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Posts posted by Jezza

  1. Re: Poker Novice Questions jtw... Poker is a volatile game, massive losing and winning streaks happen to the worst and best of players all the time. You've done well to make some profit so far and have obviously picked up the game well..just be careful about moving up stake. Of course moving up is fine as long as you are comfortable with the stakes involved but dont go battering in to heavy action straight away...its not a friendly game! Jez

  2. Re: The Punters Lounge $1000 Freeroll - FREE Entry! Fantastic result paul having this for us...betfair giving PL members 1k for free! :clap Stick me down obviously...and like has already been said you guys who have played the PL tournaments and been around the poker forum from the start will all get a seat..... Jez

  3. Congratulations to Doddsy, the champion of PL Poker season 1! :clap :clap I've added the official result from the final game into that thread now, unfortunately I cannot create the final league table on this computer as I am on an old one until thursday, but Doddsy was uncatchable after PL 9 and I am sure billy will when he is around. When this happens I'll unstick the old thread in the stickys, and make a post with the final league with Doddsy as champion, ready for instructions on the new league wherever we decide to have it. Once again congrats......I'm coming after you next season! :clap :clap Jez

  4. Re: Did i play right hand? Kiko, That is a pretty harsh cold deck mate - no way you could get out of it. I think you played it fine, very unlucky for you the final ace hit the flop and even unluckier you paired your K as well. I have folded top two with AK before, but on cash tables where the stacks are deep and the blinds low - at that stage in a tournament there is absolutely no way you can lay that down with that board, anyone would have called in your spot. Jez

  5. Re: Where are the small buy-in STT's? topnotch.... The crypto skins do STT's that go from 1000 pounds to 10p in entry fees I think, betfair or william hill are both good ways to access them. If you will be playing cash tables as well interpoker is a crypto skin that gives you 90 dollars on a deposit bonus every month. Bet365 also do sit n go's all the way down and are a very reputable company with a high traffic poker room linked into the prima network. Finally I read today pokerstars are introducing 1 dollar sit n gos. They are an american company and dont accept debit cards but if you can fund your account (I use NETELLER for transactions with american sites) they are probably the best in the business. Dave, racing post is a skin of VC. They are famous for chat banning for the slightest reason, look for a thread further back in this forum about VC and you can read all about some experiences with them.... Jez

  6. Re: Poker Novice Questions Good advice there from the big man jtw....try out some small stake no limit STT's - lots of chips and plenty of play for a small investmant + the chance to win some bucks :D Jez

  7. Re: Ladbrokes weekly raked hands freeroll :@ That totally sucks to be short by 11 hands :@ Dont think there is much you can do here mate....I have met a couple of the ladbrokes PMs and they are were all a decent bunch of guys so I am sure they will listen to you if you phone back but I cant see you getting in here :o Guess you just gotta wait till next week now

  8. Re: 10k freerolls through May at bet365 No, no catch at all! Sometimes there is a requiremant to enter, such as you have played at least 250 hands at a cash table in the past month but thats the most. The 10k ones at bet365 have absolutely 0 requirements to enter...totally free and you can withdraw your winnings if you get placed straight away. They also do a 30,000 one every month for players who have played 250 or more raked hands at a cash table in the month before. JEz

  9. Re: Connection Problems You will not have to totally disable it pobby, you will just have to configiure it to allow the poker...check the manual. What it blocks as standard and what it doesnt is entirely dependant on how its set up to start with...my one asks me every time I run a program that connects to the internet in some way what to do with it. Jez

  10. Re: When to move up a limit I would say Mr M the most important point to take on board when thinking about bankroll is just how much you can lose in a bad run. You might think 3000 is an awful lot to have to have behind you to play 100 dollar buy in games but the truth of the matter is a run of bad beats can easily wipe that out in no time. Many people think they are singled out by the fickle hand of fate to be the unlucky ones when they have a few bad beats in a row...nothing could be further from the truth - EVERY decent player will go through a mind numbing period of disgusting outdraws that kills them financially several times in their career, the whole point of bankroll management is that you survive it with little real threat to your existance as a poker player. You probably have a replenishable bankroll (IE you could always redeposit if you went bust from your wages) so you dont have to tread quite as carefully as a pro with no other income - understanding the reasoning behind it is really all thats needed. Before you move up to the 100 dollar buy in games I would suggest you just have to feel comfortable winning or losing that much in one hand of poker, understand the potential losses and wins involved and have some good cash game experience at 0.25/0.50. To get this play for the summer at 0.25/0.5 and see how you feel/did at the end of it. The figures you quote are about right, I would say 20 * the max buy in would be about right...so yep 2000 for 0.5/1. It sounds like a lot I know but believe me its necessary! Jez

