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Posts posted by DeepBlueDevilFish

  1. Re: EW Double System Hi Slapdash, Only just got round to thinking about your detailed reply to my concerns. Thanks for giving your thoughts. Like you say probably not too much to worry about especially if you're monitoring the win market as well. Any blatant manipulation of the place market that didn't involve trying to do the same on the win market would be pretty obvious and would probably raise the alarm bells enough for you to wait and monitor things further until the markets become more liquid. Hadn't actually considered the possibility of other SP tipsters doing this to you. :spank It's not as if you're playing for thousands of pounds so I doubt it's worth their while really. :lol

  2. Re: EW Double System Another busy day on this thread then Slapdash. I hinted in an earlier post how interested parties might adversely affect your selection criteria for this system and I must admit that I still have some concerns about this happening especially seeing the number of selections that are being thrown up recently. I'm probably just being paranoid but I'm not sure how you would protect yourself from bookmaker driven accounts on Betfair. From the boomakers point of view they see you getting good results on Sports Punter and no doubt a number of people following your selections as a result. They then learn that your main method of selecting these horses is from the place market on Betfair. Great they think all we have to do is chuck a few pounds at a few donkeys on the place market we choose on the races we think he'll be interested in and we'll see some action on these donkeys and make a bit more money on them and get much better books for those races. I hope I'm just being a doubting Thomas but I can't easily see how you'd be protected from this sort of retaliatory tactic on Betfair. What are your thoughts on this sort of problem ? Do you feel you've got enough safe-guards in place ?

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