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Posts posted by ThePro19

  1. Re: Sporting Odds March Champions League

    Hey pro' date=' I was quite enjoying our table. Hope we meet again later in the tournament along with our calling station friend....[/quote'] Unfortunately, I moved to a table where there were only 3 of us playing and the big stack twat kept putting huge raises every hand. Got bored and went all-in. Can't be bothered with crap like that. Maybe some other time. But if the money games are going to be like that too, then I don't think i'll bother.
  2. Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair? I sent them an email half an hour ago because of suspicious multiple accounts for the Champions League freeroll. The players are still there, so it looks like they haven't done anything. Typical!

  3. Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

    Still no reply Jaded ? Just noticed this thread and must say this bothers me! ubermonkey1, about other sites to play the PL league on... any suggestions ? not Prima Poker skins I take it... ladbrokes ?
    PeeGee - I've already suggested Betfred because they seem to have similar tourneys to the DU as well as other MTT's with guaranteed prize funds. Don't know if anyone has looked into it yet. My view is that we should abandon SO asap... even if it does mean losing the prize money they plan to give us for March. I would prefer not to use Prima sites... way too many players on there.
  4. Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons?

    Anyway, I thought you had retired....... ;)
    I had, but I had to deposit yesterday to play the new DU game. So, I guess I'm playing again... but nothing big. So, everyone is saying I played the hand wrong. It was a semi-bluff. But, how many of you would have called the raise with K5. I could probably count the YES's of good players on the fingers of one hand.
  5. Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? FFS! Listen to this... Playing 5 player $3 STT on SO. I have A2 on SB. blinds are 50/100. I decide to make a move and raise to 600. BB calls. Flop comes 65J. I go all-in, BB calls. He turns over K5. WTF! First, he calls a 500 raise with K5, then calls my all-in with bottom pair. Explain that one Damo.

  6. Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons? Damo - I think you over-estimate some players knowledge of the finer points of poker. In my opinion, kaylee hasn't a clue about pot odds, good hands or anything else relating to good poker. He called pre flop with nothing hoping to hit, and when he got a sniff on the flop, he was there for the whole ride. Call me a cynic, but that's my view. Interesting point though... how many PL'ers sit there and actually work out things like pot odds, odds of hitting, etc, during each hand? Me, I just play my cards, the cards on the board and the players. That for me is enough. Yeah, yeah, I know, that's why I keep losing. But 9 final tables in my first 20 starts in live games and £4500 in winnings says different.

  7. Re: Dream Poker $50 promotion Thanks for the help guys. Mr Bubbles... a little naivety showing I think. Just because you can deposit with debit cards, not all sites allow you to withdraw back to the card. Been stung with that a couple of times.

  8. Has anyone had the email from Dream Poker about a free $50 when you deposit $50? I got it and asked them if there were any wagering requirements before I got the money. Unfortunately, (as with all poker room emails) they were rather vague, but I think they said that as soon as I deposited $50, they would credit my account with $50 within 24 hours. However, to cashin (I assume they mean cashout!) I would have to play 200 raked hands. Has anyone else had this and can you confirm if the above is correct. Also, is it worth going for? And which cash tables? (I've only ever played 50c/$1 NL 6 player tables on prima sites). And, having never deposited there, how easy is it to deposit, and more importantly, to withdraw? Can you withdraw back to a debit card? If I have to use Neteller or the likes, I probably won't bother.

  9. Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair? Nothing like getting to the point. I do it myself. I think you should send that to all poker rooms. But I bet you just get back an automated email. Oh, and a ban.

