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Posts posted by Jezza

  1. Re: Advice please Gents.... Hi Guys, DAC you might want to check these threads... http://punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13711 and http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11650 In them are some of the ups downs and experiences of being a poker pro. I cant knock it at all, its a great life, total freedom, no boss and how well you do is entirely up to you. However it is definately the life of a single guy - long term gfs or wives seem to hate it! Poker marriages are notoriously some of the worst.... My advice to you would be to look at your current situation. You have to be willing to accept + handle mentally huge variances in your bankroll, be adept at understanding all gambling concepts correctly and of course be a winning poker player. Playing for a living is totally different to playing for a hobby of course - however you should not be in a situation where you feel "pressure" playing for a living, your bankroll and stakes you play should be tailored to avoid this, you should also leave yourself a years living expenses in a savings account should you decide to ever quit. If you match all of these things and are disallusioned with your current job (or quitting is easy) then I could not say a bad word about the life of a pro player. Several people have quit out of work for a year or two to enjoy it before returning back to where they came - read the book "big deal" for one authors account of doing so. Some of the other minor points in this thread... 1) Tax - Gambling winnings are EXEMPT from tax in this country. You will hear endless debates rage between people about this wherever you go in poker circles but here is the cold hard truth. You do NOT have to pay income tax on your winnings, you can even claim the tax on the interest in your bank account back as you wont be earning a wage in the tax free zone. You will still have to pay council tax, and although NI is voluntary I would highly recommend paying it. You will never get a mortgage, I dont even have a 100 quid overdraft. If you can secure a mortage under your salary however before quitting, the bank wont care as long as you keep the payments up. 2) Sitting in front of a PC for hours. lol....unless you are playing mega high stakes you are going to have to take playing seriously - anything under 25/50 NL and you will have to be putting in 8hrs a day 5 days a week to pull a decent salary but of course if you just want to scrape by and enjoy freedom you can do, if you want to play 24/7 and win loads - you can also do that. Lack of exercise and weight gain are noticeable it has to be said. Get a good chair and a clear monitor positioned properly. 3) BB per hour...pokertracker can tell you this. I just opened my copy up and looked at my crypto stats for 300,000 hands (combining all levels from 0.5/1 to 2.50/5 cash). It's not calculated per hour, its per 100 hands and seeing as you will get about 60 hands an hour in at an online poker table my PT rate is inflated over what I would earn per hour - 18.8 BB/100) Looking closer I see some amusing things....If I split up into stakes, on the 50c/1 dollar tables I have 28 BB/100 :eek but on the 1 quid/2 quid its only 16 BB/100... Jez

  2. Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome Excellent thread guys, many great posts. Have not been around for the past few days, and it seems every hand has been answered in fine detail, however I will go back through the hands and go through some points that I notice...... The inside straight draw.... It is usually a bad play to draw to an inside straight, however there are times that it can be good gamble - there are some factors that have to be taken into consideration before doing so tho. 1) You must be drawing to the nuts - it is a horrible play to chase a 9% chance on the next card and to be possibly drawing to a second best/losing hand - if you are going to play such a long shot make SURE it will be the top straight if you hit it - and there is no paired board or flush draw there at the moment. 2) Both your opponent and you must have a mountain of chips infront of you. This is called implied odds. You can forget "pot odds" most of the time in this situation (unless your opponent is all in for such a minute amount you have the correct odds to draw anyway) - what you want is to bust someone. It is no good paying 20 to hit and win a 100 because of it. If I was to call 20 on an inside straight draw I would probably want my opponent to have 400 at the back and me be able to match it. 3)You must think your opponent has a very good hand, or at least is a bad enough player to "overvalue" his hands enough. If rule 2 is correct, then rule 3 must be in place foir you to get the chips. The inside straight is very disguised if you do hit it and if you do and your opponent has top set or whatever, then you can probably get the lot. Without seeing the actual figures for the hand paul or knowing the player its hard to say exactly how bad or good the play was, but in general that is definately not the sort of thing you would want to attempt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hand you reraised with pocket 10s... Mixed feelings about this hand! I would definately not have reraised preflop here, you can probably give the other guy credit for a good raising hand and this almost certainly means jacks thru to aces or perhaps AK if you are lucky. However it is fine to play to try and flop a "set" of 10s and break the guy if he does have an overpair thus you want to just flat call his raise (he cant know what you have then) and not reraise, by reraising you face the distinct possiblility of being reraised yourself and having to fold or just putting in more money whilst you are behind. However you did extremely well when you flopped the top set and led at the pot right after reraising preflop. Firstly there was an obvious draw out there, you cant let anyone draw for free which a check would allow and a heavy bet is definately required. Secondly, and more importantly, SO MANY BOG STANDARD PLAYERS routinely check after flopping the top set, this is not really bad if you have 99 the flop is 9 6 2 with no draw and you have just limped - infact it is correct to slowplay on the that flop 95% of the time, but after reraising preflop it is obvious what you have. Any time someone reraises and the flop comes K 8 2 and they check THEY HAVE POCKET KINGS I CAN GUARANTEE IT! By leading at this flop a good player will not give you credit for what you have and you might get paid by weak hands. I like your bet and you extracted maximum value at least. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hand you called an all in check raise on the flop Q 8 3 holding QJ I dont like this call at all. The only hand you are beating is precisely Q10 (which luckily enough he had!). A check-raise all in on the flop like this is either one of two things usually 1) A drawing hand or 2) a very good hand. There is no draw on that board that he would go for probably so we have to give him credit for a hand. As I said before you are only beating one hand precisely and the likeyhood is he has better - you dont want to back your entire stack usually with top pair let alone top pair weak kicker unless it is you yourself that is making the move. I would only call a check raise like this on a cash table holding QJ without a draw on board off someone who I knew was a TOTAL fud. Jez

