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Posts posted by Jezza

  1. Re: singles vs combos there is something called the kelly critereon which calculates the perfect amount to bet for any given advantage and bankroll. Basically the formula is, determine your %adv and bet that % of your playing bankroll. Obviously, you will never qipe out with this formula and if you are good and your bankroll increases, so will your bet ranges Jez

  2. Re: singles vs combos Why not just put games you have the advantage in in the trebles? Leave the average or bad ones to the singles. As for lowering your stake on a treble of advantage games, I would actually INCREASE it. Logically, the bigger the advantage you have the bigger your stake should be and a treble of three advantage matches has an inherently bigger adv than playing the three singles seperately. A good example of this logic would be if you had a time machine and went back to last weekend knowing the results. Ok this is pie in the sky 100% adv stuff, but what would the perfect bet be in this 100% adv situation? As big a multiple as you could put on with the MAXIMUM stake allowed Jez

  3. Re: How many units of alcohol do you drink per week Forgot to mention to the question about shuffle techniques..... The way the dealer shuffles does not matter one iota provided of course they arnt left in order or anything! What has a huge effect is where they place the cut card (which signifys a reshuffle) The more cards a counter gets to see, the more accurate his true count is. A british casino inspector/pit boss on suspecting a counter will tell the dealer to "cut the deck in half" Jez

  4. Re: How many units of alcohol do you drink per week lol @70 aye, more decks makes the game a lot harder to beat. In Vegas you can get single deck games which have an expectation of +0.08% :eek :eek off the top. Coupled with counting, they are great (although they are watched v closely by the pitbosses). In Britain we are stuck with our 6 deck no hole card game. It has an expectation of -0.60% approx off the top :( All professional level count systems adjust the running count for the amount of decks but basically with such a crap expectation to start with, british card counters have to wait till a true count of at least +2 before raising their bet. Also our bet range has to be wider.....if you spread 1-8 in america you will do well, you need a spread of at least 1-16 and want 1-32 to have a decent chance here. As for being banned....it happens but less so if you are careful. Jez

  5. Re: singles vs combos If you are 100% SURE you have an edge then you are correct, your advantage is multiplied by the doubles and trebles (I would never go more than trebles). However if you are at a disadvantage, which if you consider most bookies price a football match at an overround of 12% you probably are, then the treble multiplies each disadvantage turning a bad bet into a HORRIBLE one. I would advise sticking to singles with the best odds available unless you are 100% sure you have the advantage and then go for doubles and trebles Jez

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