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Posts posted by Yorkshire

  1. Re: Golf: Reno Tahoe Open

    My advice would be this: 1. Remember that before Rollins Hits a ball(being last out) other players will be up his arse, or may even have passed him before he gets a chance to do anything about it, therefore his price will have gone up so definitely do not take it now, wait until he starts to see how much better it is. 2. When a golfer hits such a low round, he generally doesn't follow it up. You often see someone go out and shoot-8 or -9 and then shoot even the next day. also the leader on day 3/4 often gets a little confused(and nervous) as to how they should play(safe of aggressive)and ends up scoring badly it so these 2 factors taken into account, I'd see how he performs over the first few holes, if he goes under par, get on before his price drops :) P.s, I don't think rollins is a guy to play safe or a bottler, I think he'll go out and fire at the pins and try and pull away. He's also 1 of the best and most experienced of the leading guys
    You think that R2 was a fluke and R1 more like him? Way I see it he is going to need another great day today as someone is going to shoot low somewhere. Not much behind him but 6/4 looks real short. Like you say by time he starts at 9.20 I doubt he is in the lead.
  2. Re: Cricket: Twenty20 Cup 2009 Am laying Lancs to win the 20/20 they are priced up due to their name and not their ability, not even a vintage lancs team. There are a lot better sides there at bigger odds, wouldnt surprise me if they lost v Somerset who have much more batting power than them, and even if they do get to finals day they will choke, they always choke and I will lay them on finals day too as they will be really short.

  3. Re: Cricket: Friends Provident Trophy 2009 Just shows you dont have to be a good player to be a good coach, I spent a few years in the 90`s down Southampton way so went to watch Hants and Giles White was an absolutely awful player. There was a clique down there then though, public schoolboy Giles White keeping his place I couldnt believe it, I remember when no-one had the balls to tell John Stephenson he was gone. Paul Terry darent tell him. I think I have a signed Hawks shirt somewhere with John Stephenson's autograph on (I was drunk) obver the Grolsch emblem LOL>

  4. Re: Cricket: Twenty20 Cup 2009 First post so will try and make it a winning one! Warwicks have been poor form so far in this but this is a must win game for them already. Their batting wasnt that bat against Zumerset just their bowling was poor, Worcs struggled to post 140 last time out and if they bat like that again they will lose. I can see Warwickshire posting a big score here and will be shocked if Worcs managed to chase it. Warwickshire 1unit at 5/6 (general)

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