  3. Re: 30k freeroll at 365 tonight 7pm :o I was up to 2k chips after 3 hands when I got a horrible phone call which I could not ignore - this took about 40 mins of my time and when I came back I had 500 left :( :( Went all in with J10spades...flop 10 9spades 6spades...went out to 96hearts :lol GL anyone left in Jez

  4. Re: PL Internet Poker Bragging Thread Congrats to everyone on their recent successes :clap :clap Nice one on the cash table wins paul, just remember if you can win that much in one hand on a NL cash table you can lose it! Jez

  5. Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM Still no reply from them - this is what I mean, ignoring their customers - disgusting really when you consider they want you to put thousands of $ of yours in their trust. Paul have you heard anything? Jez

  6. Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome HI DBDF I totally agree with you mate, the best way to get better at poker is to go back over major hands you played badly or well and analyze them. Have a look and see if you didnt bet enough/bet too much, gave too many free cards/didnt give a free card when you could, lost more than you should/didnt extract enough value when you held the winning hand etc etc. It's important in these cases to be honest with yourself and not just assume you played well and it was the other muppets fault you lost (As the majority of most poker players seem to do) - if you do this you can only get better. Pokertracker is a great analytical tool, it shows you every conceivable stat under the sun (apart from % return on money, which I know laddies use to measure us all by, I emailed the pokertracker dude asking for this in a later version, lets hope so!). It is highly compatible with betfair (the cryptologic software), it can just read all your hands off your HD where the betfair software has stored them. I would be hesitant about parting with the 50 bucks tho if you are a poker newbie - you dont know if you are still going yo be playing in a few months time! My advice would be, play for a while, stick up any hands you are unsure about on here and if you are still enjoying it a few months down the line and want to seriously analyze your player, ptracker is for you. Jez

  7. Re: There's one word I certainly have learned about poker I agree about the patience thing totally, you need bags of it to play properly in a full handed ring game. Personally I always have music on when im playing...but I try to keep to a max of two tables at once so I can pay attention to everything. Thats not to say it is impossible to do well without being eagle eyed, I see some of the greatest net players on up to 12 tables at once sometimes! I would highly recommend it tho. Jez

  8. Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM It's not the lack of all in protect I am bemoaning... It's the fact their software was to blame for not letting me into the ring games when I reconnected (so their fault I could not call the last of my money) and more to the point the customer service. My emails were either ignored or replied to days later with derogatary answers that clearly showed whoever had read them did not understand what I wrote/did not read it/did not care. The same was true when I phoned, it was a total joke. Thanks paul hopefully I will get a sensible answer from them

