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Posts posted by Blade

  1. Re: What Happens Next? I'm with GaF here. Your betting suggests to others that you have give up on the hand and any bet against me here and I would fold. Presumably you go onto to win the hand but this is more from the bad play from all in the pot and I would expect to lose from this situation more often than profit from it. Check and fold any bet for me.

  2. Re: What Happens Next? me - put in a bet for half the pot. any re-raise I fold as I'm beaten. any callers, I'll check the turn (assuming no queen arrives in which case I'll probably bet again or check-raise) and fold if I get bet against. Flop was favourable for anyone limping in with A-x and all those JT/T9 limpers now have straight draws + probably limpers with flush/backdoor flushes who wont give up either. you really ought to have bet pre-flop to get rid of the crap hands that are now probably worth soemthing. my 2 cents :)

  3. Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

    yeah GaF for god's sake make an effort man and start putting the table up more regularly!! :lol
    wonder if SO have some sort of API that you can call to get table info from (XML feed or something). Could automate the table then which would be cool ;)
  4. Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 5

    Speaking of wireless, here's something that will make you laugh... Yesterday, I got home about 7:30pm. Then had to write a quick letter. Finished it about 7:45, so decided to play a quick 6pak on Littlewoods before going to the gym. This is the £20 game which I won and posted on the bragging thread. Anyway, went to switch off the wireless router only to find it wasn't even on! I had been playing using someone elses wireless broadband connection. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Now, there is scope for a lot of money saving here. 2 or 3 people living close to each other, one subscribes to broadband, they all connect to it and share the cost. :nana :nana :nana :nana
    Bizarrely enough, it's someone elses wireless lan that is giving me grief. Dunno who's it is but everytime I pick it up it knocks mine off (his is encrypted like mine). Have swapped channels now so hopefully will get no more grief :hope
  5. Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 3

    and had A 10 again 2 hands later, called an all in. KQ. Flop inc. K :wall Turn - A :ok River - K :puke
    yeah, unlucky that mr V. I think the red wine might get the better of me tonight though! A lot more potent than I anticipated* :beer :beer :puke * you have no idea how many times I typed that just! :$
  6. Re: Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Tourney - Leg 1 heh, not too bad.. Survived an all-in call with A8 then get busted out with AK. Was pleased to get in the money and I thought that if I get there then I would try to double up at the first decent hand I got... unfortunately not to be this time :) Finished 18th for $6.77

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