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Posts posted by andybell666

  1. It's taken me a few days to compose my thoughts on this matter.

    I don't know Paul as well as a lot of you but over the years I have spent some time with him and found him to be the kindest of people.  I think I first met him in very odd circumstances where he managed to blag PL some seats at a mini poker tournament in the middle of Leicester Square with the world boxing champion - Evander Holyfield of all people - you couldn't really make it up if you tried!  Over the years I met Paul at many of the PL poker meet ups and got to know him much better - I guess as keen boozers we were destined to be drawn to the same fun pursuits!  I think i got on well with Paul as we both shared the view of having a good time and not taking poker too seriously in these events - it was all about the banter and shots!  This was to be a theme as I met up with Paul a few years later in Vegas where we spent some days enjoying all that Vegas could offer - beer pong, one armed ladies, 6ft long tequila slushies, $1k a hand blackjack and free flowing booze  - what was not to like!  This trip will always have very fond memories for me and i was very pleased to be able to spend some time with him at Birmingham recently at the PL meetup reminiscing about those times - him and Kayla i think were quite shocked that i had such a vivid memory and that i still had photograpghic evidence!

    Paul will be missed by all that knew him.  He was a top bloke.  He was the sort of guy that you don't see for a whole year but then you meet up and pick up as if you just saw him yesterday.  Paul was a guy that loved to help people.  He helped me on several occasions when there was nothing he was getting in return other than a thanks.  I don't know a great deal about his business affairs but i do know that what he created with PL poker group was unique and will serve as his legacy.  We have a lot to thank him for. 


    RIP Paul.


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