  9. All right everyone, A disgusting chain of events recently at pokerroom, but I thought I would give them a chance to sort it out before posting this on here...they never did. Playing on 1/2 NL to clear a bonus I had 56spades preflop and called a small raise as did everyone else, someone popped it back up a little and yet again everyone calls so do I with about 204 infront of me...the pot was now 80 dollars before the flop (large for 1/2). Flop : 782 So I have an open straight draw, to cut a long story short 4 people were all in on the flop - most of them with almost 200 infront of them - this includes me. The pot was gigantic, almost 800. I had just clicked call for someones all in bet of 200 when SOFTWARE CRASH. No matter I restart it immediately however pokerroom informs me ring games are down and connects me to the tournament lobby instead. In chat there I asked if anyone else had the same problem - SEVERAL people replied saying they had been booted also and no they could not get back into the ring games either. Eventually I got back into the ring games to find I was down 200. I phoned customer support and it was answered by a total retard (I am not usually harsh on people who man the phones for big companys, I realise they take the brunt of complaints for what is not their fault however she was a...retard). After EVENTUALLY getting her to understand what was going on she reads me out the result of the hand. The turn was K and river....9 - the winner had a set of 8s my straight didnt count (it took her at least 2 minutes to work out who held the best hand). I had called an all in for 200 leaving me with 4 at the back, someone had bet that 4 later in the hand and I had been auto folded leaving my 200 in the pot. She said I had been given 30 seconds to respond after I reconnected. Your software wouldnt let me I told her...the ring games were blocked from any entrants after that crash, several people confirmed that for me I said - no answer from her just repeated its not their fault and I was to piss off basically. I am not bemoaning the auto disconnect protect I told her but your server and software were to blame...no joy from her so I wrote an email to them instead. Several emails went for days unaswered, eventually one was answered, asking me was this the hand? They had chosen some random hand - days before the incident. No, I replied, its easy to find my hand its the last one I played on pokerroom. No reply to my email. Sent several other emails, eventually a few days later I got a generic email stating my hand had been a tournament hand and if I get disconnected I am auto folded till I return. LAUGHABLE!!!!!!!! I send an understandably angry reply to this, NO ANSWER AGAIN. I've now cashed out and left, 800 dollars to the poorer than I should have been I am not bemoaning the lack of auto protect disconnect but what I am saying is... 1) Their software was to blame for the whole incidentin the first place 2) They refuse to acknowledge the fact I was not allowed back into ring games to call the 4 dollars, again their server was at fault and not me 3) They are ignoring my emails and the few answers I have got are laughably retarded, completely irrelevant to the questions. Basically what a pirate fly by night operation, they dont care about anything but getting your money, I would not trust them with your money guys. I have cashed out my bankroll from them and will just leave this post here as a reminder to everyone how the bad poker sites out there operate. Jez

  10. Re: Multiple Poker Accounts Hi mabell, The rules on accounts across skins vary depending on the network. On party you used to be allowed an account on each skin, however they have changed that now as you have found out! I believe when you install a skin/party on your computer it refuses to work properly if it detects other party/skin of party software on there. If you closed down your party account properly and wiped your HD you would not be in breach of the T&C and could download and open a coral account...however best to contact customer services before trying anything like that. On the crypto network (littlewoods) you are allowed 1 account at every skin. Littlewoods is THE WORST skin by far. I have had many bad experiences with littlewoods online, including them closing my littlewoods casino account because I won 50 quid over 4 monthly bonuses :lol. They are an absolute joke, if I had breaced their rules I could understand but I stuck to every one of their T&C and yet they still cancelled my bonuses. An email to the casino manager (as I was told to do), simon dexter, was ignored and never replied to. Betfair is however a great crypto skin if you are a heavy sports bettor as you lower your commission playing there. Interpoker is another good one if you are a cash game player as you get 90 dollars free every month! All the other skins give good bonuses as well...just steer clear of littlewoods. Prima poker (bet365 is a skin of prima) let you only have 1 poker alias but you can set up different skins to access it - you get a code when you first sign up with a skin...when you want to open an account with another skin you just plug this code in and you can access your alias through them, but of course the banking and graphics are different. You can only receive 1 sign on bonus throughout the network tho. What isnt allowed is accessing two accounts from the same street address or IP address (ever) - my brother ran into problems trying to register a bet365 prima poker account because I had registered at the address he was trying to. Dont worry about this, they are a helpful bunch, just phone up and explain everything and they will sort it. Jez

  11. Re: My Poker Novice Diary - Comments Welcome All right guys...good thread going on here I half agree with dave here. I agree that jumping in to medium sized NL cash games is not the way to start - they are vicious, although if you dont mind losing the buyins then of course thats fine...just be sure to know its not a friendly game when you sit down! However I disagree with the idea of playing limit poker instead (lol). I would advise someone wanting to learn NL hold em to either play tournaments or small stake cash games. Both are easily available on the net these days...for very small stakes. If you dont like the small money involved in microlimit cash games (as low as 1 dollar sit downs) then play tournaments. Even ones with a 5 dollar entry fee can offer thousands for first place, so the money is still good - and you get plenty of play for your buck (usually :lol), learning all the concepts you need to be a good NL player (there are thousands and noone can come close to completely mastering all of them - this is the real great thing about poker - the learning curve never end). Ok onto your diary paul....I always say that going back over critical hands in your playing sessions and working out where you played well or badly is a key point in anyone improving there game so you are off on a good foot believe me!

