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Posts posted by wurzel133

  1. Re: WSOP - If You Had a Choice? if you have won a package then unless you are living hand to mouth with the baliffs at the door go its a brilliant oportunity to do what most of us dream about (not playing the m e a holiday in vegas without the wife) . with some skill and a big slice of luck you could come back with a lot more than the cash option even bottom cash is double buyin so thats a tidy sum (hate this ive just agreed with wasp:loon am i a grumpy old man now to?)

  2. Re: **Poker Friday 6th June** uber i feel this is a serious point as a man who likes a drink on a friday can we change the order as i hate straight omaha but struggle to stay awake for the 10 oclock game could we please swap them around

  3. Re: **Poker Friday 6th June** apologies if I missed it before but basically hilo is a chasing game and if you fail to scoop unless you have a deep stack you risk being short very early with pot limit. So it becomes more of a gambling game that suits the medway muppets but limit is a more skilful, refined game thats suits the more discerning amongst us i accept that against the medway muppets this may be true but sureley pl stops the odds of the muppet calls? being a muppet meslef should i like limit then?

  4. Re: Pokerstars 100K gtd....short stack folds morlspin folding the q q was hejjuva fold i couldnt do it myself but that is why you win liads more than i ever will. just because it looks bad in hindsight doesnt matter iy was a huge fold and hats off to you

  5. Re: honouring a promise as the others have said you have kept your word as long as the winners know that, you shouldnt feel his lack of integrity is your responsibility but he does sound like a turd

  6. Re: How do you get profitable at poker? 1) Play at a level where you are playing against worse/less disciplined opponents than yourself - if you're losing money, you're almost certainly playing at too high a level. or to low a level where the real fish are

  7. Re: Collusion?

    I think these sites need to deal with the sit-outs in some way rather than let them just sit there until they are out. They should post as normal for maybe 2 levels but then be either forced to post a blind every hand or just removed. This is especially needed in freerolls. I've sat in tourneys on tables of sitouts for an hour just hitting the raise button. It's dull and I'd rather play poker than be sharing blinds or just stealing them. Of course sharing the blinds is collusion but if the sites aren't worried about sit-outs filling their tourneys then they have to expect it to happen.
    betfair used to do this when it 1st sarted you would be in a freeroll then after so long it would just pause and take the sitouts out (and in the scale of collusion i personally think its about 1/2 out of 10 )
  8. Re: Thursday nights focus games wasp can you please tell us why limit is the far more skillfull game i would of thought that it made calling the better thing to do as you are normally getting good odds to call?

  9. Re: Super Flops dont know if this counts but playing live last night i was the big blind with blinds 150/300 with a serial blind stealer on the button. he raises to 900 ive got ace 8 suited not much but he is a stealer so i raise allin he calls shows ace queen and sits with the biggest grin ever . flop comes 8 8 ace and the grin leaves his face very quickly . trouble is it was someone i work with and there have been fishing comments all day . but i still went on to win £120 1st place happy days

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