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Posts posted by Jezza

  1. Re: Anyone play at Ultimate Poker? Ultimate poker is I believe the new UK "front" for Ultimate Bet. UB is a pretty good site - their customer service is quick, they do good promotions, cashouts are quick and your money is safe with them. I have a rakebreaked account there which I use occasionly, playing shorthanded 2/4 NL mostly. Opponents do range from tough (its the home of prahald "spirt rock" friedman - now called mahatma) to bad - I would say the average is pretty good, better than the crypto servers for sure. They run bonus deposits frequently, you can almost always have a +ve bonus balance at ultimate bet which is good when you have no other bonuses to whore ;) Jez

  2. Re: help/beginner Hey wizard it has been a week since i have been able to post...but nevertheless a big :welcome to the forum. If you look through the archives you will find many threads on sit and go strategy etc. For a general rule of thumb I would suggest in the early stages when the blinds are very small you raise with very litte, infact QQ KK and AA only practically. However as the blinds increase gradually raise with more hands until when the blinds are huge you are raising hard every pot practically. In ring games you must be mindful of a few things - position and no of opponents are two important ones. If you are UTG or in early pos against a full cash ring game of 10 players I wouldn't even raise with AK - I would just limp, the same goes for jacks or tens. Stick to the big wired pairs. Around the back or on the button you can lower your raising standards for sure as you have far more control over the hand after the flop. Shorthanded (against less than 5 opponents) I would try and bully the game with frequent raises preflop with any two cards that stand a good chance of making top pair. As mark says I would say pot odds are of a good importance, especially playing cash games (in tournaments you can sometimes fold pots where you have marginally correct odds to call as you are risking too much of your stack, in a cash game you must always stick your money in and gamble when you are a favourite/have correct odds - you can always rebuy) You dont need to take them super seriously if you play for fun tho, I would suggest you just need to know a few common ones like your chance of making a flush, a set etc. Try www.cardplayer.com for a good odds calculator, you can plug in any combination you fancy Jez

  3. Re: To enter future PL tournys - please read If you are going to be using your NETELLER account for online poker sites...put the base currency in dollars, you avoidethe 1.9% exchange charge this way. I have one, it is vital to me nowadays, and setting it to dollars was by far and away the best choice. If however you are going to be using it for GBP accounts on sportsbooks you have to take your pick, I highly recommend the dollar option tho (mickey mouse money :lol) Jez

  4. Re: Evil online poker site - POKERROOM.COM Yep, got an email form them yesterday First of all apologising for the way support handled it then offering me my stake back (but not the pot I would have won). This is a fair settlemant IMO and I think I have only paul to thank for this as they were totally ignoring me until he stepped in! Thanks a lot again paul... Jez

  5. Re: Gotta love Mike the mouth :lol Been watching him on the reruns of the 2004 WSOP...a bit of a knob but yep funny to watch. I think he does it to entice action at the table, everyone there was probably gunning for him :lol Jez

  6. Re: Punter's Lounge $1000 Freeroll - Sat June 25th 7pm! Hey plow, lol @ you knowing nelly, you are not my namesake mr snape are you perchance? Good stuff with the poker and congrats on the MTT wins, always a good feeling that :clap. As I am sure you know from nelly I have been a gambler up here for many years and nowadays it is just poker, what else do you punt on? The cruise last year was fantastic, there are other older threads in the forum going into far more detail if you have a look around...this year so far I have played 5 or 6 daily finals, I made the first weekly 1200 sunday final but unfortunately didn't qualify.....I will definately be going for it tho.... GL in the freeroll, you are far more likely to see me embarrass myself there mate as its now my mission to get to the final and bust someone with 72o for a 50/1 payday :rollin Jez

  7. Re: Punter's Lounge $1000 Freeroll - Sat June 25th 7pm! :rollin Welcome to the forum plow king..which one of my mates do you work with? I reckon the back end of torry is the ghetto of aberdeen, amazingly smart and clean ladbrokes shops there tho, a huge contrast..... As for the match betting...What price on we get asked the password 30 seconds after the start? Jez

  8. Re: Stategy Tip - The Counterfeited Hand Very good post dave, There is another form of a "counterfeited" hand that is more dangerous imo - and that is drawing to what you think are outs but they also improve your opponents hand as well. For example, there is a raise preflop and you call with AKo, as do several others. Flop 10 6 2. Now there is a bet, a few flat calls and it is around to you. Many people here will call chasing their high pair draw - this is a BAD play. What if your opponent has A10? Sure you could hit your K but if the A pairs on the turn you are then going to dump a lot of money into a pot you are then drawing very thin on. He could easily have K10 as well, or indeed someone could be slowplaying a set and your A or K will just cost you money no matter which one comes. I pick AK here as it is the classic one that people chase if they miss the flop - DONT be a victim to that. If you miss then just ditch it and move onto the next one, you never know when you are drawing to a hand that will just cost you money. High pairs are not the only thing applicable here, say you hold KcQs on a board J 4 5 all clubs. Some might call a bettor down thinking they have several ways to win the pot, any K any Q or any club. But what if the bettor holds KJ or JQ? or indeed AJ with the A clubs? You are just drawing to a second best hand in all likleyhood - ditch it on the flop and move onto the next one. MrM - very good fold!. Dave is right that someone with just the open str8 flush DRAW is about a 55% fave over aces on that flop but if you hold the aces in that situation you prob have to go through with it if your opponent just has the mega draw due to what is in the pot already. If you think that is what your opponent has (the draw...he is not made already) the way to play is to flat call it until the turn and if its a total blank for the draws move in, if its not then you can just ditch the aces. Jez

