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Posts posted by PAULM03

  1. Re: Tarver vs Woods! Just watched the Cintron fight. Seen that kind of thing before where a fighter is used to hitting someone and seeing them go down and stay down. No plan B and as soon as he realised Margarito wasn't going down he just gave up. Fitness looked a bit suspect aswell.

  2. Re: Tarver vs Woods!

    Woods was a total let down last night. Didn't show anything, from the first round you could tell it was not going to be his night. Tony Margarito put on a bit of a show against Kermit Fintron - did anyone see that one...?
    I think Woods' problem is he doesn't travel at all well. Haven't seen it but the reports say he just never got going, which is a shame.
  3. Re: Rugby League - Super League XIII Round 11

    Yes mate' date=' also Wakefield's record over the years against Huddersfield has been very poor to say the least. Last season Huddesfield beat Wakefield for their first win of the season and then went 8 games unbeaten if I recall correctly.[/quote'] Yeah, we're jinxed against hudds. I think we've had a couple of games lately where we've been 20 pts up and still lost. Consensus on the wakey forum is that the young lads will probably have a better chance as they don't have the hoodoo hanging over them. I'm not convinced, although John kear IS the master of pulling off the big one-off performance. Still Hudds by a big margin for me though, I think.
  4. Re: Rugby League - Super League XIII Round 11 Just in case anyone doesn't know Wakefield have a horrendous injury list (11 at the last count I think) and have had to bring in a few academy lads for the trip to hudds. We are SEVERELY depleted, we've had injury crises before but this is the worst I can ever remember it being. Hudds -4 is 1.53 with Laddies, a shoo-in IMO. I'm tempted to have a piece of the Hudds -20 at 4s with willhill.

  5. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    Yeah fairplay to him for his honesty Matt. Hate Enzo's post fight comments though blatanly making excuses rather than just admitting he was simply outclassed.
    I thought that. 'I made mistakes, didn't stick to the gameplan'. Errrrmmmm no... Haye made sure your gameplan didn't matter by bludgeoning you to the floor within 5 minutes. . I thought the commentators were a bit biased towards mac aswell
  6. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    There won't be many heavyweights taking shots like that either. Enzo was well and truly found out and outclassed. PaulM - you called it spot on. :okI expected a longer fight' date=' tactical for 4-5 rounds but Enzo couldn't take those shots. When the 1st one landed you knew he was in trouble. Maybe we will have a heavyweight champion again sooner than expected.[/quote'] Yeah, he landed a sickener that would have finished lesser fighters, but you knew it was over from then. Imagine what his powers going to be like at 15 and half stone. If he tightens that defence up there isn't a heavy in the world right now who could match him.
  7. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    I'm guessing you don't like Frank Warren, Paul? I don't really know what to think of him, seems to have been around in boxing for years, always promises the big fights but doesn't often deliver and as you say seems to over protect his fighters.
    It's not really that I don't like Frank Warren, he's an incredible businessman who knows the sport inside out. He always makes the fights he knows his fighters are capable of winning (which I have to say worries me a little about tonight). Although even if Enzo loses tonight he knows Haye is off to heavy weight and Enzo will have the WBO title again within two fights probably, so this fight is a shot to nothing for him. My problem is that he hypes his fighters up, getting them world champion status with a WBO or WBU belt then gets tham fighting journeymen and has beens to line his own wallet. Look at the difference between say Calzaghe and Haye. Calzaghe has been 'champ' for 10 years, took about 20 fights to unify the titles then is fighting Hopkins now he's right on the cusp of retirement. The time for Calzaghe/Hopkins was 7-8 years ago. If Haye wins tonight he'll hold 3 titles in 21 fights, despite losing once. Look at what he did with Hatton, only fought Tszyu after he hadn't had a fight for two years. Can't see how Hatton would have got the Mayweather fight with Warren.
  8. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    Both men have a big bang in their gloves but Haye's chin isn’t quite so rock solid."
    Who says? The blokes been stopped once, when his experience and fitness let him down. Enzo has also been stopped once. Why does this mean Haye has the dodgier chin? You could argue Enzo has never been hit like Haye will hit him. There's more to Haye than the bombs too. I'm going to really stick my neck on the line and predict an early night for Enzo. Haye by stoppage within 4. Probably going to look a tit after but I can't see any other outcome. Anyone expecting an upset is forgetting that Enzo is a Frank Warren fighter and has only ever fought people Warren knows he can beat. Except for now when the money is just too big to pass up. Warren's going to be dining out on this fight for years.
  9. Re: Why do all bookies agree?

    If a bookie advertises a price and it's in favour of the punter, shops will get inundated, and even though the price maker thinks it's a fair price, the book ends up too heavy on one side. So they go in line. It happens with horses every day of the week. For example, one of the firms will be 20-1 about a horse that is only 16-1 everywhere else. They will cut the price before they have even layed it.
    That's about it isn't it? In Rugby League some bookies (sportingbet I think mainly) put their handicaps up way before the others. If they're way out then the punters soon hammer them back in again and all the bookies that post later in the week fall roughly in line.That's for a fairly minority sport too, on a major betting sport like the horses I can't see daft prices lasting longer than a few minutes.
  10. Re: Tyson V Holyfield III

