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Posts posted by osfp

  1. Re: Scotty's New Bank Builder Hi again Scotty, Thanx for sharing your views on this, i can see you are following a very sound strategy. It is always useful to hear what other people are doing so thanx again for the info. A website which you may find useful is soccerstats, in case you are not aware of it. I believe the important thing is to understand that in order to have a good chance of achieving some success with this system you need to do your homework and furthermore try to be disciplined in your strategy and not be carried away by laying too many games or by going for the high returns. High returns are great but you will probably get burnt pretty fast which contradicts the whole idea of this system. What i love about this is that you start with a small bank and you have a good chance of increasing it by a lot, whereas if you fail you just lose your small original balance, if you bank nothing along the way that is. I can see that your average returns per game are around 0.5% and you also bank half of the winnings which is very slow of course in building up your bank but gives you a really good chance of going a long way and also protects you from losing everything in case something goes wrong! I guess i am not that patient myself since i am going for higher returns :loon again there is no right or wrong i think, if you are confident you can go all the way and achieve your target by laying a smaller number of games but at slightly higher returns then fair enough. I think you also used to go for higher returns with your older systems, if i am not mistaken. I guess it is all about finding something that works for you and sticking to it. I can see you are from Glasgow, you seem to be a good lad, i hope you are a Celtic supporter! :lol Thanx again :cheers

  2. Re: Scotty's New Bank Builder Hi there Scotty :loon I have been watching your threads with great interest for some time now, I am actually using a similar system myself! :) In an effort to improve what i am currently using i would like your opinion on something. At the end of the day it is all about risk and return but i think the heart of this strategy is to find bets which you really believe cannot loose! I mean it is nice to lay bets which will give you a 5%+ return each but the possibility of encountering a loss is greatly increased. So if you want to go a long way i think you must not be greedy and go for safe selections. There is also the temptation to lay as many bets as possible within a given period of time so as to accumulate profits fast, but this again can be a risky strategy as you may end up making poor selections. So it is about these selections that i want to ask you. I know you have been laying all sorts of bets (different football leagues, different types of bets etc), but what is it that makes you choose a specific bet? I mean what are the 'rules' you have set down in choosing to lay a bet? I think it is not enough to lay a 3-3 correct score bet just because this score rarely appears in general. You need to study a number of bets very well and have the right information before you make a decision about which specific bet to choose and lay. Personally i always try to choose football leagues that i have a good knowledge of and i try to choose games where i know both teams very well so that i know what to expect. I also avoid games with a high degree of uncertainty. For example, it would not be a big surprise to me if Wolves were to loose at home 0-3 let's say to West Brom. So i avoid this kind of games. I know there is no right or wrong way to do it, i guess each person will make his/her own selections according to his/her own perceptions. I would just like to hear your opinion on this. Thanks! :cheers

  3. Re: 1% 'Steady Drip' Hi there Hodgey, It has been a long time since i last checked on your system but i can see you are still going! Haven't you lost a bet yet? I apply a similar system but my laying odds average around 20, that is approximately 5% return per bet. This ofcourse helps to increase the bank more fast but it has more risk than your system. The thing is that i try to make only selections that i am sure about. As a result i make very few selections every month and my system is progressing very slow right now. I can see that you bet more often than i do. This is a problem for me as i know that to increase my bank within a reasonable amount of time i need to start making more bets. Any views on this? The good thign about this system is that you can start with a low bank and if you are careful, patient and lucky (!) you can increase it by a lot and even if you lose you just lose that small bank. Congratulations for your system and i am waiting to hear from you! :) James

  4. Re: 1% 'Steady Drip' Hi there hodgey! :)Interesting system! :clapThe beauty about it is that you start with a low capital so you don't have much to loose and you may even end up with a lot! :nanaI am apllying this system but i usually take odds a bit above 1% to speed the period it will take me to become rich! :rollin Good luck!:ok

  5. Re: Christo's £10 footy bets Don't get discouraged so easily Christo :) Your strategy worked fine for so long and as soon as some negative results come in everybody is saying that there is something wrong with the strategy. You are bound to get these negative results, the same way that you got positive ones at the start. So if you get a few positive results now that means that your strategy is a winner and there is no problem with it?! :loon What does matter is the overall result, and that requires a lot of testing to determine it. I have been following your thread for some time now and i did give you my own opinion a few times before also. I think that in an effort to increase your volume of bets so as to increase your revenue (greed!) :D you sacrifice quality for quantity. It is not the same when you bet on a reliable team like Chelsea, for example, and when you bet on an England Division 2 team or a team from Norway, even if their price is the same. That is my opinion and i think that if you are more patient and more selective you will do much better. Anyway, it is up to you, all i can do is wish you best of luck! :ok

  6. Re: Christo's £10 footy bets I think that in an effort to increase the volume of your bets you include teams that are not very good bets. There are good opportunities and maybe you should try and stick to those. It is not the same betting on Chelsea for example and betting on Stoke. Chelsea is always more consistent and a better bet. Maybe i am wrong, think about it. :ok

  7. Re: Danny Cash 'One Goal Will Do' System (95.7% sr) Hi again Danny :) the only reason i asked for details of how you make your selections is that in the forum rules it says: "You must give a description of the bet selection process as well as the staking plan used sufficient for anyone else to get a clear idea of what's involved." so i thought that all the systems that are posted on this forum meet these conditions. :\ Not wanting to read all the pages of this thread and thinking that you had already somewhere described how you make your selections, i thought to ask you to explain. If i had also worked very hard for something that i felt worked pretty good then i would also not share it with everyone i guess. So no offence taken, i understand you fully. Good luck! :ok

  8. Re: Soccer Hot Favourites System ( at -2.66% ) Is there any system out there that does not experience loosing runs?! Because if there is i want to buy it! :loon Well in this case we are experiencing a big loosing run here with this system. Remember that this system is not based on prediction, but on choosing games that are overpriced so as to obtain a margin in the long term. Now, this can only be achieved by betting a small % of the bank each time so that, until you reach that long term, you will not have your bank wiped out by a loosing run. That is why the system suggests using only about 5% of your bank each time! Therefore by surviving through the bad days you will come out a winner at the end in the long term. :) Well maybe Datapunter used his own experience to acually accept a higher risk by betting 10% of the bank each time so the result of this bad run was worse! Continue with this very interesting thread Datapunter, i trust this system very much personally! :ok

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