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Posts posted by wurzel133

  1. Re: First live game watch out for the hustler type seen more women doing this making out they havent a clue 1 woman even had blokes shuffling for she bet out of turn apologising about all she was doinf wrong a real pleasure to watch she came 2nd . there are real muppets playing same as online dont worry u r probably better than most of them sit quietly watch and listen dont let yourself be intimdated if its a rebuy set your limit you can get carried away but like they all say enjoy yourself the worst you can do is lose

  2. Re: Challenge 4: What shall I do? voice of joe has hit it on the head get out of your comfort zone play games you dont necesarily excel at most people on here can make a profit at holdem try and do it at something that would make you think o and no poker tracker or office or any other aids bet you couldnt manage that:ok

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