  11. Re: Connection Problems See if there is a facility to add programs to a safe list...if so remember and add the actual .exe file in the installation directory and not the desktop shortcut. If you have a more finely tuned network then everything you need to know is in that email you posted.....just look in your firewall manual and set it up :hope Jez

  12. Re: A Fcking Jopke ! All righty winty... that must have sucked mate :( :( Obviously any large computer network is going to suffer blips at some point, there isnt a single one in the world that wont but when it affects your bottom line it really sucks ass. If you email will hill about it they will probably try and sort something out but its hard to see what they can do. I play on crypto all the time as well, the software is a bit crap (their online casino software is much better) as it takes up a lot of CPU usage and they do go down occasionly but I trust them 100%. There has NEVER been an incident of a player being cheated or not paid at a crypto casino/poker room and personally I think that speaks volumes, they offer some ofthe best bonuses around as well. Against them I would say the customer service sucks. Its good if you phone up but send them an email and geez you could be waiting a week for a reply. Cashouts are always super quick tho, whatever method you request. I aint some sort of rep for them btw :lol. But the bad things I have heard about other networks (primas account locking of 5 figure sums and IGLOBALMEDIA ((party))s shady past) have never occured with crypto so I would stick with them personally. Jez

  13. Re: Connection Problems Pobby, Your firewall is stopping the programs from connecting. If you are at home then you have to place the poker program in the "trusted" list - if that means not a lot to you then dont worry, tell us the name of your firewall and someone on here should be able to help. If you are at work then well its up to the IT security guys what they let in and what they dont and I guess they dont let very much through :lol If you are mates with them or dont mind doing so you can show them that email and they could possibly allow your computer the access it needs to get onto the poker servers, however I cant see them thinking its much of a priority...if so best to try and download it at home.... Good luck anyway mate and any questions just stick them up in here :ok Jez

  14. Re: No limit cash game heartache Hi MrM..... You were a bit unlucky here mate but lets take a look at the hand step by step....

