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Posts posted by ThePro19

  1. Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

    on webdollar - you can deposit in dollars' date=' or deposit in sterling [i']if the site is UK - it is the first choice you get after typing in your address etc and B4 confirming your card details ( I think) It says that this will mean you do not incur charges from your bank for the transaction - and all future transactions are also in sterling - so I depositied £120 odd pounds which came to about $203 dollars and I will withdraw £xxx which equates to $xxx Just a thought Damo
    Ok, I did it on Gala Poker. I assume that is an english site, but can't be sure. Anyway, I defintiely changed it to £'s and deposited £20... was equivalent to about $33. Played one hand on cash table, won about $3 and then withdrew everything... for a profit of 19p. It's not bank charges, they use a diffeent exchange rate for depositing and withdrawing... it does actually say this when you look further into it. If I hadn't have done it almost immediately and knew that $3 is a damn sight more than 19p, I wouldn't have noiticed. One thing is for sure... I wouldn't want to deposit £100 and then withdraw unless I have made a pretty big profit... which for me in online poker is generally unthinkable. Damo - could you try this for me please... Start the withdrawal process for £120 and see what it equates to in dollars (or $203 and see £'s equivalent). You can then abandon the process.
  2. Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

    you have the option to deposit in sterling - that way you do not get charged for the exchange rate - so when you sign up your webdollar account it is sorted I haven't had a problem when I have done it like this Damo
    Will need to look into that. Didn't think I had the option when I did it through Gala Poker. Or do I need to go straight into WebDollar and do it there rather than through the poker room? And, Brael, yes I know banks have different exchange rates for currency. But 1) that's not something I do every day - I could with poker!, and 2) many sites DON'T charge, so I prefer to use those.
  3. Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Ok, just been looking at the banking details. Poker.co.uk uses WebDollar. Had experience of them before, I think it was on Gala Poker... another Boss Media site. Anyway, they deal in dollars. That's not a problem, but what is a problem is that they have one exchange rate for depositing and another one for withdrawing. Can't rememeber the exact rates, but I think I deposited £20, played one hand at a cash table (required to get into a freeroll... which was subsequently cancelled!) and won about $3. When I came to withdraw all that was in there was £20.19. That that is some rip-off! Further, I wrote an email to WebDollar asking them to explain this, and to this day I still haven't had a reply. I know most of the PL'ers like the Boss Media setup, but I personally wouldn't... I'll re-phrase... WON'T deposit to WebDollar. I've already asked the question in another thread, but I don't know if anyone has looked any further into it... what about the iPoker network sites for the new PL home? The likes of Betfred, Playgate, CDPoker, Titan. Ever since I found £1.18 in my playgate account over a week ago, I have been playing $1 6-player turbos there. For such small stakes, most of the games are generally of pretty good quality. And they do have a number of 'guaranteed' tourneys for little cost, i.e. $1, $2, $5 etc. Haven't looked into despositing and withdrawing rules yet, but I'd be grateful if someone else would have a look at the site(s) to see if it would be an alternative.

  4. Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up Didn't know whether to put this here or on the Cheating thread. Anyway, was just looking at the poker.co.uk website and found this... If management suspects such an activity, the player(s) accused will be investigated. Players found to have been, or reasonably suspected of cheating in any form, will have their account privileges terminated throughout Boss Media’s casinos indefinitely. Using the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt" to indicate cheating, Poker.co.uk has the right to confiscate any funds won while cheating. Confiscated funds will be distributed to victim players. Boss Media/Poker.co.uk will never keep confiscated funds. I wonder if the $180k (or was it $140k) was distributed amongst the other players? :unsure

  5. Re: Any questions for Dave Devilfish Ulliot?

    ask him if hes really hard. he looks hard but I bet he's a pansy. and ask if he can drink 18 pints of guinness then play poker all night.
    I think you should go ask him that in person... and see (literally) what his response is. :ok
  6. Re: Any questions for Dave Devilfish Ulliot? The very first time I watched poker was Late Night Poker when Devilfish won. That's how I learned the game. Enjoy watching him play. He seem to know when to bluff and when to fold better than most in my opinion. Not necessarily the best player, but a damn good one. A question for him? Hmmm... yes... well... hmmm. Ok, thank you, bye. A million and one questions to ask, and I can't remember one of them. How about he joins us in the DU (or it's equivalent of it) this month? We could watch and learn. :) Edited: Oooooooooooo, just thought of one... two... three What does he think of play in online poker compared to live poker? And does he perfer cash games or tourneys? And are the higher stakes games that much better than the lower stakes? Jeez - rolling off the tongue now.

  7. Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06

    Thanks mate.:D We are certainly going next Friday. 99 players on 9 tables mate. Its slightly cramped at the start, you get 1000 chips, but the blinds go up much much slower than online. We also had dealers too.:nana But they rushed you more than I expected, which I found slightly annoying. A word of warning, a friend of mine was complaining afterwards that Friday night was 'muppet' night, although the players we played weren't really in that category, considering it was a rebuy.
    Maybe you got lucky and had a good table. Very occasionally you do get that Was the same for me a couple of Saturdays ago at Walsall. Only problem then is that when you do move tables, you find yourself very short stacked compared to the others on the new table because they've had tons of buy-ins. Anyway, may join you next Friday... as a birthday treat for myself (the following day).
  8. Re: PL Poker Night Live - Circus Casino, Birmingham 25/03/06 A friend of mine from work went to Stanleys in Stoke last Friday (he lives in Stoke) and came 4th for £210... in only his 2nd attempt at a live game. There were apparently about 90 players last week. How about yesterday? Thought about going up myself maybe - it's probably no further than Birmingham from me.

