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Posts posted by PAULM03

  1. Re: PL Poker Night - Birmingham - Sat May 26th

    damn gonna be an expensive one now:sad
    Try the IBIS, ladywell walk. Usually have doubles for £40-50 on a weekend. Or have a word with Kevsul about getting a room at Birmingham Uni, they're usually pretty cheap. Can I be put down as a definite maybe please?
  2. Re: Sometimes it's not the winning that matters ... It's obvious live poker is fixed, all poker is fixed doncha know? I'll never forget the STT where Jeffers took down everybody (except me:nana) with a succession of mental hands, including the legendary 'all-in with 52o hitting the straight' and the 62o hitting quad 2s.

  3. Re: Credit Card rip off on Deposits

    Deposited money into Mansion last month

    Just received my statement and for my £50 deposit I have been charged a £2.50 Cash handling fee.

    I have also been charged the interest from this Day aswell. Only .58p.

    I was not aware of this and think this is wrong.

    I deposit a lot and withdraw through Credit cards.

    I am sure this is the first time this has happened but I will check my statements. The credit card company stated it was a cash withdraw of a lottery which is why I was charged.

    Anyone else had this?

    Common practice now with credit cards. They're treating all gambling deposits as cash advances.
  4. Re: The $

    so maybe you should deposit when the rate is about $2.10 and then withdraw when it falls to $1.80 and make some cash?
    :rollin:rollin If only forex trading were that easy. We'd all be millionaires by now.
  5. Re: The $

    Any prediction on what way its heading i.e. Will it continue to get worse or recover? If its expected to recover then now would be a perfect time to load up your poker accounts.
    Truth is no one's really sure. If the chinese decide to buy something useful with their $ and certain countries continue to increase the amount of oil they sell in euros it could be in real trouble. Then you have to judge that against the strength of the £. Inflation data yesterday suggests that interest rates will have to be increased again, and maybe once or twice more this year, which should mean the £ continues to strengthen against the $, unless it's already been priced in. Been following this for a while now, the economy both here and in the US is in unchartered territory. If you're interested google Peter Schiff and have read/listen to some of his interviews.
  6. Re: Rounders

    Most overrated film of all time' date=' better off getting the 1st series of Big Deal on DVD>[/quote'] Not a bad film at all rounders. More about growing up and realising your so called mates are ******s than poker.
  7. Re: $ slide

    Ah!? this Hal turner http://www.halturnershow.com/index.html Things appear to be happening rather rapidy.Do you really think this is all without foundation
    I don't think it's without foundation, there's certainly some noise coming from the fed over China in general: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/8ed90514-8c01-11db-9684-0000779e2340.html Whatever happens I think it will come to a head sooner rather than later. IMVHO we're buggered, especially if the Chinese do let the Yuan float freely as all those really cheap chinese goods we get will increase in price quite dramatically and then inflation will really be out of the bag. It seems to me like someones suddenly realised that flogging of all your productive capacity to foreigners (sorry, outsourcing) is a bad idea after-all. This whole thing was driven by greedy banks after a quick buck, trouble is if they get bitten on the arse by their greed it's us who'll bear the brunt of it:\
  8. Re: $ slide

    You need to read this,especially if you have large sums in $ accounts. http://rense.com/general74/report.htm
    Look at the source. The Hal Turner show:rollin:rollin When the Chinese to offload their dollars I don't think they'll let the markets know beforehand. Having said that, if I had any money I'd be buying gold right now.
  9. Re: how many possible combinations? Start with the pocket pair: 2 cards from 4 gives you 6 possible PP for each 'rank' 5 ranks 10-10 to A-A gives 6*5 = 30 possible pocket pairs Theres 52*51/2 = 1326 possible hole hands so probability of premium pocket pair is 30/1326 = 0.0226(2.26%) Assuming you have a pocket pair there are now only 50 cards in the deck For 2 High cards: First Assuming you have AA for the AK, AQ, AJ, A10 you have a 2/50 chance of getting your A then a 16/49 chance of your other card (2/50)*(16/49)=0.013 for the KQ it's 4/50*4/49 = 0.065 Second assuming you have KK-1010 Chance of A = 4/50 chance of other card = 14/49 probability = 0.023 for KQ it's 4/50*4/49 = 0.065 or 2/50*4/49 = 0.003 or 4/50*2/49 = 0.003 SO: Chances of you holding 10-10 to AA = 0.0226 chances of your opponent holding the hands you mentioned in this case = (I think the sum of all the probabilities mentioned above, although I think I might be wrong on that) = 0.094 Chances of both = 0.0226*0.094 = 0.0022 = about 0.2%