    Under the gun the guy who beat me raised to $2. This guy had acummulated a large stack but had been getting very lucky on the showdowns I saw (AJ beating AK all in etc). He kept raising very big to bully people who had called small raises out of pots and was being a bit maniac. All folded round to me in the small blind. I had KK. I knew it as the best hand so raised to $7. After a think he then re-raised to $17. I then called the remaining $10. Thought he probly had AJ AQ or something. I admit I was slightly peturbed by the action
    Your play here seems fine to me MrM. Usually on cash tables it is quite (very) rare for me to be all in preflop for the max against a player who also has the max with kings. If I raise preflop with kings and get reraised generally I will just smooth call the reraise...first of all I can see if an ace flops and secondly against a good player there is a decent chance he has aces so I will take a flop and make a decision then as to what he has. However your situation here is different...first of all you are up against a total fud as you have witnessed who just likes to raise a lot to bully, gamble and try get lucky. I would have reraised him exactly as you did. When he comes back with a rereraise to 17 then moving all in is not really a bad play at all. He would probably have called with by far the worst of it (you can be fairly sure you have the best of it as he is so loose, aces are a possibililty but you cant really worry about them from this sort of player) and you would be gambling in a great spot. However smooth calling was actually probably the better option for two reasons 1) You get to see if an ace flops and 2) You are slowplaying a little against a very aggressive player (exactly the type you want to slowplay against) and giving him some rope to hang himself (more on this on the flop play)
    Flop came 10d 8d 6h I thought pretty nice flop but theres a flush possibility so bet $8. He then raised me $48 to put me all in. I thought obviously possibility of aces. I thought more likely QQ but every likelihood just a flush draw the way he had been playing trying to catch cards.
    Ok this is not really the worst flop in the world for you, you didnt really want to see an A or a paired board in the playing zone (something like QQx or JJx - although you have to pay this guy off if he does get lucky like that, even a QQx or JJx flop shouldnt stop you getting all your chips in on the flop against this particular player, I was more talking in general) - anything else and you are probably going to go through with your kings against this guy but like you realised there is a flush draw there. You now have two options...if you choose to bet this flop which is never a bad play when you think you have the best hand then you have to pretty much move in. When you have the best hand vs a flush draw you must come in with pot sized bets - seeing as this pot was already over 40 dollars and you have not much more than that behind you you should just have moved in if you wanted to bet. You are going to call him if he moves in so why not be the one who makes the first move - a bet of 8 dollars is pretty weak in this spot and a definate area of improvement although to be fair it didn't actually cost you anything this hand as the end result was the same. The second option was the one that I would have gone for - the check-raise. He put in the last raise preflop so he still thinks he is in charge, he is super aggressive and is a bully. You just KNOW he is betting this flop if you check, and almost certainly pot commiting himself. I would have checked..let him bet the majority of his stack and check-raised all in over the top.
    called all in for my remaining $40. I didnt like doing it though never been involved in a pot like this before.
    Dont worry about this mate..it comes with the territory. In tournaments its a bit more worrying when you are calling all in with two cards to come as you stand a good chance of being outed on your arse but in cash games its ok. You can be pretty sure you have the best of it and if you get bad beaten you can always reload. The large pots are always the sweetest to win and harshest to lose but if you constantly go in ahead like you did here you will only ever be disappointed as you always expect to win....although the majority of the time it will be you dragging it down. Dont worry about the fact you lost this one mate, your time will come.
    Turn came 9c and river came 6d. If he had have been chasing the flush he would have rivered it However he had pocket 77 and picked up his gutshot straight
    Well the best laid plans of mice and men....... This is just an unfortunate turn of random events mate. You are an 80% favourite preflop which is great but you will lose a significant amount of the time. He does pick up more outs on the flop but you still had him all in with the best of it. Those who say they would prefer someone to fold here knowing they had the worst hand (IE play against good players not fuds like this guy) truly do not understand the concept of how to make money gambling - to do that you must be in situations like you were in here - with the money commited when you are ahead or with correct pot/implied odds to draw... Run this hand a million times and you will be in the $$$...and you do have the chance to run this hand a million times just keep playing! Dont be disheartened - the cards fall the same for everyone over the long run. This hand in particular is a good example of why it is necessary to take the max to the table when playing cash. Because you could match this guys stack you had a very very good chance to bust him - and take the lot in one hand. Yes of course it stings more when we get bad beaten but having all his money commited with the worst of it is what you want.
    Was he playing way reckless or is it just me? Should I have got away from the hand expecting him to hold AA, TT, 88 or 66?
    He was playing pretty reckless....very LAG by the sounds of it. He was either going to win a fortune by getting lucky or get bust by a decent player, the latter should of happened but the former reared its ugly head - its good you noticed his tendancies instead of drifting onto autopilot. No you cant really get away from this hand, especially as you are commiting 17 dollars out of a stack of 60 preflop with kings - you just have to bite the bullet and accept he is going to get paid if he gets lucky. Hope that helps mate.... Jez
  15. Re: How did you start Jezza? Yep an STT is a single table tournament with usually 10, 6 or 5 players starting and prizes paid to the top three or two finishers. You pay a set entry fee (between 1 dollar and 15,000 dollars on the net!) and get x chips (around a thousand usually) each to play with. Once all your chips are gone you are out...last man standing wins. An MTT is the same as an STT except there are more entrants and thus the tournament is held over multiple tables. The top 10% of finishers usually get paid with the prizes going up the higher you finish. The majority of the money is in the top 3 places usually. TAG as ian said means Tight aggressive. It is a way of characterising an individuals play or even the general feel of a game. The first part describes how often a player is in a hand...A tight player (or "rock") waits for the best hands before playing, a loose player plays any crap - most people fall inbetween of course but can be characterised. The second part describes how a player acts when he is in a hand. A passive or weak player will not bet of his own accord very much, prefering just to check and call along - if he does bet its not likely to be very big and the times he does bet big you can safely fold knowing he has the nuts. An aggressive player on the other hand will frequently bet big or raise you all the way throughout a hand, taking control whenever he plays. He will suffer more when he gets outdrawn having invested or forcing you to have invested more chips throughout the duration of the hand but when he wins he wins bigger. Also he tends to put a lot more pressure on his opponents. General "book" strategy suggests a TAG style of play will win you good money playing poker, I would advocate anyone starting out trying to adopt this style - plenty of tricky LAGs can make more money than tight players but that is very difficult to do and requires great card skill. Many players claim to be tight aggressive but few actually are (most are tight/weak). Jez

  16. Re: Some MTT help... Hi Beanie, I will echo what DaveM says here. Playing tight is good at the start of a tourney when the blinds are very low but as they get large adn the money looms you must become more loose/aggressive preflop. Instead of limping in, be coming in with raises. Remember if you are the preflop raiser you will generally have control over the hand on the flop. Playing this way you will have a little more heartbreak more often (finishing outside the money/bubbling) but the times you do get in the money you will be well placed to do very well - having a lot of chips and with a table that fears you/you are in charge of. I would prefer to win 1 tournament than finish just inside the money 10 times in a row.. Jez