  9. When I first started playing online poker, I used the name Wizz_Kidd. When the debit card expired, I decided to set up a new name to go with the new card - ThePro19. Unfortunately, some sites (Prima) don't let you change your name, so instead I changed the card details on those, hence the reason why I am Wizz_Kidd on some sites. It was actually meant to be Whizz_Kidd, but that was taken, as were most other variations of it. Accidentally ended up with Wizz_Kidd. Anyway, was shopping in Tesco's yesterday, and on their 'Next Customer' dividers at the checkouts it said... Tesco Charity of the Year - Wizz Kidz. :D I'm think of writing them a thank you letter. :rollin Actually, for those who don't know, Wizz Kidz a charity that has something to do with wheelchairs for kids. I'd never heard of them until someone once asked me at the tables if I was involved with them. :)

  10. Re: Tikay Tourny in March on Sporting

    wiating for are refund already hehehehehhe, very drunk apolagies, cant see the screen wheeeeeee
    Obviously can't see the kepboard either! :rollin I'll spell and grammar check for you... wiating = waiting are = our apolagies = apologies cant = can't :D I think I should sell my spelling and grammar checker :unsure
  11. Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

    Brill could you make mine a large tee please, as I am broad shouldered. One assumes that it has the PL logo on it? Damo :cheers
    Erm... actually, didn't get a t-shirt, just a slap in the face! :$
  12. Re: Poker.co.uk version of Dollar Up

    just a quick question - as an affiliate how much do we get for me signing up through the banner? is it a one off or is it based on cash wagered/rake taken - just interested And where does the money go? is this what pays for the racing days out and stuff? (just want to make sure I get my fair share of the spoils! LOL) Damo :cheers pm is fine :)
    Been there, asked the question, got the answer, and the t-shirt, and the slap in the face! In other words, don't ask, just reg. Mind you, GaF will probably be nice to you.
  13. Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

    :unsure :unsure :unsure I KNEW it was wrong when I was typing it :rollin
    Should have used a spell checker. Have you noticed that many poker rooms have absolutely awful spelling vin their emails! Jsut imigine if every1 started doin thinks like that, wat wud happen too the english langwige? ;)
  14. Re: My First Royal!!!

    The Pro, I usually play cash tables only and I've seen plenty. I've had three myself in the same month (they used to call me Royal Rose- not that I would have even mentioned it if you hadn't asked about the cash tables) Why do you think Cash tables are different? The same odds of it happening apply to cash tables as well as tourneys On one of my royals I also won a $300 Royal bonus, so they do pay. Its not a conspiracy, y'know
    Only asking, cos some sites put messages up when players win the RF bonus. Oh, and everything in online poker is a conspiracy :tongue2
  15. Re: SO Chat Ban - Fair?

    Success! Chat ban was apparently placed by the Poker Response team (whoever the hell they are) and not SO. Have had the following e-mail sent by SO. Having had your Chat Ban on SportingOdds Poker Room bought to my attention by Punters Lounge I looked in to the situation and asked the Poker Response team to look in to the situation. It was noted in our system that you had been banned for 'advertising' but having reviewed your chat during the game they could only find you making references to Punters Lounge. I can only assume the person who placed the ban on you was not aware that this is a forum and not a competitor site. I can only apologise for what has happened to you and reinstate your chat function. I have credited your account with $20 as further means of apology. I withdraw most of my nasty comments about SO recently. :clap :clap :clap
    Right, I have a cunning plan... every other sentence I write on SO will be advertising PL. Then, I want you all to tell them to ban my chat. $20, come to daddy! :D Well done Jaded. Just shows, never give in! If you're in the right, they'll come around eventually.
  16. Re: 32Red Friday Freeroll I would attempt it normally, but I think I'll go to the casino tonight for a live game. I need to re-learn how to play proper poker! If something happens between now and 8pm that stops me going, I'll probably join in... for 1 hand at least!

  17. Re: My First Royal!!!

    never had a single one!!!!
    Wouldn't worry about it Danno, it's nothing to shout about really. I mean, all you do is win that one hand. Just rememebered something that happened many moons ago on ChecknRaise. I think it was one of the freerolls during beta testing days, before they moved to the new network. On the board there was K Q J 10, all diamonds. Someone went all-in... he had the 9 for a straight flush. You guessed it, another player was holding the A. Wonder if that would qualify for a bad beat if it was on a cash table??? Has anyone seen any RF's on cash tables, or do they mostly occur on tourney tables... when the poker room doesn't have to pay out! ;)
  18. Re: funny as fcuk

    As there hasn't been one for a while .... good5gv.jpg
    The the sort of thing we're after... hitting nothing but still able to take everyone off the hand. wd. The 72o is starting to win too often... a challenge if you like. I still can't get myself to play them, suited or not. Hell, I lose with AA often enough, so what chance have I got with 72o? Choice between None, Zilch or FA.
  19. Re: tikay balls up What they are doing is trying to make as much profit as possible. If people don't ask for the refund, the $11 stays in their pockets. If you do ask for it, it looks like they will give it back. But, YOU MUST ASK! Go get 'em Flloyd!

  20. Re: My First Royal!!!

    Well done paul!! They're like busses .... I've had 4 now .... expect a few more in the coming weeks ;)
    Any of them on the cash tables? If so, how much was the bonus?
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