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Posts posted by DAC

  1. I thought it was too good to be true but I had a friend round this weekend and we decided to give it a go. I ended up with $100.00 free dollars that I was able to clear from my account instantly and he received $50.00 free, which he also deposited from his account instantly. Anyway heres what we did. 1. I referred my mate and got the poker site to send him an email. 2. My mate opens a real money account and depoits $100.00 3. He instantly received a $20.00 Bonus 4. He then received his referral bonus of $50.00. 5. He then withdraw $150.00 from his account (Profit $50) and was left with $25.00 playing money. He now, if he chooses to deposit every month, receives a $25.00 match on the 1st deposit. 6. I log into my account and find a referral bonus of $100.00 which I withdrew immediately. There are no catches and I was really impressed by how quick it was. If you want to receive $50.00 free today then give me a shout and if you refer someone you receive $100.00 Come on folks it's easy and there's free money waiting for all of us.

  2. Re: Where Can I play - with Real People? I've just moved house and I'm getting the t'internet installed at the weekend, hopefully I'll be able to come and join your're games. Tell me about the arseholes in the Casinos as I've only played on-line and the one home game I organised turned into farce when I had to keep explaining the rules OVER AND OVER AND OVER again.....

  3. Hi there, Does anyone know where I can get some live games? I'm just looking for casinos that hold buy-in tournys. I've looked and looked around my area (South Wales) and have no luck. I'm willing to travel so if anyone knows of anywhere then please let me know. Cheers. DAC

  4. I'm a fervant Lions supporter and I'm really looking forward to the tour and the tests, that said I can't believe that NZ are 1-2 to win the series, IMHO that is a massive price and I've been lumping on as much as I can afford (which isn't much!) Traditionally (apart from 1974) the Lions have been built around a successful English backbone with Celtic players adding a bit of brawn or a side step or two to the side. This year sees us with a shortage of top class forwards, good but old and getting a bit doddery centres and a brilliant, fantastic back line BUT.............they are just two small to take on the Mostly Blacks ie, defend against them. Like to know what everyone else thinks. And at the end of the day if my few hundred quid gets me a nice return then that'll be great if my bet loses and we beat the Mostly Blacks then I'll be over the moon.

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