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Posts posted by wurzel133

  1. Re: Futile?

    A lot of it is the age or experience gap. Younger players seem convinced there is a right and a wrong way to play poker. If there was we could all get the computer program on ebay and go down the pub. this is not just a poker point its a life point as my grandad used to say you think you know it all but you actually know nothing . i dont mean that literaly but as you get older you become more open to other ideas and there is the possability that you might actually be wrong but i do know that alot of people on here young and old are starting to take there selves a little to seiously back to the point i hope the wasp is wrong and there is a place for strategy i just wish that people would accept its not black and white there are shades of grey aswell thats my rambling over
  2. Re: One For Omaha Players i would fold i might think i was still ahead but wouldnt be confident at this stage hoping a better position would come along if he had come back preflop i would have been happy to go allin but it wouldnt feel right to call here.

  3. Re: Question on dealing to late to be posting but ive played in games that have done that and games that have ignored the blinds and the next person who is due a deal deals. rwally it is up to the people involved i dont think there is a correct way . but at the gala in bournemouth you did it the same as they do it the same as you:ok

  4. Re: River Play nade if you have a bee in your bonnet about the mole that is fine but get over it the only 1 looking daft here is you up to this point i have read some very sensible threads and replies from you. but in this thread both of you are over reacting i dont know the mole personally but he has never said he is better than anyone anywhere in his threads he is a poker player i dream of being like ( but will never be because i am not good enough and dont care enough and dont have his brass bolox). i dont know you either but you sound like someone who at the moment is taking his selve way to seriously this foromn normally is a lot of fun but threads likr this are daft there is no definite right or wrong only oponions and winners ,please just do what students do have a smoke and mellow out .right duke ive called a cab whers botchergate and no whiskys ta who wants to join the g g not me end of rant time for bed gl all

  5. Re: River Play o dear this is getting a little bitter cant we just have a pint and calm down. its a difference of opinion i think nade and dog need to look at it as such critiscm is not a bad thing i think everything mole has said has been constructive and the god comment was well out of order but ignore me cos when i m sober tommorrow i will delet this

  6. does anyone speak german as i was told by a player on stars last night that if you register on this forum and display the intelli logo on stars you get 4 free fpps a day if you play or not. now or though this isnt much its 1460 points a year which equals 2 or 3 t shirts or a book. i have looked but im afraid its all foreign to me any help please cheers wurzel

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