  10. Re: Sports Personality of the Year

    I agree mate. What a joke, its all English English English. Was there any mention of the Scotland football team throughout the program beating the WC runners up??? Joke as usual.
    You won one game, hardly cause for a special feature on the program. Unless Linekers link involved something along the lines of 'and now a piece for scotland, who stopped being rubbish and managed a win' Phillips winning it is a joke though. Are the votes verified by an independant ajudicator?
  11. Re: Williams v Harrison II I'm going to go out on a limb here: 0.5pts each on Harrison stoppage round 9, 10 and 11 (36, 34 and 34 respectively, betfair) Actually with that kind of stake it's hardly out on a limb, but I think parcel force can do the business against what is likely to be an even weaker than usual williams.

  12. Re: Williams v Harrison II

    Williams v Harrison III
    Is it, I'm sure it's only 2. I doubt even Audrey can contrive to lose this one. Williams came in at over 20 stone for his last fight, and that was with plenty of notice. The lord only knows what weight he'll be in at this week. If I was doing a spread I'd set it at 20-20.5 stone. Audrey by late stoppage or points.
  13. Re: Why can't I win at Poker Online ??

    100% agree. Perhaps I'm just lazy and complacent. I played 4 STT's after writing this post, on tribeca with 12 min blinds. single tabled and paid attention to every bet. cashed in all 4. I guess i need to concentrate more, and not surf the web, or watch TV etc same time
    That's my trouble, don't pay enough attention. I often work and play poker at the same time. I've knocked the poker on the head this last week, I'm going to come back to it when I've rediscovered some enthusiasm.
  14. Re: Why can't I win at Poker Online ??

    i've played on tribeca a long time, most of the tourny mistakes i make are from giving my opponents too much credit, rather than too little. maybe you are underplaying some hands against some opponents that you are actually ahead on? also, tribeca stt blind levels, are fast. real fast. try boss stt's. they are more appropriate possibly?
    I totally agree with that. Boss STTs have a blind structure more conducive to playing 'proper' poker i.e. you get more time to build a stack before it becomes a crapshoot. To that end I'd also avoid playing short handed games, which IMO are more akin to bingo than poker.
  15. Re: $ slide The dollar is screwed. Long term it's worthless - the fed has printed too much. Someone a bit more economically minded than me told me they thought it would end up like Weimar Germany. You'll need a barrowfull of cash to buy a loaf, although should you happen to leave your barrowfull of cash lying around, be careful someone doesn't steal the barrow. I don't know if it will be that bad but the next few years are certainly going to be interesting. Is this going to make me withdraw my poker $? Naaah I'm far too lazy and I haven't got enough fr it to really matter.

  16. Re: Boxing - Froch V Dodson

    Didn't even have time to get on in running. Was waiting for round 3 to end before placing a bet. Dodson couldn't handle the power, started off well 1st round but couldn't take the uppercut or the body shot. Good fight while it lasted, Froch should move on from here. If he doesn't sort his defence out though he'll never make it at world class.
    Froch doesn't fight enough for me. At his stage of career I'd expect him to fight at least 3 times a year, preferably 4. As it is he seems to fight once in a blue moon, and then against poor opponents. I don't think he'll ever really cut it at world level.
  17. Re: MTT bubble strategy

    Ok lets say I just call and flop is A J J he bets 5K - now what he checks - now what he bets 15K - now what
    Call's worst of all posibble moves. I don't know what I'd do in any of those scenarios as I just don't have a clue where I am, even more so with that flop which is just about as bad as it can get IMO. Still a fold for me.
  18. Re: MTT bubble strategy

    Playing devils advocate - is it just "fold or raise"? If you believe that a modest raise opens the door for your opponent to try and bluff you off the hand (reraise all in) and if that bluff would work (i.e. then you would fold), then is it not worth flat calling to make sure you can see the flop? "Shove" has to be the worst option and a complete non starter?
    I wouldn't re-raise in that situation unless I was prepared to shove if he re-re-raised me all-in, which with 10 10 against the chip leader with short stacks at the table I wouldn't. What are you after if you call? He's raised opening up the possibility that he has at least a J Q K or A or an over pair, so even seeing the flop if any of those cards lands or if you have an overpair it's still not really that certain where you are. So at that stage I would definitely, definitely fold.
  19. Re: MTT bubble strategy Fold for me at that stage. You've got nearly 30BB, you don't need to make a move, let others make the mistakes. The players with 4k stacks need to make a move very soon. Sit tight and keep playing your good hands, in good position and when you are in a position to dominate.

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