    I briefly scan the chapter on Pre-Flop Odds, Odds for The Flop, but know I have to go back and read it properly. The odds I believe are vital to understand, otherwise you are effectively guessing when you should bet on occasions. (Correct me if I'm wrong btw)
    Of course it is important to know the odds if you want to be a top player, however I would not beat yourself up over it to start off with. The common ones you will gradually learn by heart and you can get a "feel" for it as you play in tournaments and lower stakes to start off with....further down the road if you are making decisions to draw for 800 quid you will be all the better placed to make them through the knowledge and experience you have gained! I would just suggest looking up the ones on a link I will give later that you come across whilst you are playing, you will soon get to know the common ones.
    now think I'll go play some 0.10/0.20 no limit. I will only play no limit as I feel I will be tested the most there. I do ok, big pot with me and some danish guy who spanked Big Andy laugh4.gif, he had KK and I had AA, he raised, I matched, he raised again and I matched and then both all in, which I won. This was all pre-flop by the way
    Totally agree on the only playing no limit part....love the hand, a classic "cold deck" (where two people have such good hands the money is always going to go in) and glad your Aces held up. AA is the best hand possible preflop and is always ahead then - if you can get all your money in before the flop then you have got value no matter what the other person holds, you could well lose but if you do it was just a good bet being unlucky. Of course on the flop and beyond the other person could easily have shot into the lead hand wise!
    A lot of hands I just seem to be folding as they are utter sh!te. Along comes a good hand with AK clubs. I go with it, the flop comes up with J 9 clubs and 5D, so now I have 2 shots at the nuts flush. My downfall here is I don't know "the odds" of me winning, but my guess is it is quite good. I raised at the flop, and was called. At the turn a 8D comes up, and then he raises me. I only have ace high, but have to call him (or do I ?). Anyway, I didn't get the flush and he won with a pair of jacks. Now down to $22.50.
    Dave covered this hand pretty much spot on....
    I play more hands, but its all bits and pieces, I bluff quite a few hands, and win a few when people thought I was bluffing also. 4am Back down to $46. I finish by bluffing a guy for a $4 pot, and finishing on just over $50, right back where I started
    You want to be careful about doing this...bluffing is usually a bad idea on the internet as the tendancy is towards players to call. I wrote a thread on this a while back...will find it and post a link here in a bit... Jez
  12. Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? Yep...I use pokertracker and keep my own win/loss records as well Pokertracker is excellent...it tells you your winrate per hour at every level you have played at...your total win/loss and all the stats on your hands you could hope for. Well worth the 50 bucks.... I keep my own records as well because pokertracker does not support every site out there, only the major ones. I dont do anything fancy just daily profit/loss split down into individual sites and a running total + past yearly totals. If you dont take online poker that seriously or dont really mind if you win/lose then you dont really have to keep careful records. Its more for the more serious rather than casual player, or if you are just wanting to make money - if you fall into the latter categorys then you have to be honest with yourself and record every day! Jez

  13. Re: Doing your bankroll Brutal story oskar :( Know the feeling mate....did just short of 2000 dollars once whilst drunk....NEVER again :o To be honest all gamblers have been there at some point if we are honest - gambling when pissed then regretting it the next day - its a killer mix tho. GL on the rakeback...you'll manage it but its like you worked all that time for nothing :o Jez

  14. Re: The Punters Lounge $1000 Freeroll - FREE Entry! If memory serves me correct....(this could be totally wrong but I think its right) The problem with AOL and betfair registration is that if you go through the AOL browser it thinks you are in america. You could resolve this by phoning them, or perhaps using a standard IE browser instead of the AOL software to browse their site. Jez

  15. Re: Punters Lounge X - the final showdown :rollin Coldheart was one of those "whats the password" cnuts laidback..... He pestered us all for it until I went into a rant, telling him to get to fcuk and asking him why every fcuker on paradise wants know our password.... He replied in true online poker style by telling me I was an arsehole and he was going to track me down to take my money later (having put a note on me to that effect)....I still havnt seen him again :lol Jez

  16. Re: My first pre flop all in :lol Nice one MrM :clap :clap Those hands are the ones that bring a smile to the face...... Jez (and yes calling all in preflop with 63s - what a fanny :rollin )

  17. Re: An idea for the next PL Poker Season The "bounty hunter" idea is good...why not whoever is top of the league before going into that game has the bounty placed on them? Betfair would be a good idea seeing as they are giving us 1k :clap but I dont think they do private tourneys? It seems we are all moving to ladbrokes or bet365....lets try ladbrokes first, has anyone tried setting up a private tourney there yet? I would say rebuys are a bad idea for a PL tourney btw...and I think the entry fee is fine as it is. Everyones comments appreciated guys so keep em coming. Jez

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