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Posts posted by oriental_express

  1. Re: 1st system

    04/11/2007 WOL 1.10 Stars Of Angels 2.68 04/11/2007 WOL 3.20 Chief Editor 4.2 WON 04/11/2007 LING 2.35 Cativo Cavallino 2.92 next stake 3.50pts
    9/23 = 39.13% strike Today + 4.2 Profit/(loss) = -6.88pts Starting bank 128pts Bank 121.12pts
  2. Re: 1st system

    03/11/2007 1.05 NEWM Twice Over 1.83 WON 03/11/2007 8.20 KEM Young Mick 2.86 03/11/2007 9.20 KEM Vanadium 2.16 Next stake 3.64pts
    8/20 = 40% strike Today - 4.25 Profit/(loss) = -11.08pts Starting bank 128pts Bank 116.92pts
  3. Re: 1st system 01/11/2007 LING Capricorn Run 3.40 3 WON 01/11/2007 LING Prince Valentine 4.10 6.2 01/11/2007 WOL Wadnagin 7.50 4.3 01/11/2007 WOL Lobengula 8.50 2.98 WON 6/16 = 37.5% strike Today + 6.46 Profit/(loss) = -12.78pts Starting bank 128pts Bank 115.22pts

  4. Re: 1st system

    31/10/2007 1.30 LING All the Aces 2.44 WON 31/10/2007 1.20 NOT Doctor Fremantle 1.78 WON 31/10/2007 3.30 LING Osiris Way 3.15 31/10/2007 7.20 KEM Forbidden 5 Next stake 3.24pts *fingers crossed*
    4/12 = 33.33% strike Today + 0.71 Profit/(loss) = -19.24pts Starting bank 128pts Bank 108.75pts
  5. Re: 1st system

    30th OCT 2007 WOL 1.50 Heights Of Golan 6.6 12 WOL 2.20 Muktasb 3.85 2 WOL 3.20 Putra Laju 5.3 2 YAR 1.10 Satindra 4.7 3 YAR 4.10 Just Two Number 3.85 5 CAT 4.00 Spirit Of Coniston 3.7 1 Stake 3.89pt each
    2/8 = 33.33% strike Today -21.6 Profit/(loss) = -19.95pts Starting bank 128pts Bank 108.05pts and there it continues Next stake 3.24pts
  6. I dont know if its just me but it seems like you can build profitable systems so easily but just filtering out the negatives ROI. Is it easy as it sounds ? Ive been messing about with it and seen nice historic figures eg 30.5 % strike 12% roi and many other ones. It just seems too good to be true so for now I will be cautious unless anyone can enlighten me.

  7. Re: 1st system

    Good luck oriental express! Make sure you read the rules for the systems forum and give us an idea of how your system works :ok Any explanation as to your staking plan would be good as well, it looks like your going on % of the bank??? All the best !
    thanks mate System rules are abit strange as I filtered out any negative ROI variables eg one of the rules is LTO 9 days or less or between 15-40 days. System is based on favourites RP f/c 2.5 - 5.5 and a few other variable. Abit of a random rules system that has happened to show a profit based on massey custom report from year 00/07 Staking plan is 3% of the bank adjusted daily. Starting with £128. 29/10/2007 1.10 KEM Spirit Of Coniston BF 3.65 stake £3.84 WON 29/10/2007 3.30 LING Alpes Maritimes BF 3.85 stake £3.84 Winners 1 Losers 1 1/1 = 50% strike Today +1.65 Profit/(loss) = 1.65pts Starting bank 128pts Bank 129.65pts Could someone correct me if Ive written it wrong. Whats the best format to write in terms of pts ? . thanks
  8. Re: 1st system

    good luck :ok there are a few massey systems on here so it will be good to see how it compares.
    thanks mate. Are there any massey system that have been running for a long time thats proven profitable ? I cant seem to find a thread ?
  9. Thought I try out a new backing system for flat racing I devised using massey custom report. 27.7% strike rate 12.1% ROI 29/10/2007 1.10 KEM Spirit Of Coniston BF 3.65 stake £3.84 29/10/2007 3.30 LING Alpes Maritimes BF 3.85 stake £3.84 Winners 0 Losers 0 0/0 = 0% strike Today 0.00pts LSP profit/(loss) = 0.00pts Bank £128 3% stake :D

  10. Re: 10p to over £1million pounds

    I might just have a pop at this, Sounds interesting. I'll start my own thread as I dont wanna hi-jack any body else's Staffy you wanna go 2's up on this with me mate.
    feel free to stick it in this thread, would be abit of fun to see everyones attempts at the "impossible" :lol
  11. Re: 10p to over £1million pounds I like to think it this way, we only live once, why not make our lives abit more interesting ? with a bank of £1000 to use within our life time thats 27 years to try and get it right, its bound to happen sooner or later lol Werdnatrebor Id like to think its a once in a life time opportunity to do this, abit like sitting in the who wants to be a millionaire seat but for 27 years lol. With the liquidity issue, i can only think of big events like finals or something.

  12. Re: 10p to over £1million pounds

    would be a laugh but very unlikely - if it were that easy none of us would even bother with the tipping side of this site! the other side aswell is that last bet - you've turned 10p into 1/2 million - you gonna risk it?? interesting thought though!
    i know what you mean, human emotions with mess your head up lol but way im looking at is, you live once so have a bit of fun. What is £1000 compared to the amount you'll make in your life time lol never say never. Easier than the lottery perhaps :loon
  13. Using betfair if you was to bet a minimum bet of £2 and managed to win every bet for 19 bets at odds around evens, you would be a millionaire not taking into account commission. £2 Bet1 = £4 Bet2 = £8 Bet3 = £16 Bet4 = £32 Bet5 = £64 Bet6 = £128 Bet7 = £256 Bet8 = £512 Bet9 = £1024 Bet10 = £2048 Bet11 = £4096 Bet12 = £8192 Bet13 = £16384 Bet14 = £32768 Bet15 = £65536 Bet16 = £131072 Bet17 = £262144 Bet18 = £524288 Bet19 = £1048576 aint that amazing lol think about it 19 winning bets in row and your a millionaire. 19 bets dont seem alot but i can imagine it'll be fooking hard ! lol with 10p it would 24 bets. So imagine you take one months wage £1000 and try and do this within your life time. So you get £1000 / 0.1 = 10000 bets 10000 bets = 27 years + to do this lol in the unlikely event every single 1st bet lost Anyone dare to try ? lol __________________

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