  9. Re: Have i run out of luck??? Hi cains, Unlucky mate. Personally I wouldnt raise with KQ in a full cash ring game, I would dump it in early pos and try and limp with it around the back. Shorthanded I would always pot raise it preflop. However there is nothing wrong with raising with it fullhanded and if you can handle the volatlity of doing so it will get rid of the crappy hands (so you hope :lol ) and give you control of the hand post flop - its just personal preference. You got very unlucky on how the hand played out, one of the great things many people dont understand about broadway (the A-10 str8) is that if you flop it with both your hole cards, someone else will 99% of the time have 2 pair. There is a bad tendancy for many players to check it - this is a BAD move - so many cards will hurt you on the turn and like I said before, big chance someone has 2 pair and will play back at you. You however cains, played it very well getting all the money committed when you had the best hand and just got unlucky...never mind mate, happens to us all, onto the next one. Jez

  10. Re: Whats next ? I would agree with dave...get onto pokerstars prima or ladbrokes and play the MTT's there if thats your thing. Buy ins of 5 dollars and less attract huge fields and good prizes for the entrance money on these sites, stars especially...loads of fun and potential for big wins. Jez

  11. Re: Alright Lads Hi legendkiller lol..good name....:welcome to the forum mate Unfortunately I dont think you will be able to play in this betfair freeroll, understandably it is open to people who have participated in previous PL tournaments or racked up a few posts here or elsewhere on PL - otherwise we would be deluged with freerollers taking our money! However stick around, we may well have another in the future and this forum is a great place to post on. What do you play...STTs MTTs cash or a mixture? Jez

  12. Re: Old B***ard Side note....as I told MrM earlier it truly is my bday...yesterday I lost 2.5k online, in the last 8 hours I have won 2.4k back :rollin Jez

  13. Lol.... Yep its my bday today.....27 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o I know GC is the usual place for these crappy threads, but seeing as you guys are the only cnuts I post to on here I thought I would stay where home is :D I have been a PL member for many years (4 I think) now. Waaayyyy back in the days of ezboard, odds against and that total ****** gorden gecko :lol. Me and komp would go on yahoo poker occasionly back then when we were bored with hearts, and raise every hand to the max gay limit poker style (FOUR BETS MAX REMEMBER LADIES :lol). Since then we have had many changes but of course the greatest has been the introduction of the poker forum. I am well chuffed with the way this place has turned out and all of you are to thank for that. Not only that but also the quality of players we create here on PL is top notch, I aint just saying that but if we were to have a heads up series with 2+2, sklansky really wouldn't know what had hit him (and that would be just after paul ross rivered him to an inside straight). Big up to the lot of you :clap Now I am away to go out for a meal and get pissed tonight. You will probably find me in a 1$ STT at 8am tomorrow raising all in every hand :beer . I love it when all the 1$ pros call you a lucksack fish :drums. Cheers guys, Martin

  14. All right guys, We all know that bluffing is a famous part of poker. Indeed we have all put in beefcake bets on the river holding fcuk all - sweating as our opponents uses all their time bank and chanting FOLD FOLD FOLD from behind the safety of our monitors. When they finally do and you flash the table two useless hole cards, it is a sweet feeling it has to be said :dude. However many times we have been called, and had the table cringe as we are seen to be useless (bad!) bluffers....It's obvious after a while that the reason people tend to call so much on the internet is that nagging feeling that this guy is bluffing them...It has to be said if you are optimistic about your fellow players (and think your opponent does have what he is representing) you will fare far better than your pessimistic mate who calls everything. It is NOT often you should call with a loser in NL hold em - they should be mucked without ever paying off your opponent. However obviously there ARE times we are bluffed - how can we make sense of this? The most common time to be bluffed is when your opponent has missed a draw. The scandanvians in particular seem pecuiliarly attached to a pot they have invested a large portion of their stack drawing on and always try to reclaim it. It's not just limited to them tho, many players are guilty of it. First of all if you are ever in a situation where you are sure your opponent has had a draw, be it flush or straight and it has missed on the river - CHECK to them if you are heads up and first to go. Say you have top pair, if you bet here you are only going to get called if you are beaten but if you check you will also invite a bluff. Although you will pay off a slowplayed hand occasionly (but not likely if you were not raised on the turn) you will have a lot of positive equity from the missed draw bluff - you would never get this if you bet the river hard. A lot of aggressive players will bite at the check and make a move for the pot. One thing to note is you cannot wimp out here! You checked intended to induce a bluff, so if your opponent goes all in you have to call. If you fold you have just stabbed yourself in the back!!! Whats the point of inducing a bluff then not calling it - you make think this is a silly point but many players become awfully weak here. Anytime you are faced with a strange bet on the river you must look at the board and see if there are any missed draws, flush or straight there. Anytime there are I feel you should be leaning towards calling (but do remember sometimes players who act weak at the start of the hand but strong towards the end are slowplaying monsters - you will learn from experience when someone is drawing and when they are slowplaying). If there is no missed draw there, or indeed a draw has HIT you are almost certainly beaten and dont let curiosity kill the stack...:lol. People tend to bluff at large pots, and if you are playing good poker your opponent will have been drawing to pot size bets so the pot will be large on the river........ The bottom line is if the bet makes no sense you probably have to call it, if it does make sense then just muck your two pair ;) Jez

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