. All that said, it may be a muppet who has nothing. :) So, what did you do?
  13. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II Firstly, I should say that a couple of days ago (Friday actually), found I had £1.18 in my Playgate Poker account... :nana , so I've been playing a few $1 6 player turbos. Managed to get the account balance up to nearly £8 with 7 money finishes out of 9 (top 2 pay). Anyway, wanted to know how you would have played a couple of hands. Sorry, don't have hand histories, but I'll give you as much detail as I remember. 1st hand: On SB with just under 1000 chips. Blinds are 10/20. Holding A2o. I call, BB (who has over 2k in chips) rasies up to 80. First question, should I call? Anyway, I called. Flop came 357, all different suits. I check, BB bets 250. What should I do? I do have a straight draw. 2nd hand. On BB holding 99. Blinds are 5/10 (3rd hand I think, so everyone roughly even in chips). Button raises to 200, what should I do? I'll tell you what I did later, but first I would like your views on how you would have played these hands.

  14. Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 8 Well, I was going to come out of retirement for this game, but can't get into SO, so at the moment I'm not in... unless things change. Getting message "Cannot conenct to server". Anyone else having problems? This is the first time I've had connection problems with this site.

  15. Re: withdrawl query I wouldn't say it's normal GaF, but some sites do request it. Any sites where I have ever deposited/withdrawn have not asked for any sort of id. Having said that, the only Prima site I have deposited to/withdrawn from (that I remember) is Bet365... back to debit card with no problems. What I would say to anyone starting out on online poker, before depositing anywhere read the withdrawal terms and conditions. For example, you can generally deposit direct from a debit card, but often can't withdraw back to it; they insist that you use some other withdrawal method. I've been stung by this sort of thing a couple of times.

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