  17. Re: An Experiment you are pretty much right slapdash...

    It's true that with the maximum buy-in you will benefit more when you have the better of two big hands. But you will also lose more when you have a big second-best hand. So it's probably when you think you're better than your opponents at playing these big hands, knowing when to raise and when to get out, that having the maximum buy-in will be of most benefit.
    Exactly..... The whole point is that when you get a cold deck in your favour you will always extract the maximum...the problems come when you make the second best hand. However hopefully as a good player you will be able to recognise more often that you are beaten than your average opponent does. Being able to escape from AJ A10 when you have a pair of aces (and are beaten)...yet punishing your opponents when you have them beaten in the same situations is an example. Good poker is all about losing the least on your losing hands as well as winning the most on the times you are on top. Even if you have the maximum and hold a smaller flush against another max buy in players nut flush the good player should escape with minimum damage....and the times the tables are turned hopefully you will be able to inflict maximum damage. It is all theory but over the long run you will rise to the top and the power of chips will help you do it. The freak occasions when you get something like four of a kind v four of a kind yes noone can escape from this...but it will happen an equal amount of times in your favour as against it (in the long run of course!) so provided you are playing stakes where you can handle the volatility you dont need to worry too much about that. I would say top set vs 2nd top set on the flop is about the start of where hardly anyone is escaping.
    My argument wasn't about the extremity of the example. If there are two big hands out that the players concerned will find it hard to get away from, it's just as likely that your one will be the second best as it is that yours will be the winner.
    This isnt necessarily true in my opinion...You can do things like never playing suited king rag. Plenty of players play this hand and when do they lose the most money? When they are up against the ace flush.. By never drawing to a classic second best hand such as this but always drawing to the classic best hand (the nut flushes) you can position yourself far more often into the winning hand rather than the losing one when the large pots occur. Another factor of taking the max to the table is implied odds. Say a tight player with a lot of money behind him raises quite large. You know he is tight and half decent so the chance is he has a high pocket pair, but you know he is not able to let these hands go easily. You now have great odds to call with your low pocket pair, try and flop a set (13% chance) and break him for all his money but to do this you must have a lot in front of you. If you are a short stack you have no odds on a flat call as you are a terrible underdog and almost (if not all) your money is going to be commited in a bad spot (as opposed to the large stack play when hopefully a small portion of money is commited when you are a dog and almost all of it when you are a huge fave). To be honest tho I am being a bit serious about all of this and basically giving my views on how a solid professional player looking purely to make money should look at a cash game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with short buying if you just like a gamble. You will be able to commit a lot more chips preflop when you are a favourite than a big stack will, you will get the thrill of gambling and have a far bigger chance of winning some decent money by taking 40 bucks to a poker table than by taking it to the craps table. If you have a bit of card savvy about you/are a half decent poker player then you will still be able to make good money short buying...I just look to try to maximise every situation. Jez
  18. Re: Showing your hand when all in All right Mr M... It used to be the case that even in tourneys no-one had to turn their cards over when everyone was all in before the river...the turn and river were just dealt and then whoever was closest to the dealer would show their cards. If the next person could not beat them he could just muck them without having to show. A few years ago however most tournaments changed to having have the cards exposed (or "on their backs") when players were all all in before the flop. The reasoning behind this was to avoid collusion. Players colluding before could pass chips to each other by having an all in situation like this but then the big stack mucking no matter what he had and "dumping" chips on his low stacked mate/partner in crime. Having cards on their backs for the whole table to see and judge obviously eliminates a big part of collusion in tournaments. This was successful and now it is a standard rule in all cardrooms, live and internet, for tournament play. However cash table play is different. Obviously chip dumping isnt really what colluders at a cash table would do (although obviously this can go on, its with different methods that it is done)...anyone can buy the size of stack they want anyway and its not a lose everything and you are out situation like a tournament - so this did not apply at cash tables. For this reason cards tended to be mucked a lot more as players wanted to keep how they played their cards to themselves unless forced to show by being called. However a lot of the thrill in playing poker these days comes from seeing what your opponent has and either sweating the next two cards or rejoicing when you hit a one outer on the river to take a massive pot down :) For this reason a lot of internet cardrooms have now put cards over on cash tables in place when everyone is all in. Several still stick to not doing it, ultimate bet and pokerstars to name two but I would say most players prefer it. Ladbrokes I know dont have it in however the upgrade is available to them if they want to take it. Microgaming (who write ladbrokes software) licence the same software to prima poker and on prima it is now cash table cards over so if you pester laddies enough I am sure they will get it in on the next upgrade....I think they are probably waiting until they are asked by the players. Jez

  19. I know this has been gone over in the bragging thread above but thought it deserved a thread of its own ;) I missed this as I was away last night....big shame as for those who don't know heniek triumphed through a massive field on bet365 to win the 10k freeroll and take home a first prize of 2500 american bucks :dude Thats some result mate.....you must have dodged a hell of a lot of bullets to get there :lol Damn annoyed I missed the action...only heard about it today but big congratulations to heniek for playing some class poker and flying the PL flag high :clap :clap :clap Jez

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