    On the news today Holyfield's requesting a third fight with Tyson, probably playing on the fact that he knows Tyson's potless and may go for it. I can see this fight actually happening as the heavyweight division is the worst it's ever been and I think this fight would sell well on pay per view.
    Load of old bollocks really.
  11. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    I have been delving into records (as you do) and David Haye has only Knocked Out 3 opponents, all the others were TKOs.
    Come on, EVERYONE knows you don't get as many proper KOs as you used to. Probably because refs like to step in a lot sooner than they used to. To get a KO now you're really looking at having to deliver a big punch and land it cleanly before you even have your opponent in real trouble (like the Witter/Harris one). It's splitting hairs really, to all intents and purposes TKO and KO mean the same thing, you've hit the lad hard enough and often enough for him not to be able to carry on. They might used to have been different in the days of 15 rounds and refs that would let anyone who could stand go on but that's not the case now. Haye wouldn't be the first fighter to be eventually undone by a shonky defence, but he's an exciting fighter to watch probably due in part to that. Who wants to watch defensive automatons and jab/grope heavies like we seem to have at the minute. Decent looking bloke aswell who will probably be a big draw in the US if he plays his cards right. Has to start next week though, although I believe Haye will win and win well there's no doubt that Enzo is a live opponent who could stop Haye if he's not careful. Wouldn't want to see that though as I really like Haye.
  12. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th Fair enough, he's no young Tyson. But who is? Facts is facts, 21 fights, 19 knockouts. He's not blowing them over. All told he's probably the best big lad in the world at the minute for my money. On the subject of REALLY knocking people out not just TKO, it's something you don't see much of these days isn't it? Never really fathomed why.

  13. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    No idea who these two are, but just watched the clip. I was sparring 'realtime' whilst watching, and I if I can get a punch in and out before that low hand moves, that's bad. As for the KO, I wasn't that impressed. A real hard puncher would have floored him with that first body shot. The other bloke never moved or dodged and walked right into every punch. The last one that knocked him down was the 9th consecutive punch against no defence. I say he's not a real puncher, but I've only seen this bit, and that's it.
    Not a real puncher:rollin He's as real as anyone right now. Mormeck is a 40 fight veteran, hard chin, seasoned pro and WAS ubdisputed world champion. I thought the finish in that fight was poor until I watched it again and realised the ref actually asks Mormeck if he wants to go on and he says no. That's a supposedly tough fighter's arse falling out. Haye's punches are hard. No doubt about it. I don't think Haye's fought nobodies either. Mormeck is most definitely not a nobody, neither is Fragomeni. Haye has beat the best in the division. What else can you do?
  14. Re: Boxing: Haye v Maccarinelli - March 8th

    I'm immensely looking forward to this fight which I think will be an all out slugfest forom the opening round. Both very explosive fighters with suspect chins but I think Enzo's is slightly better than Hayes and for that reason alone I think Enzo will win but could obviously go either way.
    I don't know how anyone can come to the conclusion that Enzo has a better chin than Haye. Who has Enzo fought? How many times has Haye been knocked out? I'm going to stick my neck on the line here and risk making myself look REALLY stupid. I say Enzo schmenzo, just another WBO/Frank Warren 'champion' who only ever fights patsies. Haye is undisputed cruiser champion of the world in 21 fights, holding the proper titles. Haye early doors for me, he would not have boiled down to cruiser again to get beat. He's going to put this one to bed so he can get on with his career, unlike the Hatton/Witter farce, which is making Hatton look a bit of a prat. Haven't decided exactly what I'm going to bet on yet but it will be something on Haye.
  15. Re: Rugby League: Super League XIII - Round 3 Good call kev. Quins not going as badly as I thought they would so far, although it's still really early days. I was going to say we've had a tough start to the season with Bradford, leeds and Quins away in the first 3 games but looking down the fixture list there's absolutely no easy games in SL anymore. It's going to be a long season, if we can break into the playoffs I'll be chuffed to bits.

  16. Re: Rugby League: Super League XIII - Round 3

    Leeds seem to be giving a lot to Catalan, and Wigan -6 looks decent, depending on Hulls team news, more later....
    I'm always weary of the big handicaps, regardless of the teams but Leeds are looking like a quality side this year and appear to be peaking for the World Club Challenge. Is this Leeds last game before that? I think it is. If so they are well worth opposing on that handicap as they may well be only giving some of the key players a run out rather than a full on game. I think for this reason alone catalans +24 are well worth a shout. I agree on Wigan, they look good this year whereas Hull are probably the most inconsistent of the big sides. Actually I think I'd take Wigan -6 all day long in this game. Hull KR V Warrington off scratch. Bit of a surprise as I expected Warrington to be giving a few points away. -4 maybe. Not as sure as the other two but it's well worth a look.
  17. Re: Boxing: Joe Calzaghe vs Bernard Hopkins - Saturday 19th April Got to say I'm finding it bloody hard to get excited about this fight. I just can't decide on Hopkins. His two recent wins have been fairly emphatic points decisions and we all know he's got one of the best defences going so he's not going to get battered a la Lacey. Problem is I just can't see him troubling Calzaghe coming forward, which will leave Calzaghe to just slip in and out all night and land scoring punches. No doubt he's not going to land as many as normal but unless Hopkins really ties him up (and Joe is as good at that as anyone too) I just can't see him winning. On the other hand this IS Bernard Hopkins. Hmmm.... Got to be Calzaghe on points hasn't it?

  18. Re: Ideas wanted for poker game on stag do Got some ideas for you: If someone wins with 72o they have to down a drink If someone busts a pocket pair they have to down a drink (the person busted also has to) Anyone who wins a pot has to down a drink Anyone who posts big or small blind has to down a drink You have to down your drink whenever you bet You have to down your drink whenever you fold you have to down your drink whenever you check Just some ideas to be going on with:ok

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