  10. Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 1

    Do we want to request any changes? If it were possible (I haven't spoken to SO yet and don't know if it's even possible or practical) - would we want to make this an invite only event? (bear in mind that means future weeks will have significantly less points available than this week!!)
    Unfortunately, as I started 75 minutes late, I don't know what the play was like before, so can't really comment whether invite only is preferable. It would also reduce the tourney prize money, but as it is so low anyway now, I don't think that really matters... playing for pride. Why didn't I think of that last night when losing all those precious chips at the end! :unsure
  11. Re: Sporting Odds March MTT League - Leg 1 Well done everyone. :clap I played pretty crap at the end once i'd moved tables. But even though I was on 26k and in the top 5, I just had this feeling that I wouldn't make the final table unless I played some hands. If I folded everything I would have been blinded out on the bubble. I mean, just look at the luck of the sit-out... down to his last 500 chips and all-in on SB and gets 10 10 against Heniek's A (I think). And with that sort of luck for the sit-outs, I could see my chips being whittled away. Whey can't the poker rooms get their software right and don't allow sit-outs to play hands - they should be folded. Cryptologic do it, why can't others! Anyway, it was good whilst it lasted. Got loads of good cards and a little help just when needed on my first table to get to that position. Just unlucky, that when I did play a hand on last table, whoever called always matched one of my cards and had a better kicker... I was always on a loser. Maybe I'd forgotten how to be patient too. As we are starting with more chips in this tourney, I'm going to try wrangle making Monday nights, albeit a little late (but not as late as last night - got in at 10:15pm for a loss of about 700 chips). Unfortunately I bowl from 7pm until about 9:30pm, which puts me in an awkward spot for reg'ing. But, what I will do is install my bluetooth and mobile phone as a modem on my laptop, take it with me, reg whilst playing bowls, then join the game when I get in. I love it when a plan comes together :D

  12. Re: how are you supposed to play against these morons?

    if I may? excellent raise pre flop, and not concerned about one caller - just what you want with Aces :ok however, shocking play on the flop and turn :eyes Why let him draw so cheaply? there is 10 200 in the pot on the flop and you have 8K left - this is an auto shove/bet half your stack then shove turn This is not the time to get clever with your aces, push and take the pot - he is an 11-1 chance to hit his str on the turn and you gave him 17-1 pot odds - I don't blame him for calling you on the turn yes he shouldn't have called PF, but he did, so make him pay ASAP and not try to get a little more cash from him by slowplaying Aces in this situation - there is too many chips at stake :wall Just my thoughts Damo :cheers
    I don't believe betting after the flop would have made any difference to the outcome. He'd got a straight draw, he would have chased anything. Unlucky Fitz.
  13. Re: Sporting Odds MTT League - March

    Time has Changed: Challenge at 21.00 PM :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap See ya guys and gals:nana
    woooooooooohooooooooooo - if it's 9pm, then I'll reg and when I'm back from my meeting I will play. :cheers
  14. Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

    Need to know... Is the tourney on friday the 24th or on saturday the 25th??? ...do I have to get friday off from work, or will I be fine leaving Copenhagen friday afternoon???
    I will leave the decision as to start time to others, but I suspect we won't be starting before 7pm UK time. So, unless you want to spend Friday night in England, I would say you could even travel on Saturday and still get here in time. But either way, there almost certainly wouldn't be a need to skip work. Guess that's not what you wanted to hear. I suppose the question is will you be flying or sailing?
  15. Re: Sporting Odds - Good News and Bad News

    i couldn't make the last dollar up, was really dissapointed not to be able to play, but the girlfriend went on tilt and lost my last $35.:puke but its the start of a new month and i've got my $70 raked hands bonus.:nana so i can't wait to play in the new tourny, sounds great. and i'll have to try and build up a new girlfriend proof bankroll.:eyes iv'e never had to add to to my initial deposit and i'll be damned if i have to now. i suppose it's hard to insure against a bad run when i'm always taking out my winnings because i need them.
    Erm... you could try a new girlfriend :ok But don't tell her I said that :$
  16. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II

    oh well, one to note for the future :) Damo :cheers
    Not quite sure what you mean by this. This to me implies that if you get called by some moron who doesn't know how to play, then you have to fold your hand if they call your bet no matter what hand you have... including AA. That's not poker! Shame the dice game is called Craps, because this would be an ideal name for online poker :rollin
  17. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II Very unlucky. Typical internet poker...oops, not allowed to say that :$ . I was close when I said he/she had 10 10.. they would have both been black too. I don't reckon any type of bet at any time would have taken them off the hand.

  18. Re: The Muppet Hands - Part II What do you reckon kaylee had Mr V? Something tells me he/she had 10 10 as well. Go on Damo, put us out of our misery. By the way, I do agree that 950 was too big a bet with so much